Junkyard: A desert biome type, with lots of little reclaimable junk. Dump: A moon planet with less large reclaimable junk. Best played with few or no metal spots; goes well with other reclaim oriented mods. - https://github.com/JustinLove/junkyard_biome Client - http://wondible.com/pa/junkyard_biome_v1.1.0.zip - PAMM Server - http://wondible.com/pa/junkyard_biome.server_v1.1.0.zip - PAMM Playing Custom Biomes A client mod is needed for the system editor, server mod to actually play on it. When setting up human lobbies, I strongly recommend using a stock biome system until all players have joined and downloaded mods, and then changing the system. Related mods - Minimal Mex - No Metal Commander - Wreckage Changes ## 1.1.0 - Add companions to server mod to see if it will fix lobby joining issues - Seems to have caught some biome tweaks from Titans as well. (WIP Thread)
My server crashes when I try to play on a map with this mod added on. I've tried everything but something just doesn't seem to work. After a few seconds of generating it just goes to 0 cpu and stops. I'm running on ubuntu linux 64 bit with intel processor and 16 gb of ram.
Which biome? What other mods are you running? Local server or Ubernet? How are you creating the game? An export of your system might help as well.
It was a AI game. Server ran on my computer. This is a screeny of my mods https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sEW34PBHWUSDh6YUxZMEM1b0U/view?usp=sharing Here is my computer information. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sEW34PBHWUclp0TkFuWnFWeXM/view?usp=sharing
It looks like the installed mod list doesn't show server mods, which I'm far more concerned about. Which ones are you running? Oops, I meant the solar system you were trying to play ;^)
I astrict'd out all the important information. I'm playing in a system of 1 large ice, and cybertron. 1 medium earth and small asteroid. and your was the last one I added, which caused the system to no longer work, no matter how much of mass nor seed I use. The only server mods are yours and commander regenerate.
Actually I just noticed you also had a mod called devestated metal. When I installed the mod junkyard it looks like it would make a devestated metal planet and not a desert junkyard. I thought thats what the mod was till I saw this one. Now whenever I make go to system editor, there is only the option for the devestated metal planet.
Are you sure both client mods are enabled for the system editor? And of course the server-couldn't-start perfectly matches not having the server mod loaded when selecting the system. I matched my client mods to yours and was able to start an AI skirmish fine. I renamed my mod directories and looked at available mods. It looks like I got the icons matched up right.
Just to be on the safe side, I turned off the devestated planet mod. And I still can only make devastated metal planets. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sEW34PBHWUT0tBQzlkV05neGM/view?usp=sharing
This time you showed me server mods (thanks), but you are referencing a client feature (system editor) Server mods have no power here, they only exist from some time after the lobby loads through the game play itself. I probably need to work on making this distinction really obvious in the mod descriptions.
I've written up an expanded description on using custom biome types I've also made a tool that will hopefully cut down some of the back and forth if you are still having trouble. Add the mod, hit ctrl+shift+alt+d on the lobby screen, and send the file it asks you to save. Please confirm which of the problems you've described (editor availability and games not starting) you have with this configuration. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-pa-diag.66208/
*Scratches head* okay so I need two mods. Done... I think.. I'm just gonna pretend like I understand haha. Trying to launch game now with both mods installed. Thank you for the help.
You've helped me so far, so I'm going to bother you again. For some reason no one is able to join my games. Do you know of a known bug for it? and/or how to fix it?
Don't change the planet until the mod has loaded, and don't make the game public until the planet has loaded.
Clarify 'join'. Is no one coming in? (people just don't want to play mod games?) Are people stuck on loading and them disappearing? (use a vanilla system until all players are in)
Devastated Metal Biome 1.1.0 - Add companions to server mod to see if it will fix lobby joining issues - Seems to have caught some biome tweaks from Titans as well.