A Note To Planetary Annihilation Fans About Human Resources

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by BradNicholson, October 2, 2014.

  1. nawrot

    nawrot Active Member

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    Agreed, and I love how you mispelled faithfool. Kickstarter backing looks more and more foolish.
    I may buy that new game when its done and all features are finished and polished, no backing it.
    So far Uber still owes me 100$ for PA, as it is not finished game yet. They got my $$ because of DRM free and offline/lan and private servers. If not those promised features I would wait with buying PA after release and GOOD reviews. I will wait this time and get that game for 10-15$ instead.
    bradaz85, Malisane and schuesseled192 like this.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Yes, because they totally aren't people, that makes it ok to berate them.
  3. cmdandy

    cmdandy Active Member

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    Personally this leaves an incredibly bitter taste my my mouth. I am grateful for one thing though; I was going to guy the $250 version of PA. Instead I went for a lesser (but still expensive) package.
    Had I paid $250 (let alone $1000 like some generous people) I would be going out of my mind with rage at this point.
    I imagine when you pay $1000 for a game you pay and expect to see that game in all its potential glory. Right now, PA is far from its potential glory. So many things are bare-bones, missing, or even in some cases (naval anyone) completely broken.
    Uber are clearly de-prioritizing PA before it is remotely done (it looks like pretty much all of the heavy hitters are now over in the HR camp) and had I paid more that would make me incredibly angry.

    Thank Odin I did not pay more!

    On a final note: Having the audacity to call PA 'finished' actually made me laugh out loud. This situation is a joke and I will not be buying another Uber product until PA IS finished; which I now fully expect to be never.
    Malisane, nawrot and planktum like this.
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Have the people of the Internet never encountered a developer who works on more than one game before? Is PA the first game of everyone here or something? The fact that there's a Kickstarter is a good thing begins it means an independent source of funding, but noooooooo, better that they delayed (thus channeling the profits from PA into staff working either on HR or sitting on their thumbs) because... I don't even know why.
    Gorbles, Geers, MrTBSC and 4 others like this.
  5. cmdandy

    cmdandy Active Member

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    Nobody cares that Uber is working on two games - there wasn't this reaction when Toy Rush appeared was there. I also don't think anyone here is saying the actual idea of funding HR via kickstarter itself is bad. It is the timing which is such a huge problem.
    HR is clearly Uber's priority one project now (or why would they be swapping most of their heavy hitters onto it)?
    Why is Uber starting a new, huge project, taking development resources from PA when PA is completely unfinished?!

    In your scenario why do Uber have staff sitting on their thumbs? Lets be honest, PA needs more of everything Uber can give!


    Oh well, not that's the mindless chattering of anyone on here makes a shred of difference anyway. Uber released a half baked, disappointing version of PA, called it finished and have now begun the move onto a new project. Like I said before - damn I'm glad I didn't pledge more!
  6. jeffwadsworth

    jeffwadsworth Member

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    Is it just me or is "local server, lan mode, and offline mode" pretty much the same thing? The issue revolves around piracy concerns no doubt. It will come.
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    What's your source on the idea that it revolves around piracy?
    Quitch likes this.
  8. moonwerewolf

    moonwerewolf Member

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    Like any other game one the PC, I'm mostly looking forward to offline mode because my internet connection is not very stable, and I have only 60 Gb a month.
    warrenkc likes this.
  9. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, I have enjoyed being a part of the PA community, and have regretted a lot not having a chance to kickstart PA.

    Uber has given me many fun hours with PA, and even if they WOULD abandon it, which would be a shame, I've already gotten my money's worth with about 200 hrs of playtime.

    Just backed HR with $500. Good luck Uber, love you guys!
    DeadStretch and Raevn like this.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    YES, there totaly was ....

    show source they called it finished ...
    they called PA basecontent being ready for release ...
    1.0 |= final or finished
  11. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    This looks like an awesome game.

    I think I had a fever dream like this once about consuming humans, probably watched too much matrix
    Last edited: October 3, 2014
  12. scifi99

    scifi99 New Member

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    Its totaly fine to start a new project, they have to make money and generate hype for a new release. And the game looks good and somewhat interesting.

    Whats not fine:
    - Send emails to people that kickstarted PA, thats just very bad marketing i dunno who thinked it would be a good idea.
    - Use PAs music on the kickstarter video and mention PA as RTS Canon, excessive bragging imo.
    - They are targeting the people that kickstarted PA to kickstart their new game, while an obvious choice i think its a wrong one to begin with.

    Yes its a new RTS but think again, people that bought PA and buy RTS games in general arent so keen in switching overnight to a new RTS.

    Actualy i think they should have only briefly mentioned PA and it would have been fine. It is as if PA is their biggest and most successfull title and they want to bring people over.

    As for PA in general, its obvious they consider it a released game and i will end this post right now.
    Last edited: October 4, 2014
    elkanfirst and Fr33Lancer like this.
  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    released yes but not finished by their own ( actualy no ones definition )
    unfortunately people think that uber thinks of release being finished ... which is just not true
  14. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    So what is their definition of "released"? Other than just some arbitrary term for another milestone which meant nothing.

