What Uber should Focus on.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Gerfand, September 17, 2014.

  1. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    Uber should focus on getting the bigger maps... why?
    beacuse the bigger maps that we have now is the same of a 5x5km map from FA!
    The problem is that a 5x5 map can made up to a 20 minutes maps... ok that we have multiple planets, but someone can want a "10x10" planet.
    corteks likes this.
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Have you even played on a size 1300 planet?
  3. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Units in Sup Com are about 4 times the size of PA (a PA commander is 10m high, Sup Com commanders are approximately 40m).

    That means maps in Sup Com are equivalent to those in PA that are 1/4 the size.

    A 1300 radius planet in PA has a total surface area of 21,237,166 m^2
    A 10x10km map in Sup Com has a total surface area of 100,000,000 m ^2

    Adjusted for unit size, this makes the PA to Sup Com comparison 21,237,166 vs 25,000,000.

    TL;DR: A single 1300 radius planet in PA is almost the size of a 10 x 10 map in Sup Com. But you aren't limited to one such planet in PA.
  4. dreamquest

    dreamquest Member

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    Regardless, though, focus should remain on adding off-line support and save games. :p *ducks incoming rotten tomatoes*
  5. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    Agreed to the extