Should I get this (360 player)?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Galaxy010, February 8, 2011.

  1. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I love this game to death on the 360, and have a PC capable of running the PC version. I want to know for people who have both which one is superior and why.
  2. traitormagnus

    traitormagnus Member

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    I have both. Since you have to ask/the benefits of playing on a PC aren't obvious to you, stay on 360.
  3. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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  4. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    I downloaded the trial on my 360 and got so annoyed with the amount of "host migrations" mid-game. PC has dedicated servers so this NEVER happens.

    It is also low latency and thus lag free. On top of this the PC version spawns more bots so has a more "chaotic" arena. With keyboard/mouse you'll also find the pace of the game is increased as players are more maneuverable.

    Those are the only differences other than the obvious controls and graphical settings.

    P.S. Don't listen to these PC elitists who think PC's are sent from heaven and console's are the devils spawn. Control input is not a factor here as everyone has the same choice (or limitation) so I don't know why they bring it up.
  5. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I'm a console player and I still say PC is pretty much better for everything :p

    The increased bot spawning intrests me though. I might pick it up, it's just $15 and I feel like I really should Support Uber more. I just wish I knew about the TF2-special, I would have insta-bought this then.
  6. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    Nothing against consoles and I use a 360 controller on my computer for some games, but for this game the mouse is not only superior in precision(like alway) but it feels a lot better.

    I also recommend this mouse. It's awesome. ... 826&sr=8-1

    Newegg has it for $100 and you can get it new on amazon for $55.

    Using this mouse with weights added in there makes this game feel smoother than ever.

    I compared it to using the 360 controller, and I was never using it again. Especially when your playing with other people using a mouse.

    Of course when you're playing on a 360 everyones using a control so fair game. To me tho, the lack of control from a controller is frustrating on accomplishing exactly how you want to play.
  7. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    also if you have a nice computer, you're able to playing this game vsynced at 60fps.

    Thats a new standard for me until I try out a true 120 hz monitor.

    Plus you can up the graphics somewhat. There should also be no fps hiccups on a nice pc.
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    If you like PC games too, and the files and updates and mods and fun stuff that personal servers can do, then sure. You should have got it before the release, for the goodies, but never too late to hop aboard.

    If you never had much interest in computer over PC, maybe not. If you never seem to have time to play on 2 seperate systems, then stick with one (360). If you dislike the computer's control schemes, or the difference in mouse players (which I never notice), then stick with console. The console is good, it's great. The PC is different way to carry out the same gameplay though, and I got both and felt it's nice to alternate which one I play that day.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I played on 360 from the day it came out, but now I'm purely on PC

    PC Advantages:
    1. KB+Mouse is better, drastically so for me.
    2. Dedicated servers mean less lag, more consistent connections, and no host migration to deal with. I couldn't stand how much the lag affected the assassin's lunge on 360, to the point that I considered her unplayable unless hosting. On PC dedicated servers, it is much better.
    3. If your PC is good enough, playing without the 360's framerate drops is an incredible improvement. I hated how badly the framerate would drop on 360 when attacking an enemy base, with hacked turrets and firebases firing. On my PC it's silky smooth all the way.
    4. Maybe it's just in my head, but it seems like the teams get scrambled better on PC. Near the end of my time playing on 360, it seemed like every time the teams were horribly uneven, they stayed that way game after game. The PC game seems to do a better job mixing it up. The 360 problems could have been caused by people partying up to stack the teams. On PC you can select a preferred team, so stacking is still possible, but at least this way it's obvious when people are doing it (the lobby shows whether people selected blue, red, or random).
    5. With Steam, Uber is free to release whatever content they want, whenever they want. On 360, Microsoft exerts some apparently strict rules about updates. Expect to see more frequent fixes and new content in the PC version.

    PC Disadvantages:
    1. If you're absolutely married to the 360 controller and hate kb+mouse, the PC version might not be for you. It supports the 360 controller, but only in normal mode (no tactical), and people have reported some other issues with menu navigation. I would expect these to be fixed in the future, but this is the current state.
    2. Since it's new on PC, there is a pretty huge skill gap. At the top are the people who have traditionally played PC shooters and also played MNC on 360. At the bottom are people who are new to both PC shooters and MNC. The difference is pretty huge, and many games are completely carried by one or two good players. Over time I would expect this to become less of a problem. Since you already have MNC experiance you'll probably be above average anyway.
    3. Snipers.
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I advise against vsync. It typically adds input lag, even with triple buffering enabled.

    Even if you don't consciously notice the lag, it will mess with your hand-eye feedback control system and make your aim worse.

    Running an uncapped framerate is also bad though, due to a movement animation bug that appears above 90fps.

    I recommend putting these settings under [Engine.GameEngine] in your HostileEngine.ini in your documents/games/whatever folder:

    Not really sure what the Min setting does, but set the Max at either 60 or 90.
  11. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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  12. McBradders

    McBradders New Member

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    So much better on PC... I feel as if I can almost be ok on PC, on 360 I just get trashed all the time :D
  13. PezD

    PezD New Member

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  14. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Snipers. They don't do anything!

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