Your best moment in PA so far?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by brandonpotter, October 14, 2014.

  1. Masahiro9891

    Masahiro9891 New Member

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    The couple of huge games me and the clan have played where we took 10+ nukes to the face but our base was so big it felt like a mosquito bite lol.
    Last edited: October 16, 2014
    zihuatanejo and icycalm like this.
  2. CrazyVulcan

    CrazyVulcan Active Member

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    It was Beta and I had just got the game and played a few vs AI matches over a day or two but then wanted to try out the MP game. I Managed to expand to what I felt was a good postistion over a large continent. I had gotten into a two front battle with someone who we preaty much had a all out navel war and a more static battle over land with another. I managed to win the land war and kill his commander, spent some time expanding my econ and turned my focus to the last guy. And soon I felt that I was getting the upper hand when pretty much most resistance had stooped.

    It was just me and him but I could not find him anywhere. I then like a idiot realize that he must have escaped to orbit and I looked around and...... One of the moons was moving across the map. All could think to do was type in chat "Something really bad is about to happen right?" to which everyone in chat replayed "yep" then I got to enjoy first hand my first planet smashing as the moon landed on my commander.

    Lessen learned: If you think you have gained good map control than clearly you have not.

    That and remember to look up.

    Story two was a AI match on a new system that I had just made and was testing just how my computer would handle a map with 5 planets. I think Gama had just started and there was three other AI's. Any way I had managed to take control of the start planet rather well as well as the mains moon. And was fighting OK against the other moons. Well, what I believed happened was that they were experiment with Newtonian physics as the planets were more or less the same distance form the sun.

    For during one orbit my moon came very close to touching another planet and thought about how close that was to being very bad for the moon was where all my econ was. Next orbit something changed as the planet I had just passed was not half a grid off where the line said its orbit should have been. I then realized that it was going to hit my planets. And the AI was rather well entrenched on the other planets I had no where to go but then rushed production of a aeries (they were still rather expensive at that time so I only had two at that point) And flew as fast as it could to my commander but I realized it was too late.

    Then by shear miracle the rogue planet passed between my planet and moon, like dos'e'do in a square dance. I probably could have air craft fly form one planet to the next would the engin allow it as they overlapped. My commander could have just reached out and grabbed it as it passed by.

    Story's like these is why I play games
    plague11 likes this.
  3. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    More stories please Brad :D :D
  4. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    My best moment was just a few hours ago when i released the first custom map :D
    squishypon3, Murcanic and stuart98 like this.
  5. plague11

    plague11 Member

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    my friend i can tell you right now your a great story teller would love to hear more of this stories shared and told because there are some funny and awesome moments that happen with this great masterpiece of a game.
  6. tohron

    tohron Active Member

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    Winning one of the Brad Day games in the Zaphod system by sniping the last enemy comm on my starting planet with mass Kestrels, then smashing the moon into the other planet. TheTrophySystem managed to get a teleporter down on the moon, but he was too late.

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