I´m very very sad right now. i don´t know how many hours ZeP put in at this "whatever" project. But Thank u for that. After reading everything that can be read atm, there are also a few things that might be true: - enthusiasm always decreases with time passing by - killing the project is killing some peoples reason to live (e.g. mine) - not killing everything might kill someone else´s Ego In my opinion, there´s always a woman "at the back of the stage" mayba he´s got family now....time doesn´t stand still RIP ZEP! P.S. Rück alles raus und stell dich nicht an wie ein Kind! Kriegst auch ein Snickers!
none. like we kept saying FAF was a community miracle. everyone was there and it held up because of everyone's good faith. As it has proven, a little bit of bad faith from some members and the whole thing topples over. NOW do you see why I kept defending FAF as the most sympathetic (and amazingly so) community on earth? thanks for your precious help. I think we can piece FAF back together. but I still haven't given up on the idea of convincing zep to put it back up himself.
Like I said earlier, the damage done by this is irreversible. Previously people would have stuck to what they know. Now what they know was pulled out from beneath their feet.
that is very much misinformed. while I sympathise with your general sentiment (I too am on the "zep side of things"), all of that is written without having done your homework on the info. hence within it's contents are .....basically no truths. I won't go into the details because I know it's pointless you meant well. but you know this can irk some people please do some research next time.
it may be it may not. never say never. he needs to cool off hopefully time will do it's work and he'll change his mind.
considering I've now hit the 1000 character limit and I'm still adding I've linked to this post here : http://www.faforever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8569 you can contribute to the googleDoc wich is written in BB code same as here.
You have to search google for the URL, you can't change the start=X in the google cache link directly, as there's a unique key involved. Eg: Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4
In the past in FAF lobby chat I have defended Zep. However, what he has done this time is in no way acceptable behaviour. The community had a stake in the FAF setup as well. Some people coded and some people made donations. Others just came long and made up the numbers which is fair enough too. Not everyone has coding ability or spare cash. I think it shows the need for wider community ownership and participation and not just dictatorial control by one person. So, let the lesson be learned. Sheeo's open letter was quite reasonable. Zep's response was not. Zep could have said, "I reject your request re this project but of course it is a free world and you can make your own server. I will keep this project running while donations last and/or continue. I will be doing minimal fixes from now on (too busy or whatever), I don't want other help and what you see now is what you get basically. If dontations run out the FAF server will go down so be warned." This would have been a reasonable, mature response. Unfortunately, Zep for whatever reason was not able to be reasonable and mature. The community from now on will be better off taking a new direction.
considering I've now hit the 1000 character limit and I'm still adding I've linked to this post here : http://www.faforever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8569 you can contribute to the googleDoc wich is written in BB code same as here.
I think his room is very bare, at least furniture wise. I also never pictured BRNK like that. Today was the first time I saw Aulex and BRNK. What a wierd day it has been...
site and forum back up. http://www.faforever.com/ http://www.faforever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8546&sid=c2d1de6f2600f8522fa677bd1dbc343c not lobby.