Sun biome and Barycenters?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by komandorcliff, September 27, 2014.



  1. WANT!

  2. Do not want

  3. Only barycenters plz

  4. Moar sunz only plz

  5. Bacon biome plz

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. komandorcliff

    komandorcliff Member

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    so that now we have gas giants, time for some old ideas about system editor reposted because why not

    Sun Biome!!!1!|!11oneoneeleven

    They could be similarly done to gas giants, just a giant ball of shader whose color can change via temperature setting, ranging between r3000 and r10000 and with no oribital shell (because thats stupid)

    Along with option to modify starting central sun of course

    In case of sun collission, they should merge into one bigger sun along with nova effect (giant burst of energy that greatly damages everything on lightened hemispheres of close planets)

    Maybe even you could create option to classify another star as another subsystem so metal planet lazors can target planets in orbit of another star (seriously those things need to be nerfed in some way)

    Barycenters WANT WANT WANT

    beautifull isn't?

    No, not planet template barycenter idea, in order to create bary center you would need to shift select 2 or more bodies, and click create barycenter option (or something) then when you select one planet in barycenter system you can drag that planet to shift its position and orbit along barycenter (keep in mind that this will also affect another planets in barycenter configuration, because they are always on opposite sides) barycenter naturaly will be closer to more massive planet, in order to change barycenter binary planet system position and orbit you will need to drag barycenter itself

    more please!

    barycenter will look like a cross in system view and in game, along with barycenter planets orbits displayed similarly to moon ones, bary center can and will behave like a gravity well, when planet in barycenter system is going to be destroyed or moved via halleys barycenter system will broke, and another planet(s) will take nearest stable orbits (just like halley cancel option)

    What do you mean eliptic orbits will not work on those?

    Combining those two ideas could bring some very interesting system configuration's to PA
    like this, but with more explosions

    keep in mind those are my ideas for implementation of those, but i believe they are both simple and viable and i would love somebody from uber to tell me what he thinks about that (i summon you @UberGaf !)
    RMJ, cmdandy, stonewood1612 and 2 others like this.
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Yay for better suns and multi-star systems. But nay for stellar collisions.

    Some very serious doodoo goes down when stars collide, and anything less than the complete obliteration of the entire system would look silly.
    kothanlem, tehtrekd and Taxman66 like this.
  3. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    2 suns has been mentioned before and wanted by the community so I can see it coming, there are real galaxys out there that do have sister suns. I like the idea of never have a night time cycle and this would definitely do that.. or close to it anyway.
  4. komandorcliff

    komandorcliff Member

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    When two ordinary stars collide this always result in a merge, along with a nova (a collosal stellar energy burst, similar to a omni-directional solar wind blow)
    The only exception being neutron star collisions (gamma ray burst) and white dwarf / ordinary star ones (type 1a supernova)

    The thing is nova is not energetic enought to destroy planets, just to flash burn them into lava wastelands and blow their atmosphere

    And dont start on head on colissions, there is no such thing when stars or gas giants collide, they will always stretch in direction of eachother and merge similar to a protodisc formation, leaving bigger star and a nova burst

    And with a gas giants this leads us to noneexistent effect of gas giant ignition to a temporaly star in case of collision (or a giant fireball in one place on gas surface when planets collide into it) that should be present

    Edit: actualy head on star collissions can lead to super/hypernovas, but only if those stars are ridiculously fast and/or about the same size (but they still need to be fast) and in case of normal speed ones, smaller and duller star, along with a bigger nova and a protodisc

    Edit2: besides this would look AWESOME, not silly, imagine a giant spherical shockwave of solar wind blowing out atmosphere of close worlds, flash of light slowly burning (and damaging units a little) lightened hemispheres of close planets, along with a aftermatch of a bigger, brighter star or in case of head on collisions, smaller and duller, along with a gaseous protodisc along it, head on colissions would also get bigger nova
    Last edited: September 27, 2014
    cmdandy and cdrkf like this.
  5. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Love this, would look awesome. Definately a +1.
    (And bacon biome)
    cdrkf likes this.
  6. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Psst, whole solar system is it's orbital shell.

