Seriously. Where are we going from here? Where's the roadmap?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Shwyx, October 3, 2014.

  1. nawrot

    nawrot Active Member

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    But he posted it, he made it public. I agree let him do whatever he likes with his money. But I also agree that moment he started to brag about his toys and made that public, its "free season" to quote him.
  2. warlockgs

    warlockgs Member

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    Except in the context of this discussion where it's being used as a red herring. That's the part that I find distasteful.
  3. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    I dont think neutrino has had a whole lot of time tot spend the money he makes. Also he is not the CEO. Besides, he almost personaly made UBER, and PA happen. Combined with the shrink he probably needed to stand up to the community's yammering he deserves his cash
    icycalm likes this.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I agree, taking things in one context and using them as character attacks in another context is stupid and can be done with anyone.

    Obama does a shoddy job saluting troops. SO does George Bush Jr.. Fact is, Ronald Regan was the first president to salute troops anyway, as a publicity thing. Presidents are civilians albeit they are commander in chief of the military, so they are not obligated to salute. George Washington never saluted his troops.

    Franklin Roosevelt chain-smoked and drank 8 martinis a day and had 2 mistresses, and consulted with astrologists on political matters. Winston Churchill habitually slept until noon, was an opium user and drank a quart of wiskey daily. Hitler is a decorated war hero, vegitarian, artisian, inventor, doesn't smoke, drinks on special social occasion, and was strictly a monogamist.

    You act like only tycoons of some form have an interest in cars. People who play Forza like cars, it makes sense cars are a valid personal hobby.
    Grimseff and kayonsmit101 like this.
  5. omegabolt

    omegabolt New Member

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    Since major banks took hundreds of billions of pounds of public money to bail them out and yet they continue to do bad economy, fire thousands of staff and still increase the bonuses of the top brass, you would quite rightly investigate their personal lives. It's criminal.

    Or when a politician has completely lost touch, is making cuts on all necessities whilst continually claiming expenses you should investigate their personal lives.

    Now Uber isn't the government or the banking system but they did pre-sell everyone a product and didn't deliver in some key areas. I really enjoy the game a lot but there are still things to fix and they do need doing. Until then I don't think people want to see or hear the killing Uber staff made off that kickstarter.

    I feel sorry for Uber really, communities always turn hostile so easily. The more people just slag off PA and Uber because everyone else is doing it, despite the fact PA is a very interesting, ambitious and fun game, is super damaging to a company that is putting it's future in the hands of the community. It's basically wishing the company to fail, which is very petty and bitter. There are problems and they need fixing but turning on the company is the reason many studios have failed in the past, independent or not.

    What we need is a reasonable community and some better, simple communication. A few clear points and rough timeline for the future of the game. Afterall, in the initial brief it was intended to be a fan driven game and so there should be intercommunication on what the future holds.
  6. totodes

    totodes New Member

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    I notice that the discussion kinda died down after they delivered on the Offline play. (Well part 1, at least.)
  7. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    OP, you get various things wrong, or make leaps of logic, that make the overall tone of your post quite disagreeable.

    You're free to your own opinion, and I was going to reply to individual points, but to be honest looking at interaction with other members it's clear that your opinion won't change (which is fair enough, it's a personal thing) . . . which makes my intent a waste of everyone's time.

    I hope your concerns are mollified (and the arrival of jables with regards to community interaction helps your view of Uber as a company) so that threads like this become much less frequent.

    This is the point where your entire rant falls apart.
    kayonsmit101, Geers and Nicb1 like this.
  8. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    it always does. remember pre-beta when people raged about uber not being able to deliver in time? and the time prior to release date?

    If anything, uber has proven they do deliver. Maybe not always according to the schedule they want, but they deliver.
  9. fuzzels

    fuzzels Member

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    Yep, that is the important bit, and the good bit too: they deliver.

    The problem most people have with it is that there is no time schedule and the non-communication of when that time schedule is a bit off. Which happens and most people can accept that, but: communicate with eg "hey, we ran into an issue, we are committing to do X by Y; in the mean time enjoy Z that we did finish; updated schedule is at URL W"
  10. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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  11. fuzzels

    fuzzels Member

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    Yep indeed and I am looking forward on the first actual content though ;)
  12. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Well @jables has recently revealed wip on symmetrical planets along with the impending release of an Uber matchmaker / ladder system. I'd call that 'actual content'....?! I mean he even gave a target date for ladders.
  13. fuzzels

    fuzzels Member

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    It would be useful though to have all those items one single page somewhere instead of having to scrounge through all the forum posts... hence why the title of this thread is "where is the roadmap".
    cdrkf likes this.
  14. swizzlewizzle

    swizzlewizzle Active Member

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    Yea. I'm not 100% sure why most people on the forums here think that if it has been mentioned one time, somewhere, in some 100 post long thread, everyone should know about it. Sure, there is a search function, but many times one doesn't really know quite what to search for.

    This is why Star Citizen for example brings everything together in a monthly news letter and also posts weekly (sometimes even daily) updates for the community into a single blog-like update location.

    Btw, I would like to reinforce the fact that communicating what your company will and is doing is much different then delivering everything all the time right now. It's perfectly reasonable to hold up a company that has been backed with our own money to clearly communicate what they are doing especially when something dramatic like V1.0 release or a new kickstarter occurs.

    I too hope with Jables onboard the company will start getting some semblance of dev<->backer information flow.

    Honestly, it's just about respecting backers as what we are - backers. We are not a bunch of random people who dropped down some money on a product. The relationship is different and Uber needs to respect that.
    nawrot and fuzzels like this.
  15. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I think a monthly newsletter covering updates could be a good plan, +1. @jables what do you think of this idea? I know there are concerns over posting an official roadmap, however this is perhaps a slightly less 'rigid' way of achieving the same thing?
    swizzlewizzle likes this.
  16. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    That's . . . pretty much exactly what we are. That is the definition of backing a project.
    squishypon3, Devak and Quitch like this.
  17. TerrorScout

    TerrorScout Member

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    I think Uber needs to look at what Star Citizen is doing. Uber is being to closed and with to small a vision for PA, SC keeps collecting money for the project not selling early access. At $900K the game would have been very small we did get a lot of upgrades like the soundtrack exc.

    Crowd funding backers are willing to give until it hurts and then give even more if we believe in a project. The only reason I backed PA was because I wanted its dream to exist a dream not of a fun or nice game there are a lot of them on steam for $9.99 I wanted a game changer.

    It seems Uber has lost its vision of making PA the ultimate RTS platform that I think it can be not just a fun tech demo.

    We really need a feature complete PA and a read map for expansions other factions and game play mechanics I do want what I saw in the HR concept but as a PA expansion.

    We also need a lot of Mod's like PA DOTA and every other RTS game type.

    PA is awesome but it could be so much more awesome its sad to think it may never get to its full potential.

    If Uber can't do it I hope we can take it open source and make it happen.
    nawrot likes this.
  18. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    They should keep selling concept Commanders at a cost of hundreds of dollars while only releasing gameplay "modules" with no end in sight?
  19. TerrorScout

    TerrorScout Member

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    Yes a game with no end ever is Star Citizens core concept with a Ship or Command unit that is your personal avatar.
    And commanders should be as varied and customizable as a League of Legends Hero.

    They were planning to do a lot with the custom commanders until all the you cant balance that backlash and they just seemed to give up after that and go for whatever.
  20. omegabolt

    omegabolt New Member

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    Businesses still have a responsibility to deliver to customers, customers are the reason they exist at all.

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