Tank not very.. Tanky?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Daichiko, February 8, 2011.

  1. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    I'm not sure why but I seem to be dying a lot lately as a Tank. The only thing that I'm not dying to seems to be Assassins D:
    I can't help but feel the Gunner is more of a Tank than well, the Tank?

    Am I supposed to be constantly running away as a Tank because I can't deal any damage due to people being more than 3 feet ahead of me? I've no problems clearing lanes due to the produce grenade and the jet gun, but when it comes to pros... I can't see to get the kills ;[
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Try using gold speed. Could help you with closing the gap, flanking people, and getting out of trouble
  3. zerj

    zerj New Member

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    I'm probably not that great of a tank but on Pubs I do normally get more kills than deaths (although I do a lot of both, finishing a round 25/16 is probably normal for me). Certainly a Tank is meant to be up close and personal, A gunner at 50 feet is bad news. However a gunner at 5 feet or even a gunner at 300 feet the advantage is more towards the tank. I generally like to have Gold rate of fire so the rail gun becomes much more of a weapon.

    For me a charge + maybe a death blossom on an unsuspecting pro usually is fairly lethal

    Personally I don't like choosing gold speed endorsement on a tank. He's really good taking out bot lanes and you can usually pick up the speed endorsement that way. If you already have gold I'm not sure those speed drops do anything.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Speed doesn't drop from normal bots, only from players, bullseye, and jackbots.

    Using a speed endorsement fits some playstyles, and not others. I'm just recommending that he tries it, to see if it does help.

    Yes, it's not very useful if you live for a long enough time to have 3 speed pickups for the majority of your life. But if you play more aggressively or if you're having a bit of a rough go and dying a lot, you can't count on having the pickups.

    Personally I run Speed/Armor/RoF. I just feel completely gimped playing a close-range class without speed. Bronze RoF makes the jet gun good enough for me, and I don't spam the railgun because I'm not a total wuss. A lot of my damage comes from charge, spin, and grenades anyway, and RoF doesn't help those. Silver armor (plus passive 2) is good enough to survive a sword backstab. The speed actually helps my overall survivability much more than the armor does, and it helps my killing and farming power more than RoF would.
  5. sTicky

    sTicky New Member

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    remember that your tankyness is for maintaining your presence in the lane. you can take alot of damage, take cover for a few seconds and have full health again.

    you are really, really, really good at taking out bot waves so do that first. Next priority should be easy kills i.e that guy in charge range that you can ring out.

    if you are still having problems after applying this, then it is prolly time to check out your endorsement build

    hope this helps

    edit: dont know how i forgot to bring this up, but turrets! kill them! whenever you get the chance, the jet gun + product grenade is awesome
  6. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    For my endorsements I've been running with Reload Speed/Armor/Skill Recovery.


    See what I mean? I know K/D isn't worth mentioning, but I just can't help feel that it's so low being a Tank and all lol.
    I don't usually have any problems with bots or turrets, it's just mostly players. It just feels like everything other than Assassins out damage me due to range, especially the Assault and it's friggin' explosive grenades that it can spam every 2 bloody seconds, at least it feels like that lol. I guess it doesn't help I'm still terrible at aiming product grenades.

    I'll try switching to Speed/Armor/RoF and see if that can solve my issues.
  7. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Skill regen
  8. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Learn to love the Railgun, friend.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    railgun is for girly men
  10. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Railgun is for preventing girly men from retreating.
  11. Bankshot

    Bankshot New Member

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    You almost have the optimal tank build IMO.
    I run RoF/Ar/Skill

    Build order is passive2 and charge2 at game start

    Charge is the most important skill a tank has due to the increase in mobility it gives you. I am constantly charging all over the map to cover huge amounts of distance. With skill recovery and charge3 the cooldown is about 7s-ish. Use it defensively as well as for offense.
  12. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    If you want to be a better tank, get Passive 2 and Deploy 2. Everyone underestimates Deploy 2.

    Then, whenever you're in trouble, Get out of there, deploy, and watch your health refill in no less than 5 seconds.

    This works regardless of endorsements. It's why I can be a decent Tank without running Armor at all.
  13. cya

    cya New Member

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    Getting one-shot by assassins is not being a decent tank
  14. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    yeah that is the problem without silver armor. if it didnt show your endorsements after a kill to the killie, it might work because they might avoid trying.. lol

    than again you cant be oneshot if deployed.. so hmm.
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    a clip of shurikens or a sniper headshot will kill you even faster than a grapple
  16. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    My play style is I usually upgrade my passive and grenade to 2 right at the start of the match, hang a right out of the spawn room and fire a grenade to wipe out the first wave of enemy bots.
    Depending on the map I'll usually pull back a little then and get a Long Shot up.

    It's very rare I'll deploy or even upgrade deploy at all. Perhaps I should start using it..
  17. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    L2 Passive + L2 Deploy is great. Ducking into cover and healing is retardedly efficient.



    cya is a fool.

    Assassin can't get L3 Passive that early in the game, AND it's impossible to grapple deployed Pros. By the time she can, you're well on your way to having L3 Passive - which can survive a back-grapple.

    I have two Tank classes; the first one focuses on mobility. It packs;

    • Gold Armour,
      Silver Speed,
      Bronze Skill.

    The second class is just a damage output class. It rolls;

    • Gold ROF,
      Silver Armour,
      Bronze Reload.

    Both have their places, the first is good for pushing Bot Lanes and then running the hell away, or running down opposing Pros. The ability to keep pace with Assault is a wonderful feeling
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I recommend carrying the railgun the most. Switch to jetgun when you need to deathblossom bots, and to encounter a pro that you can reach. Otherwise, use railgun with silver or better rate of fire, and clear bots and harass pros with it.

    Product grenades clear bots at ranges well, and are generally strong against pros at all range if you can block their path with it or make sure to land a hit. Charge is how a tank closes the range gap for his jetgun, hits the enemy for high damage and stun, moves around the map quicker, and escapes in emergencies.

    Thus, I recommend for you Gold Skill, Silver Rate, and Bronze Speed. Bronze Speed will be well enough IMO. When you are able to live longer and are more fluent with the tank, switch to reload speed as bronze, as you can shoot more railgun ammo and deathblossom faster with reload speed.

    Check XBox360 Stradegy Subforum for ImHudson's Tank Guides.
  19. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Railgun spam is soooo boring and annoying. It's only half a step better than playing sniper.
  20. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Death blossom bots up close to nuke them. Rail gun bots from afar to push lanes. Do your job and you get paid.

    Pros won't think you're weak if you're rolling around in money with upgrades. Especially with Charge 3.

    Tanks have better mobility than gunners. Charge can be used for movement, defense, and offense. This can be key to surprising pros with a sudden charge+death blossom.

    I upgrade product and charge first because product is fairly useless at level 1. Level 2 is where you do your business. Save your passives for clutch heals.

    It's not a half step. It's nearly 1,000 HP better than a sniper.

    I like using product 3 to frustrate snipers who want my head.

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