For reference: Uber SMNC Thread about PA KS

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by stuart98, October 3, 2014.

  1. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    And matchmaking.

    The lack of matchmaking is commonly attributed to being the main reason for SMNC's failure. It seems that everyone talks about how awesome that game is. But then they talk about how horrible it is to play because they would get thrown in with people who were really good and then get curbstomped.
  2. kazzymodus

    kazzymodus Active Member

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    Uber: Indie company that tries to be AAA.

    Does not work.
  3. sakre99

    sakre99 Member

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    Someone remember Scathis "Winter is coming","winter, I mean stuff"?
    Another broken promise
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Jables' thread goes to show what the community taught Uber. Never speculate a date. Because if you are, let's say, 3 months off, then you are called a liar, slandered, and people will travel far and wide screaming into the faces of those who don't care that "uber are liars never trust them".

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  5. donut7577

    donut7577 Active Member

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    Did I step into a time machine
  6. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    There is a saying for this: Have we really nothing better to concern ourselves with than yesterday's news?

    You all know damn well SMNC wasn't performing as expected in the financial sense. You also all know that most people who would want PA already have the game, so there is not much to earn there anymore. A game studio exists to develop games, when one is done, you move over the next, while supporting the older ones up to a certain point.

    They certainly tried to save SMNC, I tried to save it, but you can't keep a game going for a few tenths of people still playing. Now you can argue about the process before and after, but that's just you being captain hindsight then.
    Remy561, thetrophysystem and mjshorty like this.
  7. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I stay playing captain hindsight...

    The only difference is I had the same exact opinion and stance on MNC when I had played it back in 2009 that I do to this day without any hindsight. If someone has any other titles to throw up go for it, but it was the worst use and upkeep of a game that I consider was a perfect idea.

    @LennardF1989 remember when I PM'd you about the process behind updating MNC? It was one post brief discussion that didn't answer a lot before you stopped responding me? Good times man, glad Uber realized you fit in well ;)
    Last edited: November 5, 2014
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  8. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    You also know I'm only a contractor and not in the position to discuss sensitive information ;p And you wanted to update MNC while Uber already clearly moved on to SMNC. Also, I had nothing to do with MNC at all.
  9. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I understand your position but not what it entails. But that's dedication right there, the old I can't discuss sensitive information routine so instead of politely explaining that, I'll just pretend you never messaged me! I'll make sure I put that on my resume if UberEnt is hiring. That seems to be at the top.

    Uber's clearly moved on to PA but there's this false hope for SMNC. I know thats not the same comparison for MNC to SMNC.

    I had some very technical questions I was hoping you could help me with. You apparently have a good understanding of the unreal engine, something I don't have. It's just a matter of opinion though, I felt like there could be a lot to discuss and I guess you felt there was literally nothing to discuss.

    Good luck to you SMNC guys though, I hope you get some content and hope you guys enjoyed your game even 1/4th as much as I've enjoyed MNC.
    naka333 likes this.
  10. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    I recall I send you a very polite PM back explaining X360 MNC will not receive any more updates, including various explanations as to why (most related Microsoft having a bitch of an update policy for Xbox titles), and that the PC version was going to be superseded by SMNC in terms of support. I think I even mentioned that one day MNC2 might come out and make your wildest dreams come true.

    If I didn't, I apologize, I just checked the old forums, but couldn't find the PM, so it must have been on the new forums. I could go through the hassle of checking database backups, but I don't feel its worth it. I get these types of PM's regularly, and every time I take the time to explain "why". If I ignored your PM's regarding that matter, it was because you most likely wouldn't take no for an answer :p

    EDIT: Actually found it in the database, I'm 100% sure I replied to that, or I'm mixing you up with someone who had the same exact question.
    Last edited: November 5, 2014
    Remy561 and squishypon3 like this.

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