System Editor bugs and issues

Discussion in 'Support!' started by takfloyd, September 19, 2014.

  1. takfloyd

    takfloyd Active Member

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    Loving the game so far but we all know there's a bunch of problems that need to be addressed.

    Something I don't see brought up a lot is the glitches/design issues in the editor. I mainly have three problems with this:

    1: When a planet is selected, the orbit resets to a circle. This makes it supremely frustrating to set up intricate systems of interlocking elliptical orbits, with planets colliding at certain times. You pretty much have to write down all the numbers every time you make an adjustment. This problem would be easily solved by letting you select planets from a list in the top right corner without disturbing them, like in the actual game.

    2: There is a bug where "Starting Planet" gets turned on automatically and randomly, even after just turning it off and saving. This goes along with the previous point to make things even more annoying, because I'll get orbits lined up perfectly and then poof suddenly you can start on planets I didn't intend to. Then I have to get the orbits set up again, turn off Starting Planet, save... only for it to happen again.

    3: Unexpected crashes when managing big systems. Sometimes I even get hard crashes and the only solution is to turn the computer off.

    Anyone else have any issues like this with the editor?
    raphamart likes this.
  2. raphamart

    raphamart Member

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    Absolutely all that things happen all time. It's so difficult to create/edit a system that I'm simply lazy to implement some ideas for systems that I have sometimes. It's a feature few people put their eyes in and it's not getting the proper attention.

    Indeed, it has potential to turn into a great feature of the game as well, once we can customize mex placement, some terrain features and another details too.
  3. wandomvandom

    wandomvandom New Member

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    Made an identical thread a week ago. Having the list of planets in the top corner is a great idea.

    Some additions to the list:
    • Allow simulate button to reset properly and simulate slower
    • Add an undo button
    • Show an orbit as invalid or red when two planets are spawned on top of each other. Somehow I'm not allowed to have orbits crash into the sun but I can spawn planets inside each other.
  4. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Planets resetting to startingplanet=yes is in the bugtracker under FS#4074 - System editor resets option "Starting Planet"
    And yeah it's SO annoying, vote for it.
    Can't believe how many tries I need to get a map right.
  5. darktactics

    darktactics Member

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    I have a thread in the backers lounge about this and other items. Noone else has commented back yet though. It issue is very annoying, I like to have eliptical orbits so that there are advantages to timing your inter-planetary movements and other situations. Having no planet selection tab, like we do in-game, is frustrating. It means I have to remember to only do orbits last thing. It means I can't go adding planets later without planning it all first. But mostly, its when i need to edit some other feature, or check the settings on a planet that i click on the planet and see the orbit arrangement disappear before my frustrated eyes.

    I expected the planet select tab in the top rightwhen I first started using the sys editor. Aesthetically it makes sense as it adds continuity to the UI. Maybe it will be added down the line. Luckily for us the game is not being left after release. I have read about lots of features yet to come and plenty of polish.

    Still a great game.
  6. idsan

    idsan Member

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    I know them feels about the orbits resetting on selection. It annoys me too. Another thing that I would love to preview would be the amount of metal on a planet. If there was an option for turning visibility of metal points on/off so you could fine-tune them, that'd be sweet.
  7. takfloyd

    takfloyd Active Member

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    Definitely this. Especially since the metal seems to be placed in static locations, not randomly generated for each game.

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