Remember a long time ago when everyone wouldn't shut up about how they were pissed that the unit cannon wasn't in? I knew this thing would be a factory- sending units and then somehow having jets on them wouldn't work. that's why I said, "make it a factory." u wot m8 get rekt
Aside from its range and the number of units it holds, its the exact same implementation as the Noah cannon in SupCom 2.
Is it a factory? nothing's sold yet. from what I understood it won't be
So apparently lots of people are pissed about the unit cannon being a factory I guess they are looking over the fact that just like mass producing factories they can mass produce unit cannons too? get a couple t2 fabs to guard (TA OUTDATED LINGO DETECTED, TRANSLATING) assist the factories- if uber has any sense that will be more than enough to make one batch of units. More questions need to rise. Will they be made in batches, or one-at-a-time and can be shot off individually?
They build a couple pods, one unit per pod. I can't remember the max but once it's filled you just say attack here and they fire one pod every 0.3 seconds.
Yeah, at the minute it's 12. They shoot off at the same time, well kinda. Once your eco is up and running, it's pretty easy to build a couple, then control group them, and target. People should try it on the PTE, and remember it's early days, and Uber seems to be listening to feedback, so try and be constructive. For breaking planet turtles, it's going to be just another tool in the shed. Alone, I don't think they'll work, you'll still need to send in the fleet, and build teleports. But it will sure make invasions a lot more massive.
And by the way Colin, he ain't got crystal balls.... it's just the way he walks... (sorry, couldn't resist)