Assault Endorsement Builds

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by zarakon, January 24, 2011.

  1. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I don't think armor is necessary at all on the assault.
  2. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    all be it not neccesary, i find that it adds a large amount to your quality of life. Granted perfect play may not need it, unless your playing against someone else with perfect play... :shock: although it does seem that armor, atleast to me, is required.

    There are just so many abilities that will almost take an assault out if he doesnt have an armor endorsement. When you are fighting another class it seems that if they use all their abilities well it would take out an assault w/o armor. But if you do have armor then you would still have some hp left to continue. I know Im not being very concise with what Im trying to convey, but ideas from my head to a forums arent always easy.

    So 2 assaults fight, and both are on point with their bombs, and charges. The Player without armor is dead, and the one with armor still lives. That and armor gives you more of an ability to live through unforeseen circumstances. How often in battle do things not go exactly how you plan. May be another person comes along to help the guy your killing out, or a fire base around the corner you didnt see

    just saying, its possible to play without armor, but the way damage is tuned the dmg of other classes abilities tend to add up near an assaults unarmored hp rather quickly.
  3. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Assault is all about outplaying other classes. They really only have a trump card in charging snipers and assassins to death. A good assault needs to use all 3 abilities generally to kill decently skilled opponents.

    I like RoF for the grenade launcher, IE: spamming grenades into close quarter areas like on Steel Peel (keeping people inside their base), killing snipers on Grenade 3 since they all use the perch, killing bot waves faster, and most importantly taking down turrets at a reliable pace.
  4. Sohldad

    Sohldad New Member

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    Although this doesn't fit my current play stile; I think I might try this combo out sometime. It sounds interesting.
  5. Wintermute

    Wintermute New Member

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    I'm playing around with Armour, Crit and Clip/RoF. Although it means i'm deadlier when Juiced, I still manage to make other classes run away from me under many circumstances.

    The build is fine for me now, although as a Gunner, i've been destroyed by a few good Assaults running a RoF build. Most times though, as an Assault, I keep pressure on the enemy team. In close-combat, I'll usually just headcrab the opponent if I can, which usually just negates everything else.

    I've ran RoF gold, but it only feels welcoming if I had a silver Clip Size, where I always play at least Silver Armour for Assault, so it just bugs the hell out of me.

    I'd say my build runs a lot on luck, but I enjoy using it.
  6. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    If you have a greater skill level than all of the enemy, Assaults, Assassins and gunners, than no it is not.. since tanks and support are easily avoided, and snipers kill you regardless.

    but armor adds

    1) face grapple survival
    2) surprise gunner surival
    3) lets you hold on to juice through either of the above two.
    4) makes ALL the difference in equally skilled assault on assault fights.. as without it, his bomb will kill you, if yours doesnt kill him..

    I honestly cannot think of ONE SINGLE endorsement that is better in the Silver Slot..

    lately I run Gold Armor / Silver ROF / Brnz Skill Rechrage and i'm doing even better than I was with the other builds..

    I like the advice I got from babelfish after a game with him.. ARmor means you can chase down the people that run. Pointblank, without good armor, you arent gonna beable to charge around the corner finish off the gunner with your ar, and get back..

    But to each their own.. I guess if i was gonna give up armor I'd run

    Gold Skill Recharge / Silver ROF / Bronze Speed or reload.

    And heavily rely on charge to survive most fights.. and bombs to recover retreats.. but I wouldnt be making those retreats with 200 more health.
  7. Future Tense

    Future Tense New Member

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    After reading this thread, I've been trying out gold ROF, silver armor, and bronze skill regen and it's definitely a lot more "productive" but significantly more... tender. With armor and health, I hardly have to watch my health levels until things start getting really hectic. It's really easy to solo a tank/gunner with the AR with that setup.

    It's worth messing with, but I may be a convert to gold ROF.
  8. Sohldad

    Sohldad New Member

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    Once you get used to being a bit squishier, it gets a bit easier not to die. :) You learn your limits.
  9. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    Finding ROF/Armour/Skill suiting me happily, if the games a bit tougher I'll switch to Armour/ROF/Skill as it's going to be slower anyway.

