Invisible nukes?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ghoner666, November 7, 2014.

  1. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    I just finished a ranked match and my opponent douchely accused me of cheating with invisible nukes. Is it an actual bug or he's just a sorry loser?
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Sorry loser I'd imagine, did you use an SSX platform?

    Also why would invisible nukes matter? The anti-nuke would still catch it? :p
  3. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I've never heard of it... how exactly did you kill him, were nukes involved or did his misinterpret what happened?

    Also do you remember the name of this opponent? :p
  4. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    It could be his graphics driver doesn't like the shader, this however entirely his problem
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hi man! long time... you should join us on the TS server some time!

    Also @rivii we need to get this guy one of the shiny new banners made up :)
  6. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    it was zaphod system and no I don't remember his name I got annoyed for being called a cheater and left promply to come here, poor me that can't even do a mod to save my life. No ssx platform were involved. He was on the ice planet, I was on the lava one, I always go on the lava because I know I'll be alone nobody ever pick it because it has less resources lol. So I nuked him, with a single nuke since I had sent an orbital radar and the dude had advanced factories and engies but no anti nuke, and then he started calling me bad names lol.
    Last edited: November 7, 2014
  7. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    Sure I just finished my last exam for this quarter. Got all the time in the world now. Will play a few games tomorrow probs
    cdrkf likes this.
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Ah! Well it's possibly he had a bug that mean't he didn't see the nuke- though as @squishypon3 pointed out that shouldn't make a difference to the end result.

    Also +1 on starting on the lava planet on Zaphod system :) I've done that a few times, it really throws your opponent off ;)
    ghoner666 likes this.
  9. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    Lol yeah usually when I do that I spy on the ice planet and the opponent has like an army just standing there, as if it somehow expected to clash with somebody. The lava one is sparse on metal but given your enemy waste so much on its army you can easily rush and deliver some atomic surprises. But yeah if invisible nuke is a bug, well that kinda suck and is unfair. I mean yeah anti nuke will stop it, but given it's interplanetary nukes, seeing it coming could give you a chance to rush an antinuke with 14 engies, or at least move some stuff out of the way. I don't wanna win because of bugs.
  10. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    Maxim 47 strikes again:
    "Don't expect the enemy to cooperate in the creation of your dream engagement."

    Back on topic:
    I sometimes have it that I do not get a audio "nuke launched" warning. Have not seen the symbol not appearing however.
    By the way, can you see interplanetary nukes if you do not have a orbital radar? Could it be that he was just out of power while the nuke was launched?

    If you played on the Uber servers (I asume you did), there should be a replay file (lobby ID). My last info was that dedicated servers are not working without mods and you said you used no mods.
  11. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    it was a ranked 1vs 1 match, so I assume it's on the uber servers. And I don't use any mods I just fire PA and play. To be honest I have no clue how to install a mod on this game. I've been spoiled with games that are linked to steamwork, everything is just so easy.

    The replay number is:


    I hope it's correct, I never use the replay database before.
  12. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    There are two distinct types of mods:
    Client and Server mods.
    Client mods are comparatively harmless. There are som edge cases (like Factory auto build), but overall they cannot affect balance.
    Server mods allow you to change the balance, add units and could cause invisible nuclear weapons. Until the last patch server modded games were not shown by default (you had to disable the "unmodded only" filter).
    Server mods can be applied to uber servers just as easily. They just have to be uploaded from the host's computer.
  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    seems to me like the so called "nuke" was his commander's explosion which he didn't know commanders blew up in this game.
  14. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    No not that. Way before the end, I nuked a part of his base. After that very first nuke he claimed that it was an invisible nuke and that I was a cheater.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    possible graphical bug, but his anti-nuke (if he had one) would have stopped it or attempted to. Remember it's is part of the game, deriving from simulated projectiles, that anti nukes can fail to stop nukes within their stop zone.
  16. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    If you check the replay (I just did, damn that's a cool feature) he didn't had an anti nuke at all. but claim he didn't see the nuke coming, that he got no warning or visual cue. I wish the chat would show as well.
  17. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    I watched it. You agaisnt jaff. It appears to be a normal game. Only oditiy is that the energy storage health is given as 300% (so somehow the maximum was different).
    He made the big msitake of not having an orbital radar before minute 17 (just before your first nuke was ready). And he lost it in your first nuke a mere munite later.

    He then rushed 3 anti-nukes as you rushed missile 2. But he totally forgot to rush ARMING any of the A-Nuke's. You can hear them trying to launch the counter in vain...

    Edit: He then tried to go for the halley, apparently not aware that it would pop up on your orbital.
    It was not till minute 22.5 that he actually had a armed A-nuke in his base.
    So I guess total fail at understanding how the frell anti-nukes work.
  18. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    It's not a big deal but what could cause the energy storage oddity? Was it on both me and his side? Could it be a replay bug?
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    damn the chat should totally show. @jables? replays in supcom have chat. why isn't there chat in PA replays also?

    anyways it's possible he couldn't see the nuke (they've been known to do that before), but that's not a game-breaking bug. what would it have changed for him?
  20. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    To be honest, jaff just played terribly.
    With those starts and his lack of understanding how to use anti-nukes, the normal AI could have beaten him. Because if left alone on a planet even it will tech up and start nuking you beyond the stone age.

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