Can't play offline/single-player

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Durandle, September 17, 2014.

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  1. Durandle

    Durandle New Member

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    I must be missing something, it seems like when I play single player (Galactic War or Skirmish), the game is still running on a remote server - I can tell because I have a massive amount of input lag and when my connection drops, which is does a lot since I currently work/live in Laos, the game boots me out.

    I backed this game from the very start and waited until final release to play it properly, so this is a little frustrating as at the moment, given I can't get a better connection than I have (and there are no Asian servers anyway), the game is unplayable. Even if I had a better connection, I wouldn't expect single-player to run on a remote server.

    I'd love to know what's up.
  2. Zillah

    Zillah New Member

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    They didn't bother to institute local games, so single-player is actually a private online game with an AI added. There is no save function.

    So yes, well done on having the patience to wait for the full release, you've been lied to - you're getting a half-baked beta that needs constant, stable internet to play on your own.
  3. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    What the above person hasn't let you know is that offline is still very much in the works, it just wasn't ready for launch, and the same for saves.
    This matter has been a subject of much ire in the eyes of the wider gaming community already.
    If those things are required for you (and it sounds that way) I suggest waiting until the announcement of offline is made.
  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    There is no offline mode right now.

    All games are online only for an unknown period of time for whenever they finish offline.
  5. Zillah

    Zillah New Member

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    It shouldn't have had a formal release when it is still missing fundamental, basic features. I don't care about what is potentially coming in the future, what a ludicrous way to treat your customers. I paid expecting a finished product. Updates should be used for expansion packs and fixing unexpected glitches, this whole "Yeah we're working on it" attitude is amateur hour.

    Enjoy your short term surge in income from duping people into buying a beta, Uber, you're permanently losing customers for life with this nonsense.
  6. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    I'm not going to start an argument with you about this, mainly because I've had it countless times already with others. And I actually kind of agree, I don't think the game should have launched as such.
    However, I also feel fine with waiting for the features to arrive, as I was a Kickstarter backer. 1 or 2 months on top of 2 years is nothing. I'm not trying to argue that's okay with you, but it's my opinion.
    And I already find the game works fine for me and my play habits, and I really quite enjoy playing it. It scratches my "spiritual TA successor" itch.
  7. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Obviously you know what their intentions were, they obviously meant to trick you. There's no way it could have possibly have been because of a small studio with limited resources or anything. You know the ins and outs of development, I'm sure.

    drz1 and DeadStretch like this.
  8. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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