Tank: Gold Reload

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by tinygod, February 10, 2011.

  1. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Any tanks out there, find gold reload to be amazing?

    I've been playing assault ALOT lately, and ive stated to feel like theres just not much I can learn about the class, that I don't already know.. Ive got him down pretty good. Not saying i'm amazing, but I have positive K/D ration 3 to 1 most games, and I can turn the tides of a battle, and usually force wins.. especially in OT.. So I wanted to learn a new class.

    Sniper seems to .. well i'll leave that discussion to the 43 page post in a nother thread, same with SIN just not enough of a challenge for me.. Gunner was tried and failed (got my butt handed to me trying to use that class) so I settled on tank..

    I started off trying

    Gold Rof / Silver Armor / Bronze Clip Size
    Gold Armor / Silver Rof / Bronze Clip Size

    And while I found either effective, they didnt have that sense of wow I was looking for.

    lately Ive been running

    Gold Reload / Silver armor / Bronze Rof

    Now I loose a lot in the mid to long range fight, as I cant spam my rail gun, so i've had to adjust how I approach the battle field.. but when it comes to clearing waves of bots, I can spam blossom just .. SPAM IT alll day long..

    Now I run Rof/armor/clip on some of the larger maps regardless, only because the bots tend to be spread out enought to not have reload be of much benefit, but on the smaller arenas I got back to this, and its hilarious watching the entire team trying to stop me from bombing 20 bots.. theres no stopping it.

    any one else tried this out?
  2. Battlecake

    Battlecake New Member

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    Didn't try that but i don't see the point to spam a lot of deathblossom to kill bots. you can actually kill them with a single blossom most of the time.
    I prefer having my trusty Rof/armor/skillpill to be able to take out bots and players from afar (or at least pressure the players). This also helps against other pros at mid range killing you because you need to be in the botlane to be effective at killing their bots.
  3. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    well its not useful on all maps, but it allows you to blossom into beaminng or another blossom really really fast..

    small maps I use this, lately.. and its been a lot of fun..
  4. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Gold Reload does make death blossom very, very powerful and turns the tank into a death machine at close range. The problem is getting close without speed. I prefer gold speed to get in there or gold RoF to destroy things with the rail gun if they play stand-off.

    Gold reload is absolutely the way to go for blitz.
  5. Zero

    Zero New Member

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    I go with gold reload, silver armor and bronze cooldown times, and always put priority on maxing charge. Lot of times you can only get a charge/blossom combo, but if you ever are able to stay close to someone they rarely expect obscene damage from death blossoms over and over. Sadly most of the time it's better just to use normal firing on the jet gun, only really good things about blossom spamming is it hits everything/annihilates a bot wave (gold reload rarely needed for this)/only misses if they're on a different z axis.

    Speed pickups help a lot for distance closing.
  6. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Gold Armour, Silver Speed, Bronze your choice. You'll run around like a crazy man.

    Honestly, I don't spam Blossom that often. Just burning the bastards is good enough for me, and it builds Juice faster... then I'll spam Blossom.
  7. Blavier

    Blavier New Member

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    Gold Reload is not much different than Silver Reload. This is because it is percentage based which does not scale very well with the tank's already high reload speed. I did testing and after spamming death's blossom on CD for about 10 seconds I barely got 1 more DB with gold. In a real setting it would never matter.

    If you go silver reload for the DB you should probably work with gold armor or something else to help your survivability since you have limited yourself to very close combat. Bronze skill regen really helps with your charge cooldown (which is insanely useful for that build).

    Edit : Gold RoF can make you ridiculously strong at pro killing, but not having armor at all hurts. I'd say pick either RoF or Reload, but its your preference.
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Gold RoF, Silver Armour works well. You can survive a back-grapple if you've got full health.

