motivation > hate

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by judicatorofgenocide, October 6, 2014.

  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    there is difference between decieving/lying to the face of people and not holding up to the set goals/providing a lacking result

    prove that they decieved / lied to you in developing this game
  2. kmastaba

    kmastaba Member

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    Excuse me, i believed PA would be a decent game, you know a game, for playing.
    Currently PA lack a real gameplay, the heart of any game in the world.

    But yeah you're right, they never said in the kickstarter that they would make a true game with even the most basic mechanics builtin. A game at least matching old TA as a RTS.
    Fool of me believing that was the case. I really believed PA would get better and better after the "it's only alpha" meme running from alpha/beta/gamma to the "final" release.
    How wrong i was.

    unitcannon from the KS trailer? Gone.
    key feature wreckage? Gone.
    naval? Useless.
    asteroid & deathstar? Gimmick.
    orbital? Half-baked and severly lacking tools to really work.
    macro strategy? Except the area command the game is still very micro.
    taking forum/backers feedback into account? Laugh.

    Yes, they delivered the absolute minimal needed, more disappointing than deceiving.
    Massive disappointment.

    Such wasted potential. Such endlessly discussed issues, apparently ignored.
    That's even worse when all theses problems could be fixed even now.

    Is there still hope for PA? I believe, yes.

    Backing HR? No thanks. Not until PA is finished.
  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    talking about way to high expectations
    also you are wrong on some parts
    the unitcannon is not gone but simply low priority by now
    wreckaged are not a keyfeature but a mere extra for how most planets are played ... doesn't tjey couldn't become significant later though .. low priority ..
    how is PA wasted potential ehen its not finshed and still worked on? this rather means it still has the potential there is nothing wasted yet ...
    communication has been done many times between devs and community and feedback has been taken into account ... stating there wasn't is just flatout wrong ...
    the game may have ammounts of micro but truely is macro focused it just lacks better orbital transportation ... so i dont ser what your issue is on that...

    all in all to me PA IS a decent game that can get only better ..
    planktum likes this.
  4. kmastaba

    kmastaba Member

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    Exactly, way too high expectations.

    wreckage is important, that means a failing attacker give the defender his metal, wreckages block the way and create a protection. Obviously removed to help pathfinding.

    PA is still worked on, yeah i hope so because the SMNC experience is not very encouraging.
    And more than that, the game didn't progress much over time, it still looks like under construction.
    Feedback from the community, like the scale problem?, the UI?, the terrain/biome?, orbital? So much threads talking about the same things, and pretty much nothing has been done.
    Yes, there has been communication, one way down from dev to backers.

    It's micro because you always need to babysit your units, no way to even make ferry or factory assist (things that were on FA).
    Only nice thing is the zone control, but besides that the game don't give us the tools to play at a macro level, especially important with a game taking place on entire systems.
    Where's the automation when you have to deal with multiple battlefields? When you can't even hae a clear view of 100% of the global battlefield? The game is either so large or too small, but a game that takes place in systems/galaxies obviously need adapted tools.

    And that was going with a game built over a solid base (the one of TA & FA, even if PA didn't even took all of their features). HR don't even have this base.

    That's pretty frustrating because some very small change would dramatically improve PA:
    -A map editor, allowing to produce completely handmade maps, much more interesting to play than the current flat and randomized ones. (Only this would make the game way better)
    -Giving some bonus points (+range/firepower/radar/etc.) depending on the height, and a real hilly terrain would instantaneously permit strategic use of the terrain itself, infinitely better than having only some blocking props randomly placed. Don't seems too hard to implement aswell.
    -Multi-unit transporter, yes! And area+ferry commands. And ways to automate things at a higher level.
    -real naval, ships with inertia (that don't stop/turn as fast as a bot!), range and power.
    -a proper SCALE, not so hard as there's a mod that doing it. And a proper scale help to fix so many other problems it should have been a priority.

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