motivation > hate

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by judicatorofgenocide, October 6, 2014.

  1. kazzymodus

    kazzymodus Active Member

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    OP is a typical PA newbie that probably doesn't even know what SMNC is, let alone what's happened to it.

    We gave them a chance. Didn't work, apparantly.
    nawrot and stuart98 like this.
  2. bytestream

    bytestream Active Member

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    Are you, by any chance, the one TB ranted about on Twitter a few hours ago?
  3. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    Flag all those mines in your profile pic b4 i flip out
  4. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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  5. moonwerewolf

    moonwerewolf Member

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    I will never back HR, since I hate the concept behind it, and I don't want to slaughter humans to gain resources.
    planktum likes this.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    There isn't much hate on the forums.

    Conspiracy theories, and disappointment, but not hate.

    Blatant hate just gets deleted by the mods.
    nawrot likes this.
  7. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    I aint backing it because i dont like Uber.. Brill idea of a game but id rather have someone else make it than uber for sure then ill back it $40 for sure
  8. nimro

    nimro Member

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    Then why are you posting on Uber forums? :p
  9. judicatorofgenocide

    judicatorofgenocide Active Member

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    With the update and recent news for pa, I will now back hr this weekend.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I know what SMNC is, and I agree mostly with the OP.

    Look, I figure out my own ****, I don't bandwagon crap from other people. My thought process is as follows:

    -SMNC doesn't matter because it was unsuccessful. They should take another stab at it later when they have a business plan to back it up. To be honest, Kickstarter would be a GREAT idea considering it would gurantee the game's value in advance.

    -PA does work, there is much value in it's success, there is an obvious "gain" monetarily to Uber to continue it.

    -HR runs on PA engine, it is hard to work on one and not have any benefits to bring to the other.

    -Uber said they would continue to work on PA, SMNC, and release server for PA. They released server for PA, they have sustained SMNC if not little else, they aren't malicious here, they are good for their word.

    -Uber is a business, they need sustinence for all their developers via multiple projects since PA doesn't generate enough available work for a full staff now that it has particularly limited development points left. Name one company that DOESN'T need multiple projects to sustain all their staff. Mojang did you answer? Theirs is a java game with very simple assets and very small staff, the same people that program can make 32 bit textures on 6 sides of a cube. Uber is MUCH more like Blizzard than Mojang, and Blizzard works on multiple projects.

    So, my arguement is practical and logical sense. Your arguement is "they did wrong stuff, don't trust them". Tsk, that is a pretty primitive arguement. Hulk smash Uber, Hulk mad?
    squishypon3 likes this.
  11. kazzymodus

    kazzymodus Active Member

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    Assuming I'm pissed because Uber has a bad track record.

    What I was trying to get across was that it's pretty freaking naive for someone to say "Let's give Uber another chance", when they already had one massive one.

    Misinterpreting fever on the forum these days...
    nawrot likes this.
  12. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    He's actually not a newb, he's been with PA since it's earliest alpha (a KS backer I believe) and he was apart of the earliest tournaments ever hosted for PA, he was with Ikon Gaming.

    He learns new strats very well, already having a good eco build, he just needs to get back into being able to macro so well.

    False assumptions are false.
  13. kazzymodus

    kazzymodus Active Member

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    Newbie relates to the forums, not to PA.

    Otherwise that would be a very weird statement.
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Hey, I got an idea.... Human Resources looks like a cool game that Uber can definitely develop. So... Let's give them the support to develop it?

    It is sad when people won't back it in a direct attempt to sink a company they decided to hate.

    It wouldn't be so sad, if the games weren't so great, or if another developer would make it. In my opinion, if another developer would make it, they would probably douche it up even more with generic build and heavily cloned from another game and tons of restrictions.

    Oh, if you let them be a dev studio by the way, you sort of increase the chances of another MNC game down the line. If you succeed in sinking Uber, great, now you simply gotta wait 10 years to make a nonprofit sequel with a talented and motivated fanbase. I was 14 I think when I played Renegade, I am now 23 waiting on the RenX beta3 update tomorrow. When MNC is gotten around to, I will be 32... Some of you are likely to be 40...
    Last edited: October 7, 2014
    MrTBSC likes this.
  15. moonwerewolf

    moonwerewolf Member

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    I won't back games I don't like the ideas of, and even if HR don't get funded, Uber will still bring in money from PA, while the think of a new concept for a game.
    squishypon3 and planktum like this.
  16. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    It's the company's sheer arrogance which is the number one reason why i refuse to help Uber at this point onwards.. Not unless they change their ways.
  17. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    what arrogance?
    radongog likes this.
  18. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    You can call them terrible at marketing, terrible at communication and so on and you´ll find reasons for that. But arrogant?! :eek:
    squishypon3 likes this.
  19. nawrot

    nawrot Active Member

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    First make finished game then they may get my money, if i like it. Not the other way around, not anymore. I overpaid for PA because I loved idea of Total Annihilation on planets, but PA is nowhere near that.
  20. kmastaba

    kmastaba Member

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    "Vote with your wallet."

    Yes, indeed.
    Off course.
    You are right.
    I agree.

    I already voted for PA some times ago.
    That was a big fat 500+€ vote i put in the ballot box.

    I'm still waiting for some results.
    I mean results at least as good as the good old 1997 TotalAnnihilation game.
    A game with proper scale, proper terrain management, proper non-random maps, and last but not least a game with real and interesting gameplay.

    I don't care for the frakking "awesome" eyecandy trailer worthy stuff, the useless asteroids or deathstar superlaser game enders.
    I want a game, with a proper gameplay.
    A game that doesn't look like some toy's'rus playmobil superdeformed, with flat and boring terrain, a game that don't lack the proper UI tools and ingame units needed to fulfill it's ambitions.

    A RTS with S for Strategy.

    If Uber don't deliver it, i won't vote for them anymore, because democracy work that way.
    Do you vote again for the same president that deceived you?

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