Lan SERVER ? Really ?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by khoriandre, October 13, 2014.

  1. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    First off, I would like to tell you that I love this game. I find it fantastic and I can't wait to play more of it.
    There is, however, that tiny little detail you DEVs seem to have forgotten.

    How do I play this comfortably if I don't have either an good internet connection or a beast of war compuer ?
    I paid my game 60 Euros, when it was still im Pre-Beta. I love it. It's a great RTS.
    But with my 256 Kb/s connection, I just can play it without the bloody game taking hours to launch and the actual action freezing every 5 minutes because my network can't follow.

    Then, the Lan Server idea. Who got that idea ? Seriously ? Did you look at the specs needed ?
    I would like to play this without having to redo the whole internet installation of my street, or spending 1000 bucks into buying a up to date computer.

    You have great vision, DEVs, but you should think about people outside the US and the UK, people like me, who live in France, and you can't play this awesome game because of the internet rate.
    So, why not just enable an actual offline play ? Are you afraid of Hackers or something ? Well, erm, they are already torrents online with the game, so that didn't work.

    I don't know how you want to do this in the future. But think about all the players, not just the rich ones.
    I want to play this game. Me and a lot of other people. I'm a fan. But hey, the way you did it now, is just a waste. I am dissapointed. I would like to play and everytime I look at this pretty icon, I just think : "heh, no, I can't"
    So please do something about this. You'll just make everyone even more happy.
    A devoted fan.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Mind giving your specs? I run it with HD3000 integrates and a quad core i3 CPU. 4GB of RAM.

    Also- are your drivers up to date? A dxdiag.txt would be nice.

    Also this is a real offline mode, your computer is just now also rendering the sim, as well as the client.
  3. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    There is offline play... Check the option menu.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You can play single player (galactic war or AI skirmish) totally *offline* by going into settings and changing the offline mode from 'Auto' to 'On'.

    Now if you're getting very long loading time that is a problem with your computer rather than internet I think.

    Please can you post a 'dxdiag' so we can check for issues (press the start button, type 'dxdiag' into the search box and press return, then post the results here).
  5. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    Okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough, and I'm sorry for that. I have enough specs to run the game in online mode.

    I have an Ati Radeon HD 5770, 8 gb of ram, and a double 1.5 core, can't remember which brand seeing I'm on my laptot right now, which isn't my playing computer.

    What I cannot do, is that I can't play online because my internet connection is too bad ( eg 256 kb/s). And I can't play offline on the local server because I don't have the specs for it. I tried the other day. It worked nice for 10 minutes then I ran out of memory and it just kept freezing over and over again.
    cdrkf likes this.
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    8GB should be nice emough. Uber's servers only use 4GB of RAM per game and one CPU core per game.

    DxDiag.txt? <:
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    If your running out of memory then you need to play on a smaller map.

    I have a similar machine (8gb ram) which plays offline fine however remember that when playing offline you need ram for server & client so you need to reduce map size a bit. I would suggest building some of your own maps and testing what works- as a start try a single Radius 800 main planet with 2 x R 200 moons orbiting it. That should fit in 8gb ram fine...
    squishypon3 likes this.
  8. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    If you run into a problem with the game, then this thread should be in the support section. :)
    (I would add that merging the sim server and the client may have no significant impact on the memory used.)
  9. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    Sorry I can't provide the DX.diag, otherwise I would have done, reason being I am on my laptot right now, and I'm in my Uni town, so not on the computer I am talking abou :p

    Okay, I'll try and to that. I suppose it's a fair sacrifice. Thanks.
  10. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    Well it ain't a problem really if it comes from my computer specs. I would very much appreciate that the support replace my computer with a more powerful one but I don't believe they do that unless I was mislead...
  11. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    If you have two computers, you can try having the server on one and the client on the other. A hassle, but if you're short on cpu cores it may allow you to run bigger games.
  12. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    Okay, here is the dx.diag for my laptop ( the computer I am not talking about). Do you think it's powerful enough to run the server on it and the game on the main pc ?

    Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (9200.win8_gdr.140502-1507)
    Language: French (Regional Setting: French)
    System Manufacturer: Packard Bell
    System Model: EasyNote TE11HC
    BIOS: V2.15
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 8008MB RAM
    Page File: 2532MB used, 13666MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.02.9200.16384 64bit Unicode
  13. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    Yes. The sim may slow down at some point if there are a lot of units. The higher processor speed, the better. ;)
  14. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Upload the entire txt file please.
  15. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You'll need to make sure the Intel HD drivers are up to date but that will definitely run the server or the whole game! Also you mentioned your main machine has a '1.5 dual core'... that would make it *slower* for pa than your laptop (PA is more CPU heavy than graphics)...
  16. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    There ya go.

    Attached Files:

  17. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    Then I might be an idiot and I forgot the specs for my main computer but I know it is definitely better than my laptop. But hey, I can't check that until a week, so...sorry for my goofiness.
  18. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Are you sure of that? PA uses barely any CPU for me? It's deeeefinitely RAM heavy, though.
    vackillers likes this.
  19. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Assuming I'm reading it right your drivers were last updated in the 21st of the 5th (May). Might be a good idea to check for updates.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  20. khoriandre

    khoriandre New Member

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    I'll check it out but normally it's on auto update. But thanks for reminding me :) they don't update them often though..

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