Assasins Slice then Grab OP

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ActionPoohole, February 8, 2011.

  1. ActionPoohole

    ActionPoohole New Member

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    I've seen Assasins starting to SLICE then Grab... even using Gobinumb GOLD ARMOR they can slice you and then grab within a second and take out a Tank.

    This has to be toned down or negated some way... Someone named - - - Statement was running around killing the whole team like it was nothing. Even if he didn't manage to be killed I used gunners Ground smash and it made him dizzy yet while he was in the Dizzy effect he still managed to move at the speed of light and escape. He wasn't running either he did some jump thing but it wasn't the one after the flash it was like a glitch jump...

    Dunno what the deal is but he's makin a mockery of the game physics somehow..

    I don't like to complain but after being stabbed in the back.. Survived and stomped the ground had him dizzy and started firing my dual chaingun at his face he still managed to escape at full speed. Apparently he the number 1 player in the game but I still don't think that **** should be allowed to happen.. Dizzy is a slowing effect the same as the JackBot's smash... How can they still escape at high speed after that I don't get it... It wasn't using dash either...
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The "some jump thing" is probably the smokebomb jump. She takes reduced damage while throwing the smokebomb and then gets to jump super high to escape.

    Lunge+grapple is pretty powerful, but so are many of the abilities in the game. Every class is capable of "running around killing the whole team like it was nothing" in the hands of a very good player against a team of not-so-good players. I play 5 of the 6 classes, and I've had people in games complain about each one of them being overpowered.

    Try playing assassin yourself. It probably won't be as easy as you think, and it will help you fight against them later. Know your enemy!
  3. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    It's called lunge. Think assault/tank charge with almost no cooldown. It makes dash pretty worthless. He could still escape at full speed because 'dizzy' has no effect on lunge similar to ice traps. Either dash needs buff and/or lunge needs nerf.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The dazed slowdown does affect lunge distance.
  5. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Obvious troll is obvious, come on guys open your eyes.
  6. sTicky

    sTicky New Member

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    just fyi. statement is #1 on the leaderboard. dude is good. you arent

    /thread (no offense)
  7. The Gentlemanly Pyro

    The Gentlemanly Pyro New Member

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    Another one of these threads?

    Come now people. There is a search function for a reason.
  8. zar

    zar Member

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    I wonder how many people are going to post a complimentary "Assassin is OP" thread right after they play their first few games.
  9. G3722

    G3722 Member

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  10. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I can understand the frustration with it because on paper it is pretty OP. But when you realize that so many classes have counters to it and that there is some thought process that goes into Assassin you won't be as mad. What class do you play?

    To start, i'm pretty sure that jumping completely negates the grab after and some classes can easily beat it.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Okay... My advice is keep an eye out all around you. I just played him and he was par for an assassin. He didn't choose it for the very purpose of sucking like an inexperienced n00b with it, but he wasn't that good.

    The assassin may be fast, but can only kill players that aren't aware. Any player with a charge beats an assassin if they look for them. Snipers beat assassins when aware (although being aware distracts from objective sniping). Gunners have a slam and grapple, but being wide and slow turning, they don't have much, which is why assassins and snipers are good against gunners.

    Try looking around periodically and listening for cloak. For them to get close enough to even lunge, you either will hear them or they will have to uncloack. With your finger on the jump button, you will be able to jump constantly to avoid a grapple. As assault, keep flying to avoid grapple. As tank, jetjump and dart away deathblossoming. They are easy to disable, and then their low heath makes them great targets.

    P.S. The gold armor mediums and heavies usually survive most assassinations. An assassin that manages to lunge every one of them will probably land kills only with help. Moving around and looking around makes backgrapples, from a lunge or otherwise, unreliable.
  12. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Your post shows that you barely have any experience playing this game. You are getting beaten because you are not good.
    Please play for a while before judging about balance issues.
  13. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Has Statement seen this yet?
  14. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    I have now. I was actually trying to get some footage so I supplement my own assasin lunge thread about how ridiculous it is, sorry that you had to be on the receiving end of that. It's pretty hard to play and fraps at the same time, as my computer isn't good enough to record and play at a decent framerate so I didn't do particularly well that game.
  15. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    I laughed when he thought smokebomb jumping was a glitch :lol:
  16. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    By the way, does this mean I'm qualified to say lungegrapple is ridiculous, as I have played the most of this game out of anyone, AND I play all classes for an unbiased opinion?
  17. dormedas

    dormedas New Member

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    Assassin lungegrapple is just about as ridiculous as the assault charge is; thus it's roughly balanced (in the way that anything can be balanced in this game).

    Meh, things are okay as they are. I get killed by a ton of assassins but I don't complain that they're "OP". If I was more aware, I could have moved somewhere that was less conducive to trying to grapple me, or just kill her first.

    IMO, the assassin needs to spend more time on those bots and less time scouting out players to take down. Though I do like to hunt the weak when I play assassin, but only after my lane is roughly secured.
  18. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    Personally I think -- Statement is OP and should be drastically nerfed.
  19. Arkanfel

    Arkanfel New Member

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    You know, I've been wondering lately why grapples from behind still pretty much always kill me with gold armor, could this be the reason? It would make sense; if people are catching on to this it would explain why affixing the gold armor endorsement drastically improved my survivability against assassins at first but seems to be waning in effectiveness as time goes on.

    Previously when this happened I simply assumed I took damage from some other source while I was being grappled, but it has happened too often now in situations where it was clearly just me and the sin (e.g. in the corridor outside your base on Steel Peel, or a secluded corner of LazeRazor) for me to consider that to be a possibility any longer. The percentage of rear grapples that I survive (I play gunner about 95% of the time) has fallen off noticeably in my last seven or eight hours of gameplay despite having gold armor over that duration.

    But hey, if I'm simply going to die to lungegrapples anyway, I guess I can drop the gold armor endorsement. I've always been a little resentful of the fact that I basically had to have it on my bar on account of how many people flock to the assassin class, so if they decide not to nerf lungegrapples I can play around with other endorsements if gold armor won't help me out in that department anymore. The main reason I added it was to counter rear grapples, but if lungegrappling becomes a convention of assassin gameplay, the endorsement loses much of its luster.

    EDIT: I'd also like to say that while rear grapples aren't by themselves OP, the metagame changes that it forces (e.g. "equip gold or silver armor mods unless you want to get killed by the other team's 4 assassins every twelve seconds") are. I shouldn't have to equip a particular endorsement at a particular rank to counter a single class' grapple/special ability/body odor. This game is very, very well balanced but to me that little metagame mandate is a chink in the armor of an otherwise very solid gameplay experience.
    Last edited: February 9, 2011
  20. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    There was a 360 version you know.

    Lunge grapple is very good, but I don't rage about it.

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