Greetings All, I've refrained from playing the game till it was officially launched, I've also refrained from reading the forums so I haven't been tainted by people who feel they've been cheated. As a gamer who has been burnt by companies claiming to be making games for the people I've been sceptical but that scepticism was apparently in jest. I've come into PA as a lover of TA, I wasn't too keen on SupCom but that's probably because I still played TA when SC hit the scene and I chucked a hissyfit at all the changes like a little girl. So I look at PA as the TA successor and oh my Lord does PA live up to TA and surpass it in awesome style. Never have I felt so powerful in a game before. Sure TA and some mods that went with it brought power to the forefront it didn't have that LOL factor of doing something totally outrageous and evil (Like blowing up planets). That first time I pressed the annihilate button and watch my Death Star come to life (Keep in mind I also didn't watch any videos so this was new to me) was surreal, it was a multiplayer game too (6 Noobs all playing our first game of PA) which I think contributed to the feeling when one of the guys comes on comms with "Does anyone else hear that buzzing sound?". Then the crackle of the beam as it hits the world, comms goes nuts with "WTFs" as most of the guys have seen the beam from different perspectives, the world explodes followed by "That was AWESOME!!!" and "WOOOO". Then the sadness as the match has ended, I was a sad panda as I wanted to fire it again but then CHRONOCAM!!! you little ripper, I replayed that moment about 20 times over just awing in wonder. I love you PA Thank You Uber
"what's that buzzing sound?" "oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" haha it would make me giggle. The first time I played a match with it it was a 3v3 and I started by the catalyst points and my team mates on separate planets, one guy got killed by his enemy on his planet, one guy dominated the other enemy. Then my enemy was swarming me hard, luckily I had teched and he was just sending waves of t1 so it somehow managed to balance out. But by waves I mean 200 plus units every minute or two from all directions. As soon as we got the catalysts up I just went mad because they were teleporting units in, and I was so engrossed in my battle I did not realise how they were doing on the other planets, and I just blew every single one of the other planets up :O I felt bad but I giggled like a school girl And then we won after we managed to push my guy back with units and nukes