Help needed with MNC PC Ladder and Tournaments

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Clans, Team, and Tournament' started by iamKira, February 12, 2011.


What would you like?

Poll closed February 19, 2011.
  1. Ladder 5v5

    2 vote(s)
  2. Ladder 6v6

    10 vote(s)
  3. Tournament 5v5

    2 vote(s)
  4. Tournament 6v6

    11 vote(s)
  5. League 5v5

    2 vote(s)
  6. League 6v6

    17 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. iamKira

    iamKira New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hi there,
    New to the community but very active in gaming.

    Here is what i am trying to set up:
    1. a MNC Ladder (or maybe two)
    2. Weekly tournaments

    I have everything needed to create and manage those smoothly. Link will follow later.
    a) I am trying to get the ladder(s) up and running from tomorrow. Team will be able to register straight away etc.. (more about that to follow)
    b) First weekly Tournament set for next week on Saturday. We may rorate between saturday and Sunday week on week so that those who can't attend on of the day will have a chance to get in the following week tourney.
    Of course if people are interested we can have more than one tourney.

    Note: team performance on the ladder increases their rating. Tournaments are seeded and use that rating to place teams on the brackets. So be active on the ladder to secure a nice see for tournaments

    Oh last thing. I have both PC and Xbox360 so i will be supporting both platform. No jealousy! :)

    hope to hear from you guys ASAP. I'd like to move quickly on this and get started, tomorrow! :)

    ps: I will be posting the same on the xbox side
  2. iamKira

    iamKira New Member

    Likes Received:
    One comment about Leagues.
    We can handle mutliple types of matches in a single playday.
    e.g. we could have a league with the following match format:
    3 * 6v6
    2 * 5v5

    several match combinations are possible.
  3. Bakey

    Bakey New Member

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    IMO league play >> ladder play. I'd much rather know who my opponent is a few days before hand and have a set day to play matches than have to do the challenge/respond/schedule/can anyone make it/other team doesn't answer silliness that ladders always turn into.

    Give us a 5v5 or 6v6 league (maybe both) with set nights to play and designated opponents 3-4 days ahead. This is what STA did with their 6v6, 8v8, and Highlander TF2 leagues and it was fantastic.
  4. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    I'd recommend you set up for 6v6 (ladder, league, or tournament) only. Very few teams are willing to play in 5v5 format from what I've seen.
  5. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

    Likes Received:
    This statement is correct.
  6. iamKira

    iamKira New Member

    Likes Received:
    Okay for 6v6.
    For the league we probably need a bit more time for the teams to organise themselves and people to get use to the league/ladder/tournament platform.
    Maybe the League could start like 1 of Marchand in the meantime we have few tournies / ladder games.

    Here are the banners I have prepared:



    Once I have set up the event i will post the link and give a bit more background on the platform that will host the competitions.

    Still looking for people willing to help ;)
  7. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

    Likes Received:
    Very nice mate :),if ya need some help ,nRG clan is there.
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Hi iamKira! Glad to see you have taken an interest in MNC!

    I love the site you set up for competitive gaming and I'm looking forward to regular tourneys!

    In case you guys don't know iamKira: He is a competitive player and has a lot of experience. Fans of Supreme Commander will probably remember SupCom-Live and you played Demigod too IIRC.

    Good luck Kira!

    Also, go Oscar! :D
  9. Waddle Waddle

    Waddle Waddle New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nice to see the comp community is gonna thrive for this game.

    Also, Jessep, because of you, EVERY single time I stick someone, I think of your adorable kitty cat avatar and yell 321 HEADCRAB before I detonate.

    It's your fault damn it!
  10. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    I'm glad you're taking the initiative to do something like this, but I have to admit it seems slightly unreliable. You've got a massive infrastructure in place, but at the same time you don't actually appear to have any players for any of the other games (although admittedly I only really looked at some of the PC games).

    Is the website just really new? Have you had experience with this sort of setup in the past? I did read what Jessep wrote, but some extra credentials and such would be great.

    I'm personally a little paranoid about it, but the concept sounds very nice.
  11. iamKira

    iamKira New Member

    Likes Received:
    Heya, yes we basically just opened the website. That is why you are not seing much content yet.
    Be assured that it's very reliable though, it took some 18+ months to bring everything together.
    I have had some 10+ years of doing that.

