Assassins are Anti-Fun. Regardless of their status as OP/UP

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by eternal, February 11, 2011.

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  1. Arkanfel

    Arkanfel New Member

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    I have to say, I mostly agree with the OP. I don't find that sins are overpowered so much, but dealing with them is still tedious--I don't care if I've killed them more than any other class, if a meaningful percentage of my gameplay time is spent being grappled by sins, I'm going to be a little less excited about playing against them than I might otherwise.

    I also can't emphasize enough just how right he is about how this game punishes mistakes. As a gunner, if I make a wrong move/decision, I die. Sins on the other hand move so quickly and have so many escape mechanisms that it's remarkably more difficult to make them pay for their mistakes despite having no durability under fire.
  2. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Well yup it's lots of stuff you see in other games and make people rage there too, the "loss of control of the character" and "being killed out of nowhere", two things that some game developers seem to avoid these days but that MNC has a lot.

    What he ment by "assassin is not fun" is that getting killed after a few seconds of fighting an opponent gives a bit of adrenalin and fun, while suddenly watch it die doesn't even provide that, so yes objectively being killed by an assassin (or a sniper for that matter) doesn't give the obvious fun and thrilling moment.

    I think it's missing a bit the point which is the thrill of keeping an eye on that sniper to not stand in his LoS too much, or trying to stay aware of the cloak sound, noticing an enemy in the distance and anticipating he's going for you... it's less obvious than fighting head to head an opponent but I think it's where the fun in MNC is, if someone manages to insta kill you he probably anticipated what you were going to do, or you were in the wrong place.

    Anyway as stated above MNC is full of "hello, you're dead" moments, and in most cases the one who gets the jump on an unaware opponent from a not retarded position wins, so I think people who get really frustrated by thoses won't like the game, it's already the reason why a couple of people I know didn't like it.
  3. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    Assassins are no fun to play against whether it's pro vs pro or against turrets.
    As annoying as being face grappled and instant killed is, it pisses me off more when I spend $600 on a turret, turn my back and it's been destroyed in all of 3 seconds because of a camping Assassin hiding behind a wall somewhere near by.
  4. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    3 seconds turret > lvl 1 down only works with juice.
  5. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Wasn't really my point though.
  6. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Ejectors don't kill you outright however. And sometimes they don't kill you at all if they you hit a wall.

    FYI I enjoy playing assassin, and sniper quite a bit. You game is experienced much differently as those two classes than as the other 4 who are different in practice but certainly have a similar "feel" to the over all play styles. Your mind set is totally different when playing a sniper or assassin.

    Assassin is however my least played of the classes, but not for lack of enjoyment, often I just don't pick her because there are already other people playing her on my team so I choose to pick whatever class we don't have, unless its Steel Peel then I pick either Assault or Gunner (lol mortaring moneyball turrets from the safety of the anhilator booth is pretty silly.)
  7. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I enjoy having assassins in the game.

    I think what you meant to say was that assassin is an anti-fun class when playing against bad players.
  8. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    yes and no. See you can enjoy the package as a whole, and how it effects the game but those specific things are designed in such a way that it removes the semblance of interaction which is necasary for the enjoyment of both players.

    Grappling someone is only fun for the one doing the grappling, same with one hit kills. Does this mean you should remove them? No not at all. They are intrinsic to the games design and add a lot to the game.

    A mechanic doesn't need to strong to be un-fun either. For example: tripping in Super Smash Brothers Brawl is an 'anti-fun' mechanic. It is so small and so minor, and rarely happens but its none the less something that is out of the control of the player and has nothing to do with how well or poorly they played.

    I wouldn't remove the Assassin Or the Sniper, or any class from this game. Anti-fun mechanics do exist for a reason sometimes. Without Stuns/Crowd Control abilities Defense of the Ancients would be extremely difficult to balance, and often hard to manage team work around. Sometimes you have to put in an anti-fun mechanic for the good of the game as a whole. However this doesn't make this mechanic any more enjoyable for those on the receiving end, and often leads to more complaints about that very mechanic being over powered due to its nature.
  9. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    I wouldn't mind putting a default limit for the class on servers that can be edited by the host for assassins. But that still puts the crappy players in the seat if they can load faster. Still sucks to see a 5 man assassin team get rolled and scream, "We all assassins why R we dedz?" But, I personally like that loss of control rather than the insta rape that spies have in TF2. That at least gives my team mates a chance to kill the assassin before he jabs the blade into my face. Or at least get some vengence for me.
  10. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Faced a 5 assassin team. Won easily but was the most boring game ever.
  11. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    As any team with 5 of the same class. It's the most played class in the game. It can severly fill teams up with horrendous assassins instead of making them play a class they are at least okay at. This will probably calm down once people find their niches. But for now, it's ridiculous. It's an utter sham that 99% of the assassins don't even read the playbook and discover what strengths/weaknesses and skills the assassin has. Gives assassins like me a bad name.
  12. darthfunk

    darthfunk New Member

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    I find it easier to play this game when I think of it as I think of Super Meat Boy. Getting raped in the face by one-hit KOs is just what the game is about. Deal with them and dish 'em back.
  13. Sefam

    Sefam New Member

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    Can you stop classifying what other people say as "QQ", just because YOU don't like it? That's what gaming communities do, they troll any opinion THEY don't like and these opinions get stomped under threads about hats.
  14. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    I like your super kawaii avatar. :3
  15. hugochavez

    hugochavez New Member

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    strip the assassin of the speed ability and the class will be fair. the assassin in TF2 was a one shot knife kill, but their speed was balanced. the assassin is far too fast and silent. either cut the speed or cut the cloak.
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I don't feel that it matters if they are fun or not. A lot of people don't like fluttery classes or turtle classes. Thus, take the assassin, assault, support, and sniper out of the game. 2 classes left. 1 is a counter to the other, may I add. Realistically, 1 viable class left. Wow, that made the game a whole lot more fun huh?

    Make sure the world you envision is a "Utopia" and not a "Dystopia". You may not like the actuality of the "Brave New World".
  17. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    And its not like the assassin get juice the fastest. In a game if you hear someone juice in the first minute of the game you know what pro it is.
  18. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I found out something playing yesterday. Assassins leave fooprints.

    When i see something suspicious I fire behind me to get them to move. They will reveal themelves in time and eigther my bots start giving them trouble or I do.
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    That is in no way a fair trade. The dash bug in itself is horrible and that should be then permanent? And assassins (most ones at least, not the good ones) are insanely loud. If you can't hear them it's your problem.

    Comparing him with the Spy is also rather questionable. The Spy could but on a disguise and was able to destroy enemy turrets very easily which was a fair trade for the low speed.
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I'm actually ok with this. As long as the Assault loses his fly and charge, Tank loses his charge and jet pack, and Gunner loses his jet pack. Sound fair?
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