A Note To Planetary Annihilation Fans About Human Resources

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by BradNicholson, October 2, 2014.

  1. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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  2. jvickers

    jvickers Member

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    Kicktraq on this page: http://www.kickspy.com/articles/trends-predicting-kickstarter-outcomes/

    says this: You’ll notice that trends for the first one to two weeks of an unsuccessful project are overly optimistic. This is because the trending algorithm doesn’t make much use of the funding curve in that period and predictions tend to align more with other successful projects (more on this below).
    Raevn likes this.
  3. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    What missing feature makes it difficult to play PA?
  4. derradikalerusse

    derradikalerusse New Member

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    I know that PA is in a good state already, and i love playing it, but it is NOT finished.
    And it doesn't matter how things realy are. The ony thing that matters is how it looks!
    And how it looks now, it is like Uber broke their promise!
    It is just a giant shame that it is that way.
    Honestly they should freeze their Kickstarter and finish PA first...
    Maybe there should be a petition for this?
  5. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Having multiple teams working on multiple games is perfectly normal. You may need to abandon gaming if you wish to protest that.
    shotforce13 likes this.
  6. Abaddon1

    Abaddon1 Active Member

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    From what I can tell from Kickspy's own data, it consistently overestimates funding (median line is above 0% consistently), but when it underestimates it does so in general by larger amounts and only really starts to get pretty close to a pretty accurate value starting around day 27 (I'm going to try to eyeball the box and whisker for some numbers). For example at day 10 median values were ~8-9% overestimated (which is 112,000$ for HR) and 50% of projects (box) fell within the range of ~+15% to -10% (for PA based on its current estimates would give a range of ~ 1,446,000 to 1,796,000). If its in the next half (whiskers) could be anywhere from ~+50% to ~-40% (956k to 2,216,000)

    tldr: I wouldn't read too much into any of the projections at this point.
    Quitch likes this.
  7. elkanfirst

    elkanfirst Active Member

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    Torment was really a big title, in fact I would love to play it again.
  8. shinytoaster

    shinytoaster New Member

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    For me PA is still better than most games I play so I was happy to back HR, untill I saw "no offline" at which point I had to back out. There are still really old games I play occasionally and also times when I find myself offline. That the login server will go away is only a matter of time.

    BTW Why do I still have to login when I can supposedly play PA offline now?
  9. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    To play PA fully offline, you need to load the game directly from the 'pa.exe' file, from the PA directly.

    Doing this will load the game without a login, at which point you'll be able to play the game in skirmish mode, galactic war or host a lan from the multi-player menu. You'll also be able to play with *any commander* in the game files including all the exclusive / rare ones (though you'll still have to buy them if playing online).
    squishypon3 likes this.
  10. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    And yet this is the scenario that the "indies" are fighting when they say that small companies make better games than big ones. Diversity is a far more survivable strategy, and that's why EA, Ubisoft, Activision, and all the other big companies have survived, where scores of smaller ones have perished. And that's why Uber is trying to increase in size and number of teams and games in their roster. But the "indies" are against this. And I am against them lol.
  11. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Idie just means independent, which Uber actually is. ;)
  12. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    And so is Nintendo and every other big company ever :)
  13. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    +1 There is a known 'wisdom' on the internet that 'big company = bad'. It's a strange position to hold, given that the majority of the amazing technology we have (including the internet) are off the back of these 'evil' corporations pushing things out globally.

    True some of the best innovations start from small firms, however on they're own they can't achieve what a big company can. I think it stems from an idea that a small firm is somehow more 'on our side' as a consumer. At the end of the day all companies are aiming for one overriding goal- turn a profit (not as easy as it sounds). If you can't achieve that then you have no company- obviously there are different approaches to this and some are more consumer friendly than others, however that is fairly independent of the size of the firm.
    icycalm likes this.
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I have no problem with "big". Activision is an alright big publisher. EA pisses me off in comparison. Both could be more user friendly. People cite SMNC against Uber, but that shows exactly what cdrkf says, that no company can work under unsuccessful business practices, big or small.

    I think the difference is, Uber contributes to SMNC at a loss even likely now in the scale of keeping the servers open, while EA will cut Pandemic Studios before making Mercs Inc. when it was a profit to EA just because it wasn't a big enough profit to EA for them to care. And don't get me started about C&C franchise.
  15. galaxyisos

    galaxyisos Member

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    Assuming we will get all promised features/fixes for PA,
    50$ from me for an expansion pack for PA:D
    lokiCML likes this.
  16. ikickasss

    ikickasss Active Member

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    The funding is doing quite bad. I personally do not like how the game looks. It would be nice if UBER made a RTS game with modern units and modern warfare. Even world war 2 with basic macro micro principles would be cool.
  17. MasterKane

    MasterKane Member

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    Historic or modern-day games are pretty limited by realism restriction in what can be added to them in order to fit well. Due to this, such games tend to lack originality factor, and primary competition goes straight into the field of graphics/performance/polishing, where small studios tend to lose to big companies. Modern-day RTS is something to make with tons of money for flawless execution and lack of original ideas, and that's where mastodons like EA or Ubisoft rule.
    nawrot likes this.
  18. Gossy

    Gossy New Member

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    A little back-story: Planetary Annihilation was the last game I backed / pre-ordered. I have been burned by every game I pre-ordered or backed before it. Some were released in such states to be almost unplayable, some were drastically different from what was expected, or still haven't delivered what was promised years later. That feeling of "playing it so I get my moneys worth" is actually not a good feeling.

    PA has bucked this trend, with a beta program that was stable enough to play the first time I opened it, and now has the killer feature implemented (proper single player and LAN play). It has scratched an itch that went unanswered for years.

    I'm saddened that everyone got so angry when the game was "released" without this feature, but I understand why. I also cannot fathom the reason (other than running out of money) why you didn't just wait the few extra weeks and avoid all the turmoil, which has to be admitted, was foreseeable. Hopefully lessons were learned.

    But, back to the issue at hand. My desire for pre-purchasing or kick-starting died in the flames left behind by all the games that haven't worked "out of the box". If HR gets funded, and it is built into the game you hope, it'll likely be on my must buy list. So I wish you good luck!
    christer1966 and elkanfirst like this.
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    if there is anything from uber i ever DONT want them to do is some pseudo RL modern military themed game ... cant be more tired of those ....

    post apocaliptic
    fantasy or mythology, scyfy or medivallike

    this is the stuff you have the most freedom to make games with imo ...
    or make some puzzlegame or jumpnrun ... which they actualy did considering outlandgames and to some degree toyrush ...
    maybe twinstickshooter?

    other stuff i would like to see more would be a beatemup, fightgame or some sort of racer ... though those would be rather sell better on console -_- ... i dont know ...

    ps: for those who dont know yet HR is cancelled
  20. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Now the kickstarter is cancelled, does that mean artists will finally have time to make new units models and animations, improve the biomes which barely changes for a very long time (especially lava) and finish the backer commanders (@KNight if I remember correctly)?

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