PTE build 75134-main (please post feedback and bugs here)

Discussion in 'Support!' started by jables, November 17, 2014.

  1. jorgenpt

    jorgenpt Uber Programmer Uber Alumni

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    Before it shows up in the dropdown you have to go to dropdown menu that shows up when you click your username in the top right, click Build Options..., and check the box for PTE.

    As for Steam, right click the game > Properties > Betas and select the 'pte' beta in the dropdown. Every PTE build *should* be on Steam, and I've recently made changes to our publishing pipeline to make sure that's the case.

    Thank you a lot for this feedback. It just was stuck at the 0 countdown, and you had Accept / Decline? Never went anywhere? What happened when you clicked Decline? What happened the next time you hit "Matchmaking"?

    I'm currently working on improving the customer flow when first setting up a game, but it would only make these problems less noticeable, not fix them. Hopefully I'll be able to track down the problem.
    Remy561 and wondible like this.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I did not take any notes of the situation and my memory is a bit foggy :(
    From my memory I think I can remember that clicking Accept did push down the button visually. Then nothing happened, the countdown just went on ticking down. The debugger showed something with "done". No js object (one of those messages) logged I think, but a string. Though I am not really sure of that anymore. I can't remember anymore if it ended up failing by itself or if I clicked decline, but I think it ended with me on the main menu.
    No idea what happened when I clicked matchmaking again. I guess nothing special, since I have really no memory at all of it anymore, a fancy error would've stayed in my memory.
  3. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    thankz peoples got it working ^^ i was just using uber launcher until i relized i could launch pte from steam
  4. Kryoclasm

    Kryoclasm New Member

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    I will try to disable just fav color. I did notice sometime it would change, but it took a lot of clicking. Will let you know later.
    Remy561 likes this.
  5. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Too late, it's already fixed. :)
    websterx01, Remy561 and Kryoclasm like this.
  6. Kryoclasm

    Kryoclasm New Member

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    The AI was doing this to me last night!

    I would send off air fabbers to build mex with fighter escorts, next thing I know the fabbers were dead and most of the fighters were just sitting were the fabber died.

    In chrono cam I found that the AI was sending small groups of fighters just to kill my fabbers in goups of 9 or 10 fighters. Once the fabbers were dead the ai would retreat his fighters back to a safe spot.

    This really freaked me out!
  7. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    Also this bug: PA#4068. I have to wait ~45 seconds before I can rejoin, so two bugs/crashes would result in a forfeit.
  8. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    Accept & Decline did nothing even when the timer expired. I had to reboot the game and start matchmaking again. Then I got again matched really fast (I think again against elodea.) and I had the same issue as before.. Timer going to 0 en nothing happend. After that I gave up (as it was late aswell :p) Though played a few games today with no bugs whats so ever.
  9. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Can we not derail the Uber feedback thread with a cat fight? Cool it down guys.
    Last edited by a moderator: November 20, 2014
    Raevn likes this.
  10. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Cleaned up the thread a bit.
  11. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    I feel like there needs to be more balance changes done as soon as possible and I'm a bit disappointed more didn't get into the PTE (and probably won't get into the stable build). 3 weeks ago in jable's post it was suggested that a lot of work was going into balance but I feel like we haven't seen it yet. Changing the "placeholder" values of the Commander torpedos, and fixing the Dox shooting factories barely count as balance changes. Can we have more information about what's being worked on balance wise right now, and what we haven't seen in the PTE that might make it into stable?
  12. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    I'm almost certain there will be additional changes before the stable build is released next week.
  13. klairg

    klairg New Member

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    I would say for balances changes we would first need to change it so every T1 units is worth something. For now flame tanks, artillery bots are pretty much useless. Then maybe reduce the cost to reach T2 but for that I'm not sure. I'm going to do tests with turrets + walls but for now turrets seem really easy to kill even by t1 units.
    Maybe give the t1 combat fabbers different types of mines and the ability to build turrets and wall
  14. judicatorofgenocide

    judicatorofgenocide Active Member

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    Someone needs nootropics?
  15. lilbthebasedlord

    lilbthebasedlord Active Member

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    My uber name was imported from steam, and at the time I was Lilbthebasedlord. I'm fine with that because I can change my IGN at will, but it seems to be not working. The same problem used to occur and Garat fixed it, but it's back now. pls
  16. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Both common.js and constants.js define a global variable 'constants' They aren't in conflict yet, but it just looks like a bug waiting to happen.
  17. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Have you tried changing your name in game? If you open the friends chat, click the arrow beside your name you will see a change Display name option.
    mkrater likes this.
  18. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    I agree. Too much foot dragging has been going on here. Also I would like specific clarification of whether balance changes will only include altering these values, or if we can expect any new units or changes in unit structure, which I think are still needed to provide a strong roster.

