Gunner's Jetpack

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by SkizoFrantiK, February 8, 2011.

  1. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

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    I understand that on the computer version of MNC, there is a timer on the gunner's jetpack. Seriously??!! I hope this isn't gonna happen on the 360 version!! Why do you want the gunner to be such a bad class??!! He already has the slowest health recharge in the game!! He has the slowest reload speed!! You've cut his range!! Now your gonna put a timer on his flight??!! Have you ever heard of the term. Don't fix something that isn't broken??!! Why UBER?? Why?? You've made an amazing game already!! Why do you insist on slowly ruining it!!?? Why not focus on a more busted class!!?? Assault anyone??

    XENONOX New Member

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    My understanding that is PC only.

    It is kind of like how Sniper are extremely overpowered on PC games because of how easy it is to shoot. That is why they reduce the default clip size of the sniper rifle to a measly four.

    If you've played PC shooters and console shooters, you will understand the difference in skill level that is allowed with the control scheme.

    Chances are, those patch updates will not make it to the 360, but then again, you never know.

  3. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Wow for some reason my brain had a missfire and I thought he was complaing about the Assualts jet pack possibly getting a timer and I also thought it was Xeno that made the thread :lol:

    I think I read something about the jet pack timers on the PC because its easier for them to fly around so it will porbably only be a PC thing.

    Think about how little skill it takes to do on the PC what you can only really do with the gunner on X360 by "clawing"
  4. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Yeah, PC controls make it incredibly easy to fly around while aiming your miniguns. It's just a balance change for the PC version and will likely never make it over to 360.
  5. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

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    I hope you're right on this one Xeno. That kinda thing on 360 would be real irritating!! :mrgreen:
  6. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    You might want to get your shift key looked at, you seem to be ending up with a surplusage of punctuation.

    1) Enhance your calm John Spartan, a video game is a video game and ultimately not a big deal.

    2) Here are the answers you seek. One of the Devs wrote a lengthy and thoughtful letter to the Penny Arcade guys explaining the challenges of adapting a console shooter to the PC. The gunner's jetpack timer is mentioned.
  7. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    This pretty much.

    Clawing is an acquired skill on 360. There is no clawing on PC. You just press a couple of keyboard keys and use your mouse. Easy mode gunner mobility/shooting basically so the cooldown limits the s'ploits (I just wanted to use that word).
  8. Aeadon

    Aeadon New Member

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    So...if someone can contort their hand properly, it should allow them to imbalance the game?
  9. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    In this case it actually takes skill, so basically you're saying "Good people should be better than bad people?!"
  10. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Well I broke a couple of my fingers a couple years ago and because of that I am literally unable to claw. That's hardly a lack of skill. That's why I never play Assault or Gunner against even halfway competent people.
  11. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Ouch. Yes, that is not lack of skill, but being able to do it if your body is fine is skill. Also, why do you need to claw for Assault?
  12. Aeadon

    Aeadon New Member

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    You're implying that a tolerance or lack of pain holding the controller constitutes skill. Uber clearly feels that being able to continuously jetpack around while maintaining full control of their character and aim is imbalanced, which is why they patched it on PC.

    It'd be no different than if I had a controller I could remap. Would you call it skill then simply because I have a superior control scheme?
  13. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I suppose you don't, but many of the good Assault players I know do.
  14. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    its more than just tolerance. it actually takes a decent amount of concentration to be able to aim even half way steadily while i claw because i am still getting used to it.

    so he is implying good concentration and practice constitutes skill.
  15. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Alright, now you're just being an idiot. I said clawing takes skill, which it does. Being a flying Gunner didn't take much skill on the PC, so they nerfed it. I also never said anything about people having re-mappable controllers. Now you're just getting into stuff outside the game, like headsets. I do not think that getting a remappable controller will make you better (although you may play better), but the percent of people that would have one is really low. That's like me saying the M1A1 takes some trigger skill, then you saying "but... but... some people have rapidfire controllers! It doesn't take skill!"
  16. Aeadon

    Aeadon New Member

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    I'll ignore the insult.

    This is more of an argument about what kind of difficulty and "skill" you want in your games. I prefer that the input device (outside of aim) should be irrelevant in determining who wins a gun fight. I prefer the smarter, quicker, more accurate player win, not the one that can best manipulate a poorly designed control scheme for the simplest of abilities.

    This whole argument is outside the game. We're talking about the methods in which a player inputs their commands into the game.

    I do not think that clawing will make you better (although you may play better), but the percent of people that would be able to do it is really low.

    Some people can abuse the controller scheme to achieve an effect that Uber themselves said was imbalanced and patched.

    I'm not concerned with general public play. I'm concerned about higher levels of play where game balance really matters. Uber wouldn't have patched it on PC solely because everyone could jetpack. They patched it because the class is overpowered by doing it.
  17. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    So where's the part that explains how clawing does not take skill?
  18. Aeadon

    Aeadon New Member

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    I agree that flying and aiming takes an additional amount of skill, my argument is that players shouldn't have to deal with a terrible control layout in order to try and reach the skill cap of the class.

    Does what I just wrote help summarize my argument? It's beyond whether or not clawing takes skill, it's about what the balance of the game is by allowing players to do it. A sniper that can aim better than another is fine. A gunner that can fly and shoot better than another can fly and shoot is fine. A control scheme that unnecessarily limits who can compete with that gunner is what I have a problem with.
  19. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Stop arguing with me then, because I'm arguing that clawing takes skill and you're arguing that re-mappable controllers are cheap.
  20. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    I think he is trying to say that clawing requires too much skill and that basically it should be easier to "claw"

    I am not sure how that would work other than to make clawing pointless by maybe reducing accuracy while the gunner is flying like it does for the assualt or something.

    Not saying I want this, I could careless either way.

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