    Your description of stellar collision seems a far more passive merger than the op was suggesting. (With the gravity of the denser star sucking matter out of the other) If two stars literally smashed into each other, the end result would annihilation.

    But what do I know, I'm not a scientist.
    Last edited: September 27, 2014
  7. takfloyd

    takfloyd Active Member

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    Sun collisions would be a lot of work for little gain so I can't see it happening anytime soon. Adjusting sun size/colour should be easy to implement though, as well as binary systems.

    That said, being able to use the sun as a kind of weapon would be sweet... I imagine something like a huge bomb that you send to the sun to force a massive solar flare in a specified direction, scorching all planetary hemispheres facing it but not damaging the planet outright.
  8. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    Barycenters won't work because nothing orbits empty vacuum (Unless it is later discovered to be a black hole).
  9. takfloyd

    takfloyd Active Member

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    That's not how gravity works bengeocth
  10. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    The two bodies are actually orbiting each other, at the same time. They create a gravity well between the two and they orbit that.
  11. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Not to mention that you can move the center of gravity for an object to outside of its physical mass. Like with high jumpers.
    Last edited: September 27, 2014
    squishypon3 likes this.
  12. skypheonix20

    skypheonix20 Member

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    would really love to see these idea implemented XD would make system editor and systems much more realistic.

  13. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    seems legit. carry on.
  14. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Maybe this pic will make it a little bit easier to imagine the effect:

    EDIT: The effect of a stellar collision i mean.
    komandorcliff likes this.
  15. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    Hmm yes let's give the suns some love! colours! sizes! ooorbiitsss! want all of it!
  16. eratosthenes

    eratosthenes Active Member

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    If I remember correctly, Pluto and its moon orbit each other at a center of mass outside the diameter of either body, giving rise to the saying, "How do you expect to be taken seriously as a planet when you orbit your own moon?"
  17. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    If you have a ring, where is the center of mass? In the middle, where there is no mass. It's the same with barycenters, basically because mass is what causes gravity. If we have two separate objects, they can share a center of mass, and mass leads to gravity. And then the center will not be within any of the objects.
  18. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    Asking Wikipedia for Barycenter gives you:

    While the Barycenter is usually inside on of the (heaviest) objects of the system, they can just be in "empty space" if the objects are close enough masswise and/or have the proper distance.
    It is a odd effect where two objects appear to orbit around a "point in vacuum", when they are indeed orbiting around another. It happens so with the dual suns of Alpha Centauri, our stelar neighbour.

    There is one big issue agaisnt barycenters for planets:
    Planetary Impact Colission & interplanetary pathing.
    Currently the object is "jumping orbits" until it is in orbit around the target*. Then it impacts/enters orbital layer. Barycenter Planet systems could result in the planet hitting something else and generally making orbit jumping more difficulty.

    *If it is in orbit around another object it first has to "undo" it's orbit until it is orbiting the sun.

    The game would also have to re-calcualte the systems/disolve it into conventional orbits. But that is something it has to do already when you anni-laser something that is orbited by something else.

    For the suns it would be not such a huge problem. The planets would simply have to slingshoot "around" the dual system. For most intents that dual systems would be merely a different visualisation for a conventional sun.
    But for planets it would be tricky.
  19. komandorcliff

    komandorcliff Member

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    My idea for slingshooting around barycenter was... well... slingshooting around barycenter, then going to one of barycenter's planets, i dont care if this is realistic or not this would be just MUCH easier to implement, either that or just ignore barycenter completely when slingshooting

    Edit: and a bit about stellar colission, due to them having bullshit gravity they will merge even when smashed into eachother unless they go with truly relativistic speeds, same goes when they "shear" part of eachother (like sideways accidental collision of planets) but this time they catch themselves into merging dance of death

    Similary to neutron star colissions (but those bassicaly always end with dance of death)
  20. Kryoclasm

    Kryoclasm New Member

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    The majority of star systems we can see are multi-star. Most of those systems are binary.

    Odds are that our star, Sol, had a twin that may have been ejected early in the solar systems history before the planets formed.

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