    I'm aggressive, with Assault at least, I want to be fragging EVERYTHING, the less health isn't much of an issue if you're surprise charge in their faces eating up their health with the AR and Gunners appear to be VERY surprised Rofl.

    Most people miss.

    This class makes me horny.
  10. thebabelfish

    thebabelfish Member

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    I've honestly lost count of the number of times I've stopped burning with literally no life left visible in the bar.
  11. Batistuta

    Batistuta New Member

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    I use Acc/RoF/Skill when I play assault.At first I used armor on gold and charge was my favourite weapon,but when I realised how good is my mobility as an assault I figured I don't need it.
    If you know how to pick you fights and when to back up or run away it's pretty easy to kill or not to die.(hurr durr this goes for every class)
    I use bombs and AR to kill pros,GL to harass from long range and make them run out of their cover,and I save charge for chasing pros,dealing with sins or running away.That's the main idea.
  12. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I find that ACC isnt even needed to kill pros

    only reason to use ACC is if you have a clipsize or reload endorsement IMO I love gold armor, lets me chase.
  13. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    rof, armor, skill recharging.

    Accuracy is a waste of an endorsement slot no matter what. The grenade launcher has good accuracy either way, and the assault rifle's falloff is pathetic. I don't see how shooting from medium~long range is ever a good idea with the assault rifle.
  14. asmodejan

    asmodejan New Member

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    Went from

    Gold: Armor
    Silver: Accuracy
    Bronze: Rate of Fire


    Gold: Armor
    Silver: Skill Recovery
    Bronze: Rate of Fire

    Might try

    Gold: Rate of Fire / Armor
    Silver: Rate of Fire / Armor
    Bronze: Skill Recovery

  15. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I enjoy Skill Recovery/Health Regen/Accuracy of late. I've got far better results being more mobile and being able to regenerate faster. The smaller reticule helps a lot considering your only defence is your mobility; aiming down the sights is not a good idea.

    I use charge 3 a lot. Both for mobility and for getting rid of juiced players and dealing damage alike. I much prefer the idea of pushing a dude far away to dealing damage and ending up right next to him with this low health build.
  16. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Not sure which order offhand, but I've been tooling around with a combination of accuracy, armor and reload(I think)
  17. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    changed, now using rof/skill recharge/clip size

    Perfect for bomb jumping, and the +10 bullets/+4 grenades are nice.
  18. killien

    killien Active Member

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    The choice between mag size and reload speed has been a bit of a debate in my head for a while now
    Mostly a "which is more likely to save my arse in a firefight" type of debate

    Considering my playstyle with Assault has become a bit more defensive lately(ie ducking out to reload) I may just go for a boosted mag size, or at least give it a try
  19. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Clip size is always better.

    Clip size:
    G - 2x
    S - 1.6x
    B - 1.4x

    G - 0.6x
    S - 0.7x
    B - 0.8x

    Assault rifle:
    1 second reload, 25 bullets

    Gold clip vs reload: you have 2x the amount of bullets, so if you divide the normal reload speed by the bullet multiplier, you have the relative reload speed. 1/2=0.5 (this is faster than 0.6)

    Silver clip vs reload: 1.6x bullets, 1/1.6=0.625 (faster than 0.7)

    Bronze clip vs reload: 1.4x bullets, 1/1.4=0.714 (faster than 0.8)

    Same results with the grenade launcher (reload is normally 2 seconds, relative reload speed is 1.0 with gold clip size, 1.25 with silver and 1.43 with bronze while reload speed leaves it at 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 for gold, silver and bronze respectively).

    So there you go, I guess. You should only be reloading when safe anyway, so clip size is definitely better.

    Edit: and if you really need a skill to be in the gold slot, and you still really want to have the halved relative reload speed / double clip size, you can put clip size and reload on silver and bronze. It does not matter in what order you put them.

    silver clip with bronze reload:
    (1 / 1.6 clip size) x 0.8 reload = 0.5
    silver reload with bronze clip:
    (1 x 0.7 reload) / 1.4 clip size = 0.5
  20. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I prefer clip size over reload speed on assault. Bronze clip size is often just enough to help finish off a tank or gunner without reloading.

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