Assasins Slice then Grab OP

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ActionPoohole, February 8, 2011.

  1. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    A gold armour gunner can only survive a dagger backgrapple, a sword backgrapple is always fatal unless you are overhealed AND have gold armour.
  2. Arkanfel

    Arkanfel New Member

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    Ah, okay. I guess I didn't know that the sword added grapple damage, although looking back I probably should have noticed that. I thought the sword was mostly just a melee buff.
  3. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Playing around with the lunge grapple today, the only good way to accomplish a fix would be to link lunge to dash. Right now there is no incentive at all to upgrade any skill other then the passive.

    If lunge were linked to dash you could have an actual cost associated with the skill and provide additional cash dumps for Assassin. For example, 1/2 bar for level 1, 1/3 for level 2 and 1/4 for level 3 with the same recharge rate.

    Now there is an actual cost instead of free and easy movement plus escape that it currently provides. Right now it recharges before you finish animating your grapple anyway so if you fail to kill or have other people nearby you can generally escape.

    If this were to happen though I would say that back grapple with the sword should do 500,000 damage or something though. Something to guarantee a kill if you do actually get one and survive.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I am not questioning your skill, just your thoughts on other skills.

    Are you crazy!?!

    ALL of the assassin's skills are worth upgrading.

    Passive is the last one I upgrade to 3, as I don't play armor so I don't take any kills that aren't guranteed. I flee. However, where this is a debatable strategy, the other skills aren't debatable by armored or armorless assassins.

    Cloak not only gives you a nifty glitch that makes you seem invisible even while attacking, but when upgraded to level 2 it will prevent turrets from attacking and cloak you better as transparent and not colored, and upgraded to 3 will make all shurikens after a cloak critical shots and the cloak skill will not drain unless you move. I like this at 3 because of the cloak-critical-shurikens that I use a lot as an armorless assassin, but other assassins I daresay at least upgrade this once.

    Smokebomb does more than lets you jump. Each upgrade makes it regen faster and blind longer. Assassins planning to effectively attack turrets without juice need this upgraded a time or two, as the smokebomb will disable turrets.

    Dash may seem useless, but employing it at the correct times does make it a better choice of escape compared to lunging over and over again. A good enemy can shoot you between lunges because you stand still, but not during a dash. The key to killing both bot lanes also lies in correct use of dash to travel the map. Used away from enemies, dash allows faster safer map travel. If I have the money, I sure do upgrade it to 3 because it almost never runs out.

    I may upgrade wierdly, cloak2 passive2 cloak3 smokebomb2 passive3, but I am sure most assassins upgrade a lot of skills.
  5. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    The thing about the lunge I some people forget is that the lunge is always a straight and predictable path. At least with dash you can change direction freely but once you lunge, you're 100% committed to the direction.

    Come to think of it, saying the assassin lunge is different on PC because of the smoothness dedicated servers provided is rather inconsequential. If you have host as assassin on the console version you're essentially playing under the same conditions as the PC.

    The console crowd got over assassins a long time ago and console assassins don't have to worry about god-like PC snipers.
  6. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Nah, you can change the direction easily, that's how you backstab people in the face actually with the help of lunge.
  7. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Compared to jump pads, juice, extractors, and annihilators they are bad investments.

    The extra damage is pretty useful to have to know that you can kill gunners and less as well as lunge face grapple an assault.

    The no-drain is only of moderate usefulness in my opinion. You still are quite noisy while doing it and anyone good will be able to spot your shimmer. Crits from cloak are pretty limited in usefulness. I guess you could sorta spam cloak/shurikens on money ball assaults to increase damage a bit but it seems like too much work for minimal gain.

    And lunge is quite different on PC compared to XBox. You can quite easily curve around corners or do frontside-backgrapples fairly consistently. Same with Assault and Tank charge skills. They are exceptional escape mechanisms.
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    No, they always been good for that on any platform. I just think the dash is better instead of the lunge because the lunge has a pause at the end while you slash. As a tank, when an assassin uses it to escape, I time the railgun to shoot them when they pause at the end of a lunge.

    Anyhow, ejectors only cost 50, you always have 50-100. Annihilator is easy to remember and save money for. Juice isn't worth buying as an assassin unless your being base-camped, why pay for what you can have free?

    Killing turrets needs smokebomb 2 and cloak 2. Cloak 2 makes your cloak not so cheesy looking, where you can at least run around without attracting a second look in your direction. Dash 1 is pretty effective, your better off just using it sparcingly instead of upgrading, as long as you remember it when needed because you can go between bot lanes faster. Cloak 3 isn't useful for anyone but me, the only unarmored assassin in the game that uses crits, rate, and reload-speed. Thats at least 300-500 more in skills than just passive for other normal armored assassins.

    Back on topic, lunge grapple is a good move by assassins. The ones who learn to do it deserve a bit of a buff. Besides, have you seen the terrible assassins who don't use lunge-grapple? Assassins would all have to play like me damn near in order to play assassin if it was taken out. IMO, no nerfs for any class under 200 health.
  9. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Dunno. Hitting someone lunging is freakishly hard if they curve around corners and such.

    Dash is fast, but to any FPS player it is not going to be effective in dodging especially if you just run in a straight line. Lunge provides some serious variability in speed that makes players very difficult to hit which is quite important for escape.

    I'm pretty sure with lunge you can make about a 120 degree turn or more over the course of the animation. 90 degrees is more useful and also quite a bit easier to do. The usual way I use Charge/Lunge is to do a J shaped movement with the turn occurring at the very end to end up around the corner for the standing still portion of the animation to negate return fire as best I can.
  10. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I was just referring to Statement saying he's played the most.
  11. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Oh, I was referring to using lunge defensively to escape. If you're chasing after an assassin who's lunging to escape,you should know approximately where she's gonna stop.

    But yes, I've conceded that the lunge and mouse flick trick for the backstab exists. It sounds probable on console even to be honest even with our latency.
  12. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    Although due to lag on xbox the lunge is far inferior to the pc version, which makes it a whole new beast.
  13. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Oh I agree they're a little different, I'm just saying this game has been out since August, not for just a month. In terms of play time.
  14. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    That is indeed weird, very weird actually. But seeing as how you play without armor (how are you doing with that by the way?) it makes sense.
    Personally I upgrade the passive first and depending on the match I either leave everything except for the bomb on 1 or upgrade everything. Though my style of playing revolves around getting juiced.
  15. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I have a feeling that players aren't getting better yet?

    Looks like I'll make a permanent vacation on Global Agenda. :cry:
  16. Arcanum

    Arcanum New Member

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    Lol. :lol:
  17. Arcanum

    Arcanum New Member

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    Please keep using lunge instead of dash to escape, so I can headshot you during it, something I can't do with an assassin dashing because of the strange head hitbox.
  18. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    You're not thinking inventively enough here. Spamming critical shurikens is the method of choice for dealing damage on the moneyball, but it's also a superb weapon for taking out longshots, taking out anyone who tries to deploy (a single clip kills), and finishing off anyone with low health where you determine it isn't safe to chase after them. It's also a great way to deal with mobile tanks (You stay just outside of jetgun range and dump those critical shurikens into him.

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