@cptconundrum it seems the mod has a display error when seeing the systems list in the shared system tab, the list overlaps the < and > arrow, this is probably because in the new patch, the system lists shows up to 3 rows per page, and the mod is showing 4 per page
Thanks for letting me know. I'll go take a look at it right now. This sounds like just a css fix, which is good news. The other possibility is that I screwed something up and the problem only shows on some screens. What resolution do you use? *Edit* It's a screen resolution problem. The html I'm using is overflowing on low res screens instead of adding a scroll bar, but I'll get to work on a fix for that.
Thanks. That's just a tiny bit smaller than my 1680 x 1050, which fits perfectly. I'll go through it and see if I can make it resolution independent again. That part of the UI broke in the update.
Updated to v1.4.5 Fixed for the new PA ui. I also added back in the creator names for each planet because it was easy.
The load system button hitbox appears to be off. It always seems to be just below the actual button, regardless of whether I'm in 1080P fullscreen, or windowed to various sizes. The red in this image is roughly where the hitbox is:
@cptconundrum How do you manage uploaded maps in default server again? I published 2 maps and want to edit them slightly. I know the point is that they should be fine when you send them, but I have suggestions I took on these maps (making 1 "experimental with 61 water height"), and I want to resubmit the changed ones and remove the current ones...
The default system is pretty much just anything goes. I don't do any moderating for the most part because it would quickly get to be too much work. I also don't allow you to edit anything because I can't authenticate users. You can just upload again or submit it to one of the clan servers. I am always open to new clans getting their own server. Clans do get delete permission so they can curate their databases a little better.
System sharing is half not working with the new build 71459. The tab doesn't show up in the actual ingame lobby when you go to load map - only shows up in the system editor. Cptconundrum unfortunately has no internet, and I no modding skills. He said something about ui scenes probably being different but that went over my head . The cheddar cup tournament is on the 7th and would benefit heaps from system sharing working again, so if anyone else is able to get a fix for this by then you would have my undying appreciation!
Updated to v1.4.7 System Sharing has been fixed. It looks like Uber had gone and removed the tabs from the system selection screen when you get to it from the lobby instead of the main menu. I just changed it back.
Is there a way to remove your system once shared on the default server? I uploaded a map I made, but forgot to make it for more than 2 players.
Unfortunately no. As soon as we get a reliable way to authenticate users with a third-party service like this one, I will add in some more controls for managing your shared systems. For now it's not worth it because anything I try would just introduce more problems.
The Default Server reached it's daily limit for database operations and is currently disabled. I will need to look into getting the servers hosted on something other than Google App Engine, but I don't want to pay any money.
More like horribly inefficient 3AM code finally catching up to me. Google is claiming I hit their database with 50,000 read requests in one day. I haven't looked at this code in a long time but I'm sure there are places I can reduce that. I really want to re-write it in something more lightweight anyway so this is a good excuse to move to a new server.
Hm... when I save someones system to my local "systems" is shares to the default server. How can I prevent sharing? Don' t want to spam