Just started a new small galactic war on normal difficulty. AI started on 2nd planet me on the first, got to the 2nd planet and AI is not building anything but the few structures... after almost 23 minutes not sure if I can report any other useful info?
I just finished this game, and checked in replays, but i don't see this game listed does it take time for it to show newely finished games? Is there anyway to clear out / delete replays? Happened again, 1 planet me and 1 AI built what you see then just stopped, it came out to attack some builders i had when i got close and then went right back to the same spot
Do you play these games on the local server? If so, I think they won't show up in the replay list, because as far as I know, the replay lists only shows the replays from games you played on Uber's servers. There's no way to clear them by the way.
that could be why, I have been using the local server so i don't have to deal with the lovely lag issues.
AI doesn't do anything for me on local server either but runs just fine when I run an a game on ubernet. Is there any documentation on where the AI script directories are supposed to be like the neuralnet dir or anything like that. I see options for it in the server binary AI neural net options ect.
That kind of stinks, so they give us local server to solve lag issues but make the AI retarded while they do it..
Your initial galactic war AIs are gimped. They become less gimped as you get farther away from your home system.
This happens mostly on lower difficulty and in GW. Enjoy the free kill. The later ones will get a lot harder I think it was said by Sorian that this is mostly a pathfinding issues (basically it failed finding a place for the first factory, letting it get stuck).
i took out a boss, so that gave me most of the blue around this recent planet, again AI built with a co-commander on the same planet and then just moved to that corner by water and did nothing until i nuked him from another planet My Galatic map, started in the far left side, i would think by this point they would be a little more creative I will say on the purple boss when i took him out, was 3 of them and 2 planets they raped me a few times, alt+f4 came in handy so there are definetly hard bosses. Or maybe i am at the point i need to jump into Multiplayer games..