Assasins: Turret Terminators or Pro Punishers?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, February 10, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    When I get home today i have a bit of time to play MNC for the first time. So I have been watching over the forums collecting information about playstyles and while i dont intend for the assasin to be the first class I play I want to know the exact role.

    Uber has done a great job balancing the classes and the assasin seems to fit in nicely.

    From what I know the assasin is not so much a one on one class in my oppinion and is balanced so that if the just go for player kills and not prioritizing the team will suffer. That is a balance that separates good player killers from good game winning assasins.
  2. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Why can't they do both, like every other class?
  3. Rynex

    Rynex New Member

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    Assassins have a lot of objectives they can go for, and have the mobility to achieve it. What they gain in mobility, they lose in durability. You can use assassins as a litmus test to see how strong a team is, before the game has begun. If they can successfully defend against assassins going round destroying your stuff, then you know you're on a good team. That's why a lot of people think they are OP.
    Last edited: February 11, 2011
  4. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Assassins are supposed to clear lanes of bots, players and turrets simultaneously, effectively pushing the team's bots to the enemy base.
  5. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Both, as well as controlling annihilator/ejectors.
  6. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    = they are supposed to be really really good at everything that matters..

    but they are totaly underpowered.. Right guys? They dont need toned down at all.. lol
  7. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    No one said underpowered. We keep saying it is balanced. Also, assassins aren't LOL I PUSH RIGHT CLICK AND I WINZ. You guys fail to realize GOOD PLAYERS ARE GOOD AT THE GAME!! It's easy, I'll play as ANY class and still kick your ***. I made people in one game change from "assassin is OP" to "gunner is OP" to "assault is OP" to "sniper is OP". I'm not any good at support or tank so I didn't TOTALLY dominate, however I still faired well? :)

    You know what though? How about we stop the "assassin is OP battle" already? :roll:
  8. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    actually many people argue hes Under powered.

    my point is the class has tools to do EVERYTHING

    Kill pros, kill bots, kill turrets, kill money ball

    So does the assault, but the assault doesnt get Cloak to protect his juice gain and retreat, but he does get the ability to fight multiple targets.. its a trade off

    I don't think assassin is OP, so much as some of his mechanics are broken..

    Lunge for instance comboing into grapple needs fixed, I also think he needs to have far less dmg reduciton during a grapple..

    fix those and hes on par with other class's.. right now he can backstab an assault surrounded by friendlies and get away.. he should have to either suicide stab him, or wait till hes alone.. or focus on bots and lanes..
  9. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Actually, save for the Moneyball, she needs to be in close to do those things efficiently. And everyone else has guns... sorta. A Jet gun is a gun, right?

    Isn't that an exaggeration? That or the assault's team mates have really bad awareness.
  10. Combatwombat

    Combatwombat New Member

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    I don't think assassin is OP, so much as some of his mechanics are broken..


    Lets see. An assassin can out range a gunner, or assault, and deal more damage with shurikens. They can also shoot around corners because apparently the range/dmg output wasn't stupid enough, and the reload speed is so fast you have to wonder why they even bothered giving them a clip.

    An assassin can juice into a base and destroy every turret there, then get away clean

    An assassin takes so little damage during a grapple its almost impossible to stop the kill.

    Mechanics are what makes them OP.

    Yes, if you can catch one in the open, and their cool downs are popped.. they're easy to kill.

    Yes, there are some pretty terrible assassins that get raped every match, but that doesn't mean they're not OP.
  11. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    He can actually kill turrets from range more effectively than close when not juiced, Shruikiens hit harder than any weapon other than any (rifle like) weapon other than mini gun and 100% crit from stealth.. he can down a turret faster than an assault using Gold ROF grenades.. and kill a tank if hes deployed in a single clip even with gold armor.. (deployed means he wont move in time, but he could do that to anyone standing still for a second)

    and its not so much that they had bad awarness, as it is that he was behind them in cloak, uncloaked lunged and just suicide rushed the bakc of who ever wasnt looking, than smokebombs after and is gone..

    for some reason the dmg reduction during grapple is insane, its gotta be close to 80%..
  12. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Cloak crits are on a factor of 15%, one clip of mini-crit shurikens deal just about 701 damage barely enough to kill a non-armoured gunner.
  13. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    You forget passive gives extra shurikens. Full clip can kill even a gold armor gunner.
  14. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    lol at the word barely, being used to describe a weapon that can kill the 2nd highest health class in the game, in 1 clip (in one SECOND) that also bounces around corners.. being on the fastest class in the game, who can also stealth, super jump and insta kill back grapple on all but a tank..

    I have consistantly killed gunners who have gold armor on, in a single clip before.. maybe you arent counting the CLIP SIZE UPGRADES in passive.

    but yeah.. no your right.. it only does 701+300 dmg in a second.. so its totaly not useful.. he should try and slash the deployed gunners..
    Last edited: February 10, 2011
  15. Zero

    Zero New Member

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    Shurikens are slow as hell, bullets are nearly instant.
  16. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Shurikens are not all that slow man.. they really arent..

    and my arguement was that they kill deployed gunners/tanks/bots and turrets effectivly from range..

    which they most certainly do, in fact they do so more effectively than any other ranged weapon in the game, besides the sniper rifle and arguably mortar fire if you have the perfect distance to take advantage of the split.. the sniper rifle does not come CLOSE to killing turrets as quickly, or the money ball.. (though they have flak)
  17. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Tank can too.

    He melts pros, melts bots, melts turrets, melts moneyball.

    Has insane health and health regen to protect juice gain and retreat.

    Suddenly, your argument is voided.
  18. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    So can any class except the Support, which has no ranged weapon...

    I think you're soon gonna reach the conclusion that every class is "overpowered", therefore it's all fine.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Assassins are really made for hitting any targets not capable of defending themselves from a quick burst of damage.

    Unguarded turrets

    Unguarded bots

    Unsuspecting light pros

    Injured pros

    Pros standing perfectly still (scoping, deployed)

    They are generally better off attacking bots though, and then the turrets with juice. They can get around the map and attack pretty strong, and gain juice quickly for everything they do. They do lack armor, so if you catch one that can't escape or you look around often (which you should), you can hit one with a charge and kill it usually. On the other hand, if an assassin finds you injured or not paying attention or occupied, they lunge-grapple or shuriken.

    Same for the sniper. He lacks armor but makes up for it in range, has a strong attack versus pros and bots, and is mainly better off attacking bots.

    The tank is good against bots at any range and anything else close range, and he actually has armor where he lacks some of the assassin's and sniper's skills, so he is expected to take some damage. He is a good example of how a sniper and assassin should NOT play, instead relying on their given talents to avoid damage while doing the objective. Hit things that aren't going to hit back, whether its bots, turrets, or pros.
  20. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    BroTranquil put it perfectly.

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