The following is my constructive criticism of the game (Crossfire mode) and how to improve it, this is my opinion having played Counter-Strike, TF2, DoTA, LoL among tons of other games i've played. Main Problems - Small Maps, Players Leaving/Joining Late, Short Rounds, Not Enough Maps, Not Enough Players, Overtime. ----Explaination----- I'll start on the whole player issue. In a standard MOBA, DoTA, LoL, HoN, just 1 player leaving the game in session pretty much ruins the game. Games that aren't completely full in MNC are completely boring/unbalanced due to how much 1 player can accomplish on their own, for example, even balanced games of 3v3 are horribly boring and usually end fast as one team decimates the enemy money ball before the enemy team can decimate their's. (Defending with such few people seems pointless as everyone spawns 10 seconds later to continue the assault) The way MNC is designed allows players to come and go as they please but with such small maps and only 6 players max per team, each person greatly contributes to the entire success of the team. Now a way to fix it so games aren't decided on whether or not you have a leaver/afker or just not enough people on your team would be to increase the amount of players per team, it would allow for servers to start near capacity or at least closer to 6x6 then servers currently maintain. Bigger maps would be needed so more players would be able to join and it not get crowded. This is all required unless a leaver buster and matchmaking system is created like in League of Legends. (LoL) More maps of course when then be needed. Currently, with only 5 maps and 15 minute default rounds, you cycle through all 5 really fast, which gets boring fast, I find it more fun on servers with 1 hour round times then servers with 15 minute round times, gives you a connection to the arena you're currently in and doesn't allow for games to be ended early unless one team is extremely stacked. Now about Overtime, am I the only one who hates overtime? We get it, you want the map to end, but the money ball losing it's shields on top of the free juice and tons of jackbots is just too much. Winning in overtime feels like cheating, like you didn't even earn the win and losing in overtime feels like you got robbed, either way it's not fun, but it's the server default. I'd prefer overtime to either not drop the money ball shields and be extended to a normal duration of 5 minutes or just have the default be whichever team has dmg'd the enemy moneyball the most wins or if the money balls are the same hp then whichever team earned more money wins (as it is when the overtime clock runs out). Other then these issues, I love MNC, the classes are fun (more would definitely be better) and the combat is great, but cycling through the 5 same maps extremely quickly and not having fun due to lack of players and overtime in general just takes so much away from that fun factor I love about the game. Now i understand Uber is a small company, i just hope if they want to release another FPS MOBA in the future or continue adding onto MNC they use these suggestions or implement ways to fix the problems I've stated. (P.S. More modes besides crossfire would be cool too, like King of the Hill, Steal the Bacon, Capture the Flag, etc)
I like how all people who like to compare this to other MOBA's also say the game needs more maps, 5 maps versus 2 in LoL ahoy. Play in-houses to prevent leavers.
Nope... There are alot of other things that i completely disagree with, but this one was such a massive mistake i figured it needed a nope all to itself.
Some people just don't get the wacky and wonderful world of Monday Night Combat. I would like to visit Spance.
I like the part of his post where he stated he creates games for a living and knows how to do Ubers job. :|
Personally I like how he puts forth friendly & constructive criticism and everyone after the 2nd post immediately starts roasting him alive.