Human Resources didnt even get 1/4 of the wanted money on Kickstarter, maybe Uber has enough time and resources again finishing PA, what do you guys think of this new great turn of events
Uber wasn't ever going to stop working on PA, regardless of whether HR got funded or not. So PA will still be updated. I really hope that HR happens one way or another. It looked like a cool game. Maybe they'll get a publisher or cut out some features or something. Uber hasn't told us anything about their plans, and I don't think they quite know themselves. Time shall tell.
HR looked awesome. Too bad Uber ruined the idea. It was a failure from the moment they put it on Kickstarter, because a child in grand school could have foreseen this wouldnt get founded, after what they have done with PA. But honestly even if it had been founded, HR would have been a failure too, just like PA. Mostly not even 40% finished, not released in 2016 but 2017, and buggy like hell. Or they would have just used PA and changed all the models and UI and => you have your "new game". Because honestly the Kickstarter "Trailer" looked the same as that PA trailer, and it used a lot of elements already from PA (the planets, orbit, that "Death Star", ect).
assumtions, assumtions, assumtions ... very helpfull ... not sure the trailer looked the same ... HR was meant to use the same engine ... so what?
In general, I don't understand people who don't play PA and talk about it en this forum(or people who don't like PA and play it). Anyway, I'm not that optimistict about the cancelation. They have X money to pay a few employees to update PA and X is not enough for the whole uber crew. Sadly,if uber can't find a new source of income there is only one thing to do with the idle workers... Don't be so naive to think that losing so much money with the kickstarter cancelation will help the development of PA "yeah we don't have a new project so lets get back to PA...for free?"