Personal Review

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by ADA Dragon Man, August 12, 2010.

  1. ADA Dragon Man

    ADA Dragon Man New Member

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    Hello. I'm Dragon Man. Anyway...

    I love the game, I am currently ranked 180 in Crossfire Earnings, been playing ALL DAY...except a couple breaks, you know what I mean, but no really I went out today.

    Anyway, great game, everything is fairly balanced EXCEPT:

    -Gunners, WAY overpowered. A Juiced Gunner can singlehandedly destroy the Money Ball, not to mention my lil sniper guy.

    -Supports. For being a SUPPORT character, these guys are beefy. They move like an Assassin, have the health of an Assault or better, they Heal/Hurt Gun does stupidly high damage for being a support role. Oh and the Firebase is like a stationary Gunner for eff's sake. Also the Airstrike can take out like any "light" character 15 feet away from the blast it's just so powerful. The shotgun, isn't too bad.

    -Sniper, is my favorite class, though again the kickback could be increased a bit to make it harder to snipe continuously.

    -Assault has a kind of high damage, but it's alright I suppose. Also the Dash w/ Grapple launches you insanely far. I guess it's ok, but if you get punched from anywhere without a wall behind you, you're going off the map.

    -LAG has been a bit of an issue. Can we have a better host choice than just the first person to join/make the game. Seriously 1/3rd of all the games I play are laggy and about 1/3 of those laggy games, the lag is too unbearable to stand.

    Besides these things I love the game, and I'm gonna go play some more before I go down too much in my rankings. :p
  2. ADA Dragon Man

    ADA Dragon Man New Member

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    Also, would just like to say I got a 20 kills. Figured I would of had the last Highlight for that much considering it's 3 (Hot) +4 = 7 (Mega) +4 = 11 (Ultra). Though no, I needed another 14 after that one.

    Do I get a Nuke after that? It woulda been helpful, I lost that game, due to a Gunner, fyi.

    Also, ranked 150 now.
  3. vermifax

    vermifax New Member

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  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I will agree with the Assault Dash/Grapple attack launching players too far, everything else you stated was skewed by playing a squishy (read: Sniper) for too long.
  5. ComedyFish

    ComedyFish New Member

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    Sniper= Death Fodder. But seriously it's a sniper what do you expect? Also... The tank. If that bastard gets in range of you say goodnight.
  6. ADA Dragon Man

    ADA Dragon Man New Member

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    vermifax: Maybe a little exaggeration but not much. A juiced gunner pretty much can singlehandedly destroy a Moneyball. Plus all the things about the Support is basically true.

    Hiero Glyph: Be a Tank, you still get destroyed by a Gunner is 2 seconds. Plus the Airstrike can take out 4 if not 5 (not sure about Gunner) classes in one hit. It should at least do a bit less damage towards the outer extent of the blast radius.

    ComedyFish: Yes the tank is fair because he is short ranged, but the Gunner with Accuracy can shoot pretty far and still do insane amounts of damage.
  7. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I play an Assault quite often and they can manage a Gunner just fine. Again they are not a huge issue if you realize how to manipulate them into bad situations. If you are running directly to them then you deserve what you get. For certain classes they can be an issue but again it is about knowing your weaknesses and manipulating your opponent's so make the right choice and only attack them when you have the advantage.

    As for the Air Strike you have enough warning to move out of the way so move. Anyone camping in the same spot deserves to be killed by an Air Strike. Sure they are powerful but that does not mean that they are not balanced.

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