Assassin lunge discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Statement, February 7, 2011.

  1. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    I think she needs a buff.
  2. duffenator

    duffenator New Member

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    yea there is prolly 2/3 of the people who thinks its balanced....and i bet 1/3 of those people play as assasin. Every game i play has atleast 3-4 assasins in it.
  3. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    You should just stick to making up percentages if you're going to pull baseless numbers out of your ***, they look better than fractions.

    Also, I see games stacked with the other classes just as much and as often as Assassin.
  4. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Yes seeing as elitists are the ones actually playing the game and actively getting good and adapting to it proving if the system uber created works or not, I find it weird why they wouldn't be the ones you see the most often on the forums. :roll:

    Issue about a vote between elitists and average pub players is that it wouldn't be nearly as correct as you might think, as average pub players tend to go "This is OP, NERF IT NAO!!!" rather... Very often, being the cases when they feel they stand no chance, and is still new to the game and still learning about the rules of play. Whose vote would you pick between somebody who has played for a month, or somebody who has played for a day? Would you listen to the guy who has played actively for a month adapting to the game finding bugs and things that don't really work out well? Or the new guy who shouts "They are too OP, NERF!" who is in his first day getting face stabbed by assassin as a sniper/assassin and dying because he has yet to unlock a custom class and learn about armor endorsements?

    Those accurate numbers you speak if taking every player into account in the game for a vote, are unfortunately non-existant.
  5. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    after playing for an hour or two with/against Statement playing as assassin
    i must say that i dont think its lunge thats op its just him
    the guy is a freak was fun trying to stop/kill him but omg i would never want to be in a server with many players of his skill level
  6. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Just to make it clear, what I think is annoying in the spammable lunge & lunge + face-backgrapple combo is not that it's OP, pretty much all classes can one shot kill in a way or another (sometime it even just take a few credits at an ejector for a multi-ringout and a firebase destroyed).

    It's more that it seems to negate completely one aspect of the assassin which would be positioning right to get a back grapple, and making dash secondary while it looks like it should be a key skill for a melee class.

    Beside, I think a nearly spammable ability that can be used for pretty much everything from travelling, offense or defense is a bit a poor mechanic. And no, it's not comparable to charge which has a much longer cooldown.
  7. duffenator

    duffenator New Member

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    your right, i was raging a bit hard.

    some of the mechanics i just dont get...people say that you get punished for making mistakes in this game, which is true....and also they say sins should pick off players by themselves...i rarely see the sin get punished for making these mistakes. With the exception of them blatantly running in front, or when i am able to hear the hum.

    Prime example, i was face grappled with a support next to me shooting the sin. The support barely took about half health...due to the damage reduction (i have seen some sins are using gold/silver armor)then smoke bombed and got away. Now how is that being punished? Im not saying get rid of the damage reduction, just dont make them super man while grappling.
    what about the lunge? Sins come straight at me do damage and face grapple, and still kill me. i thought the sin was supposed to "stealthy"? thats why they have cloak, right? (Assault - ROF/Armor/Skill)

    The assasin is a base raping machine. when i push a lane on the right to the enemy base, then die only to come back to a destroyed base. (The opposing team never even came close to the moneyball in the left lane) Its like wtf? why do i even bother spending money on turrets if an non-juiced assasin can freely roam our base and kill everything.

    Why shouldn't they be hit from the nerf bat? Sins are good at all three things in this game bot/turret/pro stomping. i thought there were other classes for a reason, not so one class can win the game.
  8. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    Shoot the Assassin while they're in the grapple animation, grapple them after. Smoke Bomb doesn't negate grapples. That's enough to kill an Assassin, even with gold armor and damage reduction. Tough **** if it doesn't work out, there's a reason Assassin's skill set is mainly for safe entry and exit.

    The major flaw you're referring to here isn't Assassin in design, but the huge damage reduction while grappling, which I'll agree with you should be toned down or removed altogether.

    Once again, due to something in the game that has nothing to do with Assassin. Turrets are far too weak and not worth the money spent. This is the case regardless of what class is juiced up and raping them, or which class is slowly chipping them down at range. Turrets are badly positioned on purpose (out in the open) so that a team can't solely rely on them for base defense. They're a last resort, meant to be destroyed. If anything, buff turrets. Also, Sniper traps near the turrets. Derp.

    A little human intervention goes a long way, pretty much every class has a way to delay a juicer. If you really stop hating Assassin and think about it as a whole, most of the problems are due to your team not fulfilling their roles or simply how the game is designed.
  9. duffenator

    duffenator New Member

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    Both valid points, thanks. I know that turrets arent meant to be the main defense, and pros defending are crucial. It will prolly reduce the rage if turrets arent as easy to kill and you dont have to worry about the money ball being raped.

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