    There are numerous places were large changes were made to balance that were supposed to be scaled back but have never been. As a result areas of the game are hanging in an overnerfed or undernerfed state. A great example is the relationship between defenses and t1 units. Infernos and grenadiers were both added primarily to punch through t1 defenses, but t1 defenses have been so heavily nerfed since gamma that they are almost entirely useless. Ditto for transports and also economy. We desperately need someone to go back and rescale these changes with minor tweaks.
    planktum likes this.
  19. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    • HP of most structures -> x3 -> ?
    • Uber cannon damage -> x0.25 against commanders and structures -> ?
    • Adv. combat fabber build cost -> x5 (yeah, 1620 -> 8100, build 64758 was a funny one) -> ?
    Here's some other stuff I want to complain about right now, taken from build 70289's patch notes:

    - Damage: 4000 -> 2000
    - Splash: 20 -> 10
    This was clearly an over-nerf, because they went from a viable game-ending strat with drops to being pretty terrible. Around the same time they got a cost increase from 1200 to 1500 as well. Ants > Vanguards in every situation unless you are limited by transport space right now (but transports suck so you're probably not using them anyway).

    - Damage: 600 -> 400
    - Full Damage Radius: 5 -> 1
    The effective splash radius is so small that (unless your enemy has purposefully bunched up his units with assist), the Sheller is basically a missile firing unit now. That damage reduction worked out quite well, but differentiation between the pin-point accuracy of missile and sniper bots compared to the inaccuracy and splash of artillery would be nice.

    Here's even more random stuff I want to complain about:

    I miss T2 air and I think we all agree that T2 bombers are ******* stupid. The fact that the game shipped with a unit that so badly doesn't match it's model or description blows my mind. It has the exact same weapon as the Bluehawk (So it's obviously another example of a placeholder?) except it uses LOADS of energy to fire (unlike... every other auto-firing mobile unit?). It's the slowest air unit (with a pathetic 30 movement speed), despite having the most/biggest/fanciest looking thrusters. It's only got 200HP despite being the biggest, most expensive air unit at 1200 build cost, and that sucks because I would love air units that I can hit and run with, fly them over my ground force which includes combat fabs to heal them up, and then send them back in - that can't happen because the HP to metal cost ratio is insanely low.

    If you change the Booms RoF to 1 then it would give a more accurate DPS/damage/whatever it is reading in the UI. Booms should either a) do damage even if they get killed, or b) not have the same explosion effect if they get killed or they self destruct and do damage (it used to be like that, by the way). I would love to throw .jsons at Uber with that kind of not-balance-related-but-gameplay-improving change, just need someone to say "yes please", and any required formatting to get it to match Uber's files (I like my 2-space tabs).

    I agree with everyone complaining about air. I think that this has arisen because people have seen that Uber's working on ground combat (just Dox so far..), have finally got someone from Uber to agree that naval is awful so expect changes there, and it's the next thing on their list of balance that needs working on. The main problems I see with air is that it's unintuitive, and fighters are by far the best unit. The fighter is a better scout than the scout because it's the same speed, same effective HP (from most AA 3 shots needed to kill it, like 3 shots are needed to kill 3 scouts), it's vision radius isn't massively smaller, and it has a gun. The bomber is a better scout than the scout because it has the same vision radius and can drop bombs, and on the tiny 1v1 maps the slower speed doesn't make much difference. Fighters are used as meat shields because the ground AA has such a hard time hitting them. This kind of works in competitive play, but is one of the many reasons PA is hard to get into - it makes no sense to newcomers. I've seen at least 3 instances of someone new to the game seeing that their opponent has no air, so they build a few bombers and lose them all in 0.5 seconds when attacking, when what they "should" have done is built 1 bomber and a bunch of fighters, even though the fighters have nothing to fight. The commanders AA is slightly OP against small groups of air units, but struggles to kill snipe attempts because it has no splash damage (just enough to kill overlapping planes would be great) and doesn't (as far as I know) prioritize anti-ground planes, and the little guy likes to wiggle around and spend too much time rotating rather than shooting.
  20. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Uber for the love of bob please listen to this. Thank you Burnt for going and actually characterizing exact examples of the unfinished ubernerfs/buffs left in. It really feels like balance started with one strategy and then basically said "ah screw it" and just stopped halfway. These are really spot on comments on the problems with current balance. I really hope that after this update Uber will spend the next month focusing exclusively on balance because we really need some serious iterative development and attention to detail on these exact issues. It's killing the game.

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