    Released by definition is "To make known or available"

    I would argue that it fitted this definition already, so what does released mean to Uber.
    Last edited: October 4, 2014
    elkanfirst likes this.
  15. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    that 1.0 is the basecontent of gameplay ... it´s the fundation from which they wanted to work on further ... the game is "functional" but not streamlined and this is what hopefully will happen over the course of the next months ...

    i made a thread of how it could look like ...

    warrenkc likes this.
  16. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Your problems don't seem to be all that bad really, it's more your disappointment at PA that makes them bad, rather then them actually being bad things to do.
    scifi99 likes this.
  17. lucidnightmare

    lucidnightmare Member

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    Some people in this thread.

    I backed. You should also. Why? Reasons. Here is one:

    Given the time constraints they set, and budget they possessed, Uber have managed to make a very impressive game already. All it needs is a bit more time. They are a very capable developer.

    For everyone complaining, go do some reading about companies/ game designs/ stop being entitled arseholes.
    jeffwadsworth and warrenkc like this.
  18. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    PA is missing very important features that makes it difficult for people to play it at all ... and the thing is they have been promised and people bought into the game with that promise in mind .. so imho those complaints and concerns are valid to a extend ...
  19. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I could be wrong but I don't think they used the word "finished".
  20. Kutharos

    Kutharos Member

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    I want to say that I am not the biggest fanboy of Uber. I did not back up PA, and I am still deciding to support this one.

    First, the HR Kickstarter is improved but still a lacking in many parts over the original Kickstarter for PA. The tiers are not generous. Where it is still 1, 20, 40, 90, and then 115? What? I'm sorry ,but no, you didn't do proper tiers last time and it's still a mad tier program this time. However, it is better with the gift of spending cash in SMNC, which is on life support, not the best way to promote the game, but an improvement.

    Now the elephant in the room is if Uber can keep it's word. I am going to be honest that seeing PA's success is a good thing and logically I can assume them expanding to be very nice. Yet we can't be stupid to assume the sins of the past to be forgiven and we can trust Uber to be good on it's word. I will give the benefit of the doubt, for now, that they can keep a constant update for two games at once, despite history proven that Uber can only properly handle one game at a time. Can Uber properly give care for two games at once? I answer as maybe.

    I have always been the moderate one in times like this, because objective thinking is what we need the most. I say this not as a PA player, but as an SMNC player. I still play SMNC around 10 hours or so a week. I play that game because it entertains me. Yet I know one day I will leave it for something else, because there is so much you can do with it.

    I don't hate Uber over it, there were many things at the start of SMNC that was bound to take a bit more investment, than Uber could have mustered at the time. Kickstarter was barely a thing, and several clear issues over game mechanics or queue system is admitted. This was Uber's second game, and it shows unpolished work. Could Uber pushed ahead and worked hard on the game? Yes, but it would cost them dearly for it.

    SMNC is a TPS/MOBA hybrid game, where both of these elements were fused into an odd game like a griddlecake breakfast sandwich, you can taste both at once. The idea is great, but you can't honestly shove such a complex idea to the main market without building on it hard, Uber didn't do that. SMNC was too unique to tailor to everyone and would need time and money, both of which Uber didn't have at the time.

    I even ask myself, could Uber go back to SMNC? I shrug and say no, they can't. The player base is that of a small tribe, and would be a lot of investment in a game that may pan out well. Again, this coming from a guy who has over 2,000 hours playing the game, and severl hours done this week. Heck I played two hours the day HR was announced. I know SMNC can't work for every person taste immediately, and that it required some reworking for players to get used to. Going back to it would be stupid, despite what I personally want.

    The bit of time I spent on PA impressed me. I got in a few rounds for the robots and explosions, but it never sunk in for me. That's fine, RTS games are not my interest beyond campaigns and scenarios. PA is a decent game, but will need the staff to finish what it promises to do.

    Yet Uber's letter is not enough to address the major thing that most people are pointing out " Uber has sinned, and needs to admit it." What else is there to say? When you say that support for a game will continue, you do it. Uber can't pretend to do something and not fulfill it, or worse, chang their mind the last minute. Uber has sinned, and needs to admit it. There is nothing wrong for saying you could not fulfill everything you wanted or promise, there is nothing bad about saying that you have failed, what is bad is failing or breaking promises and not talking about it.

    Trust is a two way street, and right now I am on the wall with Uber. They have a great chance to fulfill the rest of the promises with PA and continue supporting it. In fact I will gladly donate money to HR if they can keep the promist they have for PA and keep it running and supported. Uber has lost some trust from me, and will earn that back in work and blood. Uber must fulfill this, because it's not me they need to worry about, it's everyone but me.

    I play Uber games because they entertain me. Uber has entertained me, and thus I don't hate them. I have nothing else to say on this, I'm going back to SMNC and maybe a round of Tower Defense on MNC for the hell of it.
    j4cko and tranilator like this.

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