Gunner's Jetpack

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by SkizoFrantiK, February 8, 2011.

  1. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Dear Skizo,

    I am disappointed, terribly offended, and sorely grieved over the clear and severe lack of exclamation points in your last post. Due to your willful neglect of the use of proper punctuation in copious quantities, I am forced to remove you from my friends list. Henceforth, you are no longer a Mouskateer, but are relegated to the mewling purgatories of Team Lolrandum. You are banished, and your name will be as pariah among us. Please leave your keycard and the remainder of your complimentary dental floss at front desk.

    Scornfully yours,
  2. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    I find it excessively stupid for Uber to cripple the gunner further in the PC just because you have to cripple yourself to play gunner on the 360. Just because one system has a defect, when you move to the next system and improve the defect, it doesn't mean you should debilitate some other part to balance it out.
  3. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    im just hopping with the class, jepack or not
  4. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

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    I regret to inform you, but in your absence I have aquired your throne. I now wear the crown, and you cannot banish me, for I control the power of your armies!!!!!!!!!!(Excessive Punctuation) You sir, have no power over me!!! You will have to either enlist a Robin Hood type figure, or make an attempt yourself if you wish to steal back the throne!! I warn you though, I have a new general by the name of SolemnCougar3 that you will most certainly have troubles with!!! I thank you for your public lashing and arrogantly refuse your request.

    Treasonously yours,
    The Grand Pubah

    And by the way, "All Your Base Are Belong To Us!!"

    "Et tu, Brute?" - Julius Ceaser
    Last edited: February 10, 2011
  5. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    I agree with this sentiment, though I'm still confused as to what a "thrown" is.

    You are losing your sovereignty with your prolonged absence, Sah. And no one protects me from the emotional abuse Mouse heaps upon me. The world has become a cruel, cruel place for us ever since you went on your prolonged break to find that divine plate of chicken.

    so hurry up and come back.

    On topic: I'm pretty sure the class is gunner and not gunship. I can definitely be wrong here but I doubt Uber intended the gunner to be almost permanently flying around as many of the clawers can pull off.
  6. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for pointing out my oversite. It has been fixed.

    On topic: While I agree that the gunner flying around constantly was probably not intended, I have to mention that sometimes the unintended result is what makes a game unique and fun.

    Also, now that the gunner has been constantly nerfed with each new update, the fact that he can fly around constantly is the only way he can survive in many situatiuons. Have you ever tried to just run away from an assault or a sniper who has his sites set on you while attemting to reload your weapon (Which takes for F-ing ever)? It can be quite difficult without your jetpack because the gunner is one of the 2 slowest classes in the game!! Especially if the Assault or Sniper is any good at the game!

    In reference to the guy who says clawing doesn't require skill. Have you ever tried clawing?? Let's forget the fact that you have to contort your hand in a retarded fashion. It is extremely difficult to fly, aim, res your barrells, and shoot at the same time. You ask any player who claws and they'll tell you the same thing!!
    Last edited: February 10, 2011
  7. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Sah and Skizo's conversation reminds me of this.
  8. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

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    Jon10395 you are so funny!! I am very pleased to have you on my friends list. I need to make it a point to party up with you more frequently!! You always have had a knack for making me LMFAO!!!

    Seriously guys, check out his link!!
  9. Mightymous69

    Mightymous69 New Member

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    Dear Magnum,
    I am sorry to inform you that even with Sah back, you will still receive the wrath of MIGHTYMOUS. Mwhahahaha....

    Dear Skizy and Sah,
    On further notice, the throne has always and will be mine. >.< Sorry guys, but the girl overrules. Feel free to fight over other things such as the crown jewels and such. ^.-

    On topic: I do hope that they do not make the same adjustments on the gunner, as it is difficult enough to play with the new update. Though i think it has more to do with my lack of skill on avoiding certain stick figured men with long guns..... snipers. Gah, my very bane of existence. Anyhoo, I do agree with Skizy that they should um... delicately remove some power from another class.... assault.

    (Oh and Sah if this isn't enough color for you. Then too bad. >.<)
  10. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I would have commented on this sooner, but I had a mild seizure. Too...many...colors :|
    Last edited: February 10, 2011
  11. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

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    Don't you mean the CLOWN jewels Mous?? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Must meet my punctuation quota) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (You're a slave driver Sah) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Mightymous69

    Mightymous69 New Member

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    Blame Sah. XP
  13. Mightymous69

    Mightymous69 New Member

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    I don't know anything about clown jewels... XP but sure go ahead.(gah why do you ruin my fun.... blegh XP)

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