Hello c: Currently, myself and a friend have taken an extreme interest in the Blitz type of Gameplay in Monday Night combat. We've attained the 51 and 52 spots in the Overall ranks, and in the support ranks we're currently 34 and 35. Each Game, we managed to get 400-550+. We've been talking about Turret setups for awhile, and it seems our is working completely fine until we reach 300+ rounds. The very back two corner Turrets, are Long-shot Turrets. And the space behind the 'Money Ball' is used for a Long-Shot Turret also. The rest of the spots are filled by Rocket Turrets. I place my Firebase on the little platform to the North, and my friend places his near the East Bot entrance. We hack 3 Turrets each. Both our endorsements are the following: (yes, we are both support) Support = Regen - Rate of Fire - Movement Speed Increase The issue is that, we still manage to have Black Jacks get through, and leap onto the Money Ball. Sometimes even Slims. ---------------------------------------------- We are currently wondering, if there is another types of Turret setups we could use to make Blitz even easier. As our setup is more offense intensive, rather than defensive. Thanks
Sudden Death, not Super Sudden Death, right? Turret setup sounds good but you need a hacked 3.3 ShaveIce under the bridge in front of the moneyball. That one ShaveIce turret will slow down bots so much, it isn't even funny. I think the best way to get to even higher levels is to have one Tank on the team. I played some Sudden Death to get money for my custom classes and got to 410 as Tank. He can cut through JackBots like a hot knife through butter on juice! It's your best option to survive one or two JacBot waves when the Annihilator is on cooldown.
Yeah, we play Sudden Death. Okay, thanks for the tip. We'll try it soon. We seem to be fine taking down the JackBots, just as support ourselves. Thanks heaps !
Haha, with enough overhealed RockIts you should be fine too. Do try the ShaveIce turret under the bridge though. You will be surprised how much that helps on the higher levels!
Before I post this video remember there are all 3 hazards in Blitz as well. Ejectors, Annihilators and Juice. And now the XBox's resident Blitz master: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkeGXigv8o8
I had a semi-serious go at Blitz after "researching" tactics on it and got to round 202 solo on my first attempt (I got bacon that round too). I would suggest using the higher ground when possible, as seen in that video. Also, because the heal/hurt gun has that auto-lockon feature, Buzzers aren't too much of a hassle after they've passed through some of your RockIt fire. Just try to make sure you don't have stray Gremlins, and it helps to use the Ejectors to wipe some out. Also using the Firebase 3's healing at the same time can help extend just that tiny bit longer. I would definitely agree to the Tank and/or ShaveIces. As a Tank with Deploy 3, you can sit in front of one of the spawners (or just near a turret) and act as a firewall. There's the bonus of the damage taken giving you some juice as well. I tested Tank with the Playoff Blitz and got almost a full juice every other round It also helps to keep a juice "pocketed" (like the video.) Despite the allowance of juice-buying, keeping a full bar pocketed helps if you've been Baconed and have gotten down to red health. Although, as there would be 2 supports, with at least some communication, I'd assume you'd heal/overheal each other when possible. With the hacking, the two "North" Turrets should be hacked, such that if a Gapshot spawns, it's within the hacked range (unless a firebase is placed near there, but that's risky to plant/heal if it goes down when needed). I'd be unsure which other turrets would be prime candidates for hacking, but either the two with the direct line of sight to the side spawns, or the ones inside the walls that can cover the rear and sides. The spare hacks would be your decision, but a 3.3 ShaveIce would be great. I would wonder if you would use the turret nubs outside the walls as well, although I hadn't, they would make quite a difference if you could keep them healed up.
Just about everything you said, we do. With minor modifications. Which seems to work a lot better. Using the Turrets outside help a lot.