Abandon War button.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by andordrakon, September 13, 2014.

  1. Krossmaskinen

    Krossmaskinen New Member

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    I agree, having a "Abandon war in the battle menu is really useless. If you want to give up, just quit the game, mark the game in the manage wars menu, and click "delete" or "abandon war" or similar. That's how it should be. No one needs to delete all progress that fast, and it does add a risk of accidentally deleting your game.

    I did this the first time I wanted to quit, and wops, all gone. Fine, I might've been a bit hasty, but it shouldn't be possible to do except from in the manage wars menu. Maybe an idiot proof thing, but still, some people, like me, are still idiots and need it. Just a safety measure :)
  2. webkilla

    webkilla New Member

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    It's not just that - its a question of the wording in that pop-up warning: "Warning, if you abandon this war all progress will be lost" sounds so similar to what most normal games say when you quit outside of a checkmark or auto-save point.
  3. darktactics

    darktactics Member

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    I agree with andordrakon and webkilla completely. The menu/button flow should be somethng like this:

    In a GW battle you have the button - 'Abandon Battle'.
    'Abandon Battle' - confirm text should be, 'Abandoning this battle will erase all progress in this battle and return you to the GW map'.

    'Abandon battle' button takes you to the GW Galactic map.

    In GW Galactic map you have the button - 'Abandon War'.
    'Abandon War' confirm text should be, 'Abandoning this war will erase all progress in this war and return you to the GW main menu'
    'Abandon War' button takes you to the GW main menu.

    I know I'm overly pedantic but I like that lol.
  4. webkilla

    webkilla New Member

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    You're NOT pedantic. Its plain old good and intuitive game design.
  5. Krossmaskinen

    Krossmaskinen New Member

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    Nah, this wouldn't work since annihilation is final in GW, so surrendering or quitting a battle shouldn't return you to your GW map, it should make you loose the war.

    But the button should be gone from inside the battle, and maybe, maybe only present in the galactic map menu.
    igncom1 likes this.
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    But then there would be no exit button in game? Haha. :p
  7. Krossmaskinen

    Krossmaskinen New Member

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    Hah! I think I'm getting to the clear what is going on now. I think I've misunderstood a lot. For me, the abandon war button problem was in the galactic map view, just under the "save & quit", and I didn't bother to read properly.

    Inside the game that's the only option, I understand now.

    I resign from my complaints, but I think the warning should be big and red, so that you can't miss it :)
    squishypon3 likes this.
  8. Tergo247

    Tergo247 New Member

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    I just made an account so I could throw my hat in with the folks pissed about this. Under no circumstances should there be a delete-my-save button from inside a battle/mission. I can't think of a reason why anyone would possibly give up all previous GW progress because of how one battle is going, especially when you've given them options about the battles they can take on. Even if a player doesn't like their tech and wants to restart the entire war, be on the safe side and make this a main menu option only. Misapplying this action has serious consequences, make it harder to do! A vague confirmation box doesn't come close to cutting it. I was enjoying the game, but now it'll take a while to recuperate from having to start over.
    bsergent likes this.

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