I'm not sure if anyone has posted this yet: PC Gamer's PA Review

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sierra159, October 4, 2014.

  1. sierra159

    sierra159 Member

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    tunsel11 likes this.
  2. foerest

    foerest Member

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    I don`t like pc gamers, although as a kid I used to buy the magazine for the free games disk, its is a bribe company look at all of valves games wonder why they are the highest? and Out of the Park Baseball 2007 has the second highest score LOL OK!!!, notice 5 of 7 of the top games are all created by the same company... bribe to win. best way to review a game is check out the game play on youtube and review it for yourself.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  3. foerest

    foerest Member

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    this game deserves a 85+ easy, take it from a guy who has pretty much played every single game under the son, I have 5 brothers so we nerded pretty hard, still remember playing duke nukem/quake on my modem and rocking some "tank" for atari haha
    cdrkf likes this.
  4. wowylied

    wowylied Member

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    I don't trust reviews, i prefer to watch gameplay on youtube/stream to have an idea of the game.
    I am still surprised that in 2014 people pay importance to reviews.
  5. swordy12345

    swordy12345 Member

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    This isn't the place to spout conspiracy theories foerest
    vyolin and aevs like this.
  6. foerest

    foerest Member

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    just saying this game deserves a better rating, and with pcgamers that can be obtained for a price, conspiracy? I don`t think you know how the real world works.
  7. burlayz

    burlayz Member

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    There might be some cases of such, but valve's game are well received for a good reason, they know how to make good games.

    60/100 honestly quite generous for a game as half baked as PA
  8. duncane

    duncane Active Member

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    I would expect Pc gamer to be bias against PA as the kickstarter model theatens their ad revenue from big studios. But this review does seem to be reasonable fair. It's not fun having a game crash when theres no save and the planet invasion issue is true as well.
  9. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    You now that to any game be well rating must be at least, decent and fill all the quests propose dont you!
    I mean PA its not only an unfinish game ,but also ta total disaster, could be the game off the year iff was made by the right team with the right options and with the right time...
    But Uber only think money money ,lets make t-shirts money money,lets make some Commanders money money.
    Then we are here waiting for a game ,with right eco, decent ui,a balanced units,more options to the field ...we i mean you (im not crasy to like this game) have a naval...A Naval for what?
    No one uses naval on PA ,cant be + dummy..... Since TA SCFA this game base is also naval .
    For me yes PA its the worst sucessor game on 2014 rts and since 2011.

    They new this was a big game to take, not easy to make the same quality has the FAF or TA .
    Wy you think they stop work on PA and start the new game that i think its kind fun has casual game.

    Your server its off no one play it........
    About what 5/6 host game?
    Even the games on my android got + host games and dont lag.....
    elkanfirst likes this.
  10. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Because Android games are a totally reasonable comparison.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  11. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    Yes, your android games render thousands of units on several planets, with hundreds of terrain features and thousands of projectiles all with their own calculations, path-finding, complex shadow system and ui amounting to hundreds of thousands of polys. Kalherine, I understand that you were disappointed with the games release but it doesn't mean that they have stopped working on it. Release was manditory because of their contract. no release means nordic games can sue them for violation of contract, but in all but name, this is still pretty much beta. If i didn't back this, would i by it at release? Probably not but the issues you are talking about. naval balance, lag, lack of offline, are being fixed. In the meantime, stop raging and play something else. This isn't the first hate comment I've seen from you and if you think its helping anyone, you are clearly delusional. Relax, Stop hating, and Give it some time.
  12. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    stuart98, vyolin, ace63 and 1 other person like this.
  13. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Seems to be a very fair and accurate review to me.
  14. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Valve are one of the last companies I'd see bribing, and PC Gamer, while still "games journalists", are still not quite IGN or Gamespot in terms of just doing ALL the paid promotions

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