Is there any "total annihilation" game mode in addition to "sudden death"? AI tend to march its commander to death before my massive revenge recently So it may be nice to add in "total annihilation" mode in addition to the current "kill the king and win" mode
The only other Game modes are Maps with Metal planets and/or Gas Giants resulting in more of a "King of the Hill" game style but it's not officially a game mode. Mike
Having the metal planets/annihilaser in certainly does feel like a king of the hill/rush type of game mode. Really wish there was a way to turn them off, as well as a lot of other things.
Yup, I really liked playing on Metal Planets, they were easily the most stand out Biome of them all, but the Annihilasor deal isn't in line with the types of game I want to play. Mike
If you find a good balance, you can make a one planet juggernaut by giving one of the players high eco whilst everyone else is against this guy.