    You are feeling like it's too good to be true.
    Well, it's good and it's true! :)

    I need you guys to start sign up for next weeek tourney and the ladder. Please see my other post.
  12. iamKira

    iamKira New Member

    Likes Received:
    Btw, there is also lots of interest on a league. Much more than i expected.
    I will set this up.

    Also anyone, yes anyone who wants a walk through the sites just let me know. I am more than happy to do that and let you see by yourself how reliable the platform is.
  13. iamKira

    iamKira New Member

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    Hi, I'd like to apologize to anyone feeling that i have been pressing forward a bit too much while not consulting enough with the teams and the community at large.

    i think that i want to put an example of what is doable and make it easier for people to give backand criticize.

    I have received some constructive crittism as well as some positive feedbacks.

    I'd very much appreciate more hints about the kind of set up you guys want (the poll so far suggest League) and any other feedbacks/ideas and recommandations.

    Just to clarify to anyone who went to the site: there are some premium package which you dont need to buy. You still have access to everything.
    i hope you also noticed that there were no ads...

    I look forward to etting something up in collaboration with anyone willing to build something.

  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    Sorry... :lol:

    The website is new, Kira has worked like he was possessed to get it ready as soon as possible. I'm not a competitive player, but I have heard Kira's name back in the day when SupCom was released (2007) and was THE place for all competitive SupCom players. Guess who set that up and managed it? :D Kira has plenty of experience organizing competitive matches.

    I would suggest everybody who's interested in competitive MNC makes an account and takes a look. It's free and there are no strings attached. If you like what you see, ask your clanmates to join as well.

    In my opinion Kira did an awesome job and looks like the best thing that can happen to the competitive MNC community!
  15. Wobbley

    Wobbley New Member

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    I am under impression that there are a lot of ladders/leagues being started and really big projects when there has not really been any competitive MNC play to create a foundation. I have talked to and played with some good players and amazing teams. So far it has been plagued with a lot of dispute about what the rules should be and how it should be organized. The addition of disputes on top of bad server control has put a dent in people wanting to go on ahead and start something bigger.

    I am not a long timer and have only been lurking the forums for a bit over two weeks. Personally what I think the game needs right now is not a big league but rather some weekend cups, or short duration cups. Where people can get a feel for the competitive aspect of the game and see what works, and what does not.

    The Steam SCRIM group was a great idea, but it should not be public and limited to invites. I have not seen the creator around in a while and it feels like it's just floating there and not being used. Hopefully this is completely wrong.
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    You mean in the last 4 hours? Kira was playing MNC.

    So when is a good time to start? Next week, in a month? Why not right now? Some clans already started scrimming and I think it's better to start early than to wait for more clans to form. If there is a competitive community more clans will form, if not it will take longer. The best way is to start early and keep going.
  17. TheBigOne

    TheBigOne New Member

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    Jessep, I think he talked about the creator of the Steam Group ;)
  18. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    He was. I have to say that the scrim group was created and handled in possibly the worst fashion possible. Early on the guy had a chance to change things up, but he didn't, and that's why it's relatively useless (too difficult to find other clan leaders and etc.).
  19. Wobbley

    Wobbley New Member

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    Something tells me you just skimmed my post, or did not bother understanding it.

    I never once wrote that I did not want anything to be arranged at this time, in fact it's quite the opposite. I merely said that starting something smaller before a league to see how that works out (like the tournament IamKira has made). Then hopefully out of that experience see what rules were found most enjoyable. It is impossible to please everyone, but rather try to go for the majority.

    This was written in the same paragraph as the steam SCRIM post. Why would I in any way be referring to Kira then? I was referring to Cryme, which was on last 3 days, ago but I have not seen any further involvement from him.

    This is absolutely true, but there has already been 2 attempts that I know of to start something, as for as I know neither have had a great signup. It's great to keep going, but learning from what did not work is also important. Repeating the same action and hoping for a different result is going to hit your credibility in the long run.

    I am in no way saying what IamKira is doing is a bad idea. In fact looking at his experience, web design and architecture it is clear that he is suitable for this task. I am merely replying to thread stating my opinions on the matter.
  20. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I would NEVER just skim a post - unless I'm simultaneously chatting with 3 people, reading the forum and playing Minecraft. Erm, sorry... :D

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