A few questions to ask before playing.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Drainadin, February 12, 2011.

  1. Drainadin

    Drainadin New Member

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    This game looks interesting, I just have a few questions before some friends and I get into it.

    Firstly, is the replay value of this game good? Can we play this for a long time without easily getting bored or fed up?

    Secondly, can a rather weak computer support it, or are the settings a bit demanding?

    Lastly, are there quite a few people who play or do games take a while to fill up?

    Thank you for answering either of these questions or any additional feedback, it is greatly appreciated.
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I've got 120 hours logged so far - no sign of me getting bored yet. Can't say for how well the game runs on poor computers, only tried it on one so I can't compare.

    Depending on the time of day I have a hard time finding servers that aren't full. At least games are generally fun when you have few players.
  3. Drainadin

    Drainadin New Member

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    Thanks for the reply :), do you know exactly how much wait time on average it would take you to get a good game going like less then 2 minutes, 5-10 mins or 10+ mins?

    ALSO, is the game very buggy atm?
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Game as a whole is pretty good.

    There's an issue with ATI cards at the moment (some cards only run with older drivers. my HD4850 works though, so I'm cheering), and the chat window gets messed up fairly often. Other than that the game has been running smoothly for the bulk of people.

    Since there's no matchmaking, and there's a bucket load of dedicated servers, the wait time for a game is how quickly your computer can load the game. Mind you, the hours after each patch you'll have a hard time finding games (because the servers are slow to update).
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    For most people, it's not buggy at all.

    As far as whether you'll get easily bored, hopefully not. As far as shooters go, it's very interesting. With 6 classes and good customization options, there's a lot of variety to be had. I've been playing since it came out on 360 last summer, and time still just flies by while I'm playing.

    About getting "fed up" with it.. there does seem to be a high frustration factor for some new players. All of the classes in the game have the potential to be very powerful, so when you aren't familiar with what's going on, you might have a lot of "oh, I'm suddenly dead" moments.
  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I have played 180 hours so far and the more I play the more I want to play. We get new goodies all the time and Uber is supporting this game like crazy. Finding a server to play is no problem and you don't have to wait long. If Europe is asleep you can play on a US server and the other way around.

    In my opinion MNC is the most fun you can get for $15.
  7. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    Agree with the statements posted before this one.

    I have over 145 hours of game time so far and i feel like i'm starting to touch the surface. Every day i learn something new, so i can see myself playing this for a while.

    On#2; The game uses the Unreal engine, so it's very scalable. I guess it would be easier and more accurate to really tell you if you posted you specs, but the Unreal engine is known for it's playable performance in semi-low end rigs.
  8. Esham

    Esham New Member

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    its easy to find a server to play on. I commonly play at weird times (9am PST sometimes) and i rarely can't find a good server with atleast 6+ people. Most of the times i find a server with 1-3 slots open. If i join a lower populated server it will fill up pretty fast.

    With 3+ people you can easily find servers.
  9. Sohldad

    Sohldad New Member

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    I generally don't have any issues finding servers to play on (US Midwest). After a patch is a different story, but I just play a round or two of Blitz.

    I have logged in over 100 hours into this game. For me, it has a very high replay value. I don't see myself getting bored with it anytime soon.
  10. acanadianguy

    acanadianguy New Member

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    Bacon. Check.

    Churros. Check.

    Pitgirls. Check.

    Fans in costumes dancing and giving out money plus juice. Check.

    I think this game will do ANYONE just fine! :cool:

    (in all seriousiness, replay value is high [being a multiplayer game] there is a config file to set the game's settings lower, and games usually fill up when playing Crossfire.)

    http://www.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7100 Link to settings!
  11. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    This needs to be updated. The method wont work for me at least thanks to some improvements by Uber that, while it will lead to some improvements by the next patch, make unusable for now.
  12. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    I think the update thread has the file where you put the new code in.

    Is this it?

  13. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I'm supposing that this time around you take the given reconfigured file and use it to replace "hostilegraphicsettings.ini". right?

    Sorry to derail the topic.
    Last edited: February 13, 2011
  14. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    I think so, if that is what the new place for graphics settings is.
  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    This is odd.

    I dont seem to have a HostileGraphicsSettings.ini

    I tried verifying and turning on the game.

  16. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    it should be in My Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\HostileGame\Config

    not in the game's install folder
  17. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    There we go!

    I should be able to play MNC multiplayer until my job nets me enough cash to buy that custom box.

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