With the introduction of server mods to default..

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by squishypon3, October 30, 2014.

  1. swizzlewizzle

    swizzlewizzle Active Member

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    I suppose also here is a good place to ask... besides strategic icons are there other things that must be packaged separately from the server mod or can we include pretty much everything besides the strategic icons just in the server mod including things like audio and the like?

    Basically, i'm wondering if I have to somehow split my mod and distribute it as both a client and server mod for everything to work correctly..
  2. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    Sorry, been a bit busy with new job and other stuff.

    There shouldn't be any issues with getting more complex animations into the game. It's just a case of setting up bones correctly. I will try and get a simple test unit out at the weekend demonstrating how a properly set unit should look.
    squishypon3 likes this.

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