So, i had this idea whilst using the laser platform. There have been theories of this before ant this is the idea of telephone sized poles made from dense steel. And the idea is they are launched from an orbital platform and carry kinetic energy and reach orbital velocity causing mass destruction. So please if you read this can you tell me your thoughts on this?
It'd definitely be an interesting alternative for the SXX laser. But with a larger area of effect and less damage. Even though in PA it could look really weird. The orbital units have no lateral velocity (stationary orbit) which is the key condition for this kind of orbital weapon. The unit cannon is a more important weapon. Please don't let me start on this one again.
I agree with you but i just thought it would be a different idea and just wanted to see what other peoples thoughts on it were.
Go right ahead and tell me why my opinion, on a suggestion, made in the wrong sub-forum is somehow wrong.
It's alright, first post in all, but yeah balance sub forum or modding sub forum would be the places to post suggestions.
It's alright, first post in all, but yeah balance sub forum or modding sub forum would be the places to post suggestions.[/QUOTE] Ok thanks.