After the recent news of Human Resources getting the chopping block, is there any idea's of the new game you guys would be planning on? And also will it be an RTS? (I figure it will be but I could be wrong) Thanks Much! Scottie005
I should think that they'd be focussing on PA now. Although it seems that they might be doing something with the Oculus.
When HR was on Kickstar, in the FAQ I saw that there was one regarded PA and the answer was that they had a completely separate team on PA
The HR team was composed almost exclusively of old PA guys. Scathis, for example, was the balance designer of PA. *mod edited*
Shots fired....but really I'm just curious as to what they will come up with next that has a 99% chance of being funded, I was so excited about HR and now I'm dead on the inside because of the cancellation.
Perhaps a smaller target? One that's essentially the same, but proportionately smaller and thus easier to achieve.
From what I know EA is still looking for a Developer that reboots the C&C franchise, and since HR was compared with C&C so much and Scathis said in some of the PA livestreams that he would like to work on C&C... Why not ask EA? (but well, I guess that was done behind closed doors already). C&C with the epic PA engine would be pretty sweet though.
That impeccable logic. All companies exist to make money (and make a product, but they need money to function). Don't belittle one just because you find it convenient to. Getting real tired whenever it pops up in a thread, Geers.