Congratulations are in order. For me!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Pothocket, February 11, 2011.

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  1. JDogMcNasty

    JDogMcNasty New Member

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    You sir no longer have to worry about looking like a douche with those threads! Because you just proved you're a douche by putting this persons thread down for no damn reason. If you don't like the thread you have multiple options. 1. Don't Read it! 2. Read and don't post unless you have something constructive to add to the thread, and last but obviously not least 3. Be a douche and flame peoples threads!
    Douche bag
  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Well said JDogMcNasty, hopefully you get it Torres.
  3. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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  4. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    Whatever. Something constructive to say? I said create a thread for this and all future achievements. What, can't you read? I've seen people like you put down other people's threads, but when it's one of your friends it's ok. People like you think your all that. When someone who you dont like posts "congratulate me, I'm awesome" you troll them. When it's someone you like, it's okay. So maybe me and the other 100 pro's on here should just make our own threads about all of the achievements we've accomplished. Can't your brain comprehend how unorganized this forum would become. THINK REALLY HARD ABOUT WHAT I'M SAYING. Use the compliment thread or create a general thread to post all of these kind of posts. Damn, I didn't think it was that hard for people like you to understand what i'm trying to say.
  5. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    Whatever. Look at the name of the thread: Congratulations are in order. For me!
  6. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    another thread bites the dust
  7. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    It's funny, your trolling this thread, instead of one of the numerous ones like it in General Discussion. You can't just have one big thread for everything, even then, I'm willing to bet that you would single out the one post that deviated ever so slightly from the topic, and troll them till no end. You've been doing this a lot since you joined the forums; I haven't seen one intelligent post from you. If I were CJ or Hudson, I'd toss a warning your way.
  8. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    Hudson has closed many threads like this one. Sigmar posted a thread called "the best" closed. Other people have posted threads bragging about their achievements, closed. If Hudson wants to give me a warning for speaking the truth then he can go ahead. But I guaratee you, that if a lot of people start posting "Congratulate me" threads on here they will get closed down. End of story. P.S. I've been a member of the forums since day one. P.P.S. Look at all my post and you will see alot of intelligent posts i've made. Don't let your hate blind you. This is supposed to be the kind of place where you can have civil disagreements, and talk intelligently. If i say something you disagree with, then use your intellect to discuss your disagree with me. I think I'm right about this forum not needing a bunch of "congratulate me" threads. If you think this forum needs a lot of "congratulate me" threads then explain your reasoning. BE CIVIL....
  9. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    How am I not being civil?

    And this is civil? You just sound like a ****. And I never said I hated you, don't get the wrong idea. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I hate you. :lol: Having a discussion is hard when people take things so personally. C'mon man, lighten up.
  10. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    More time wasted complaining about wasting time...
  11. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    Hate as in a hater, not as in hate me personally. I know I may not use all of the cool, hip words that you young people use, but I try to get my point across. Also, what's up with the name calling? Did I call you a **** or penis or imply that you or anyone else sounded like one? That's what i mean by let's be civil. Think about it.
  12. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Sorry, gonna lock this one down before it gets ugly.

    FuttBuck, feel yourself warned, that picture you posted wasn't nice.

    Congrats to OP.
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