    It does mean you're slow as molasses though. [i[*sad face*[/i]
  9. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Endorsement data on console which probably isn't too different from PC

    Gold reload on both tank weapons is 1.5 seconds. Silver is 1.7 seconds. So if .2 seconds feels significant to you, go right ahead! (And frankly, I do feel the difference)

    I have a Death Blossom build that I use when I just don't really like try-harding because the build is fun to spam but not very efficient. Still, I have it ready whenever I wanna kick back and burn some noobs and it takes surprising chunks out of jackbot.

    Gold armor/reload/health regen is my DB spam build. Having armor on gold gives you much more bang for your buck compared to a .2 second faster reload time. And health regen is bronze to add to survivability since this build pretty much relies on DB spam.

    Though I have considering running bronze ammo clip so you can hit them a bit with your jet gun a bit before hitting the DB and no lose any damage from the percentage drop.

    My default, try-hard tank build is gold RoF/armor/skill regen.
  10. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    I don't think that DB should be you main attack move, tbh. You should only DB pros when you are certain it will kill them. Otherwise, just jetgun them. Against bots I almost never use DB because it's a huge waste of juice potential. And if you need to splash a botwave, you're better off with prodnade 3. DB is good enough to warrant a bronze or maybe silver reload slot. Certainly not a gold one, IMO.
  11. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    How many Ammo does it take minimum to do the death blossom? Gauging it might help me out with timing my fire.
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    DB is a fine move. Want to know how to make everything on the tank powerful?

    Gold Rate, Silver Reload, Bronze Skill. (I use gold skill, silver rate, bronze reload myself)

    This setup makes you slow, and makes your health low. However, all your guns function amazingly. So pick up some speed powerups and churros, spam product nade and railgun, followed by charge and deathblossom. Overheal is also nice, but you couldn't pay most supports to do it in a pub.

    BTW, Deathblossom used to do same damage no matter what ammo was in the gun. Now it does damage based on the percent of ammo left. Full clip makes it kill a blackjack, one bullet left does 1/10th damage or so. So use it when full most the time, especially when it takes 1 second to reload with your endorsements.
  13. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I thought one of the devs said that it runs off the amount left in a normal sized clip, so if you have, say, an ammo mule endorsement, it will do full damage until you deplete more than half of your clip. Clip endorsements don't increase the damage, however.
  14. Isotoxin

    Isotoxin New Member

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    I've been running Gold Reload/Silver Armor/Bronze Skill after my first few games of MNC just working everything through and I just find it insanely useful to push through lanes and even a couple of Pros when I feel like it. Pair that with Level 3 Charge and anything a few steps away from you without Gold Armor is gonna get burned. Apparently, the last thing people suspect is a Tank charge-jumping off of a ledge, then using the Death Blossom and suddenly everything just disappears. Only problem is that I'm slow as molasses and if one person sees me at mid-range or further, I'm shot down like nothing else.

    But on the plus side, I'm like some sort of flying heat-based blender or something, and that's always nice.
  15. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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  16. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I saw that, yeah. Keep in mind I said that more than two weeks ago.
  17. valhala89

    valhala89 New Member

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    haha love this thread.. was thinking of something similar..

    what bout something like Gold Skill Regen, Silver Reload and Bronze Armor sure ur survivability will be lessened but your escapability with charge will be highly increased.. at least I think so does anyone know how to test out these builds?
  18. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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    I prefer for pubbing:
    gold armor
    silver health regen
    bronze RoF

    gold RoF
    silver skill regen
    bronze armor
  19. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Meh, I much prefer Gold RoF Railgun for clearing bots. Silver Armor to make fail sins rage, then Bronze skill for Charge spam.

    When I made that build, I didn't even look at what is considered cookie cutter or good for Tank.
  20. tabiris

    tabiris New Member

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    I haven't been playing for a long time, but gold reload was the first build I had as a tank. Sadly, spamming DB doesn't get you very far. Against pros, you shouldn't need more than 1 DB, and that one doesn't need to be full (since DBing heavier classes is dangerous business, and light ones usually die from DB+charge). Still, I can see the benefit of a quicker reload in combat situations, especially in pro vs pro, where every fraction of a second counts. But I also think that there are better endorsments out there.

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