HEY! Get a mic.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by The_Jx4, August 12, 2010.

  1. Ronin Tetsuro

    Ronin Tetsuro New Member

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    Parenting: Let's let the Xbox do it!
  2. Rebz

    Rebz New Member

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    Most of the time people are in party chat is because their friends are playing different games and they want to talk with their friends. I'm always in party chat but im always playing with 3-5 of my friends at any given time so it's not really a big deal. But working as a team makes the game SO much more fun lol we've had a lot of wins in the first 2-3 mins of the match and sometimes we'll spawn camp and every time their MB shield goes down we retreat and keep doing that to rack up the kills.
  3. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    I'll be sure to avoid playing with you. Spawn camping...shame...
  4. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    Pisses me off royally. One thing that completely cheeses me off in this game is most players have no idea they can spawn bots and have no idea that turrets are worth buying. I lost 5 games in a row because my team was too retarded to heal, buy and use turrets. Good use of Pro Bots is also important. Pardon me if I am not seeing it but is there a way to see how many times a player has spawned bots or built turrets in the match? That would make it easier to call them on it.
    Assassins are far from overpowered, but they are still damn annoying. Atleast untill I played as a tank. Muahaha...
  5. SaberJ

    SaberJ New Member

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    People ruined voice chat for Xbox Live. It used to be really popular. But people are extremely rude when it comes to voice chat. So it doesn't surprise me at all that people flock to party chat or just don't use it. If I wanted to hear all those derogatory terms, I'd go back to middle school or high school.
  6. Qbie

    Qbie New Member

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    I hate using chat now because I am not the best gamer and I never claim to be. but when I was playin MW2 and every time I died (which was alot believe me) some little kid would tell me I suck and that I was a noob. Unfortunately that left me with a pernament bad taste in my mouth when ever I would even think about using a mic now I say to my self do I really need a little kid yelling an swearing at me.
  7. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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  8. Drac Daddy

    Drac Daddy New Member

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    I played a bunch of matches last night before I found one person using their mic. From that point on in the night we teamed up and it made a world of difference as he was support and came in real handy to keep my gunner healthy. Talking made all the difference for strategy.
  9. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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  10. Anthoron

    Anthoron New Member

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    with the un-needed, loud, and frequent announcer spams, i won't put my headset on as the xbox wireless headsets pick up a pin dropping a street over. so it'll just annoy every one with the echo.

    also, i'd rather listen to my music.
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I have the wireless Mic too. Had no problems hearing the game and using it. You just need to turn down the tv enough so it doesn't affect it. Of course it also helps to sit a bit away from your tv. 3-5feet. Went on an epic 5 hour winning streak last night when I got a team together that used mics.

    And yes, the wireless mic is overly sensitive for it's own good.
  12. CanadianPirates

    CanadianPirates New Member

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    I normally play without one because there's no one else to talk to. If I see people with mics on my team i try to use it to coordinate, but no one listens
  13. AnGrY OrPhAnZ

    AnGrY OrPhAnZ New Member

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    I hate it when you get into a game with no one having a mic or just not talking through it, it makes this game a complete waste. You need communication, I play with my friend and we communicate to each other all the time telling each other where enemy pro are or if the side is clear or if they need help.

    USE UR MICS!!!!!
  14. Kalioc216

    Kalioc216 New Member

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    lol i personally don't play this game with a mic in because i communicate via shooting and jumping. Works out way to well sometimes =D. also i don't play with a mic in because there's always some kid screaming about him dying :(
  15. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Did it seriously only take one reply for someone to compare this to MW2? Hell, at least over half your team in any MW2 pug will have mics. They won't talk about the game, but they still have mics. Of the what, four people with mics I've run into on MNC, two spent the whole time complaining about how the other team can see them cloaked in their base, and the other two spent the whole game talking trash the other team will never hear.

    Something's gotta be done about that.
  16. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I've paid a lot of attention to the use of mics in games and I've quickly come to the conclusion that the majority don't use mics at all or keep them for 'among friends use'. Doesn't matter if it's xbox live or the PC, this is a commonly recurring pattern.

    Way I see it is that while people are happy to type to each other behind the anonymity of text, voice is more personal... it's like ringing up a bunch of strangers; most people don't want to do it and it makes them feel vulnerable :p

    This goes double if you're female: one hint of a woman's voice and your team may as well stop playing because they'll either end up spending most of their concentration on:
    a) trying to flirt with you or ask for pictures.
    b) throwing sexist abuse and telling you to get back in the kitchen.
    c) telling you that you aren't, in fact, a girl at all because girls don't play games and that getting your girlfriend to talk into the mic was a joke done in bad taste.

    I know not every guy out there does it, buuuuut yeah. It still happens.

    Personally, I never use my mic in pub games because it makes me feel self-conscious. I find that kinda funny considering how much of an out-going chatterbox I am in text and in real life, but there it is XD

    so my answer to "Hey! Get a mic." is "Hey! No." :p

    Edit: to be a lil' more constructive, however, I think that rather than expecting players to change their behaviour because someone tells them to (why anyone ever thinks that'll work is beyond me :3 ), it might be better for uber to consider implementing a system that helps players communicate without using Voice chat. For example, ye olde radio commands from games like counterstrike and Unreal Tournament (you press or hold down a button to bring up a radial menu with some pre-scripted choices that your character will shout out to their team when selected.)

    Just a thought :D
  17. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    I applaud your word choice. :)

    I find myself playing 'free agent' a lot of the time, and I'd say it's probably about one game out of five that I hear anyone talking. I try to at least have my ears on if I"m not in a party. I'm also trying to be a bit better about answering, but the smack-talk and other verbal pollution in a lot of other games makes me a little mic-shy.

    But a bit of coordination, even without actual communication, can make all the difference.
  18. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    *plugs in mic*
    Me: Hello? anyone else talking?
    Random player: For fucks sake! ******* fags and their fagging chick assassins for fucks sake im gonna play MW2 over this **** anyday! what the ****! CHEAT! EXPLOIT NOOB!
    *unplugs mic*
  19. MickFM

    MickFM New Member

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    There does seem to be a serious lack of people using microphones on MNC. Played for a good few hours earlier today and only came across one other person using a mic. Sadly, we kept getting put on opposite teams, and our only conversation was between rounds going "Damn it, I wish someone on my team had a mic."
  20. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Find a way to get rid of the high-pitched 14-year-olds spouting inanity and profanity into their mics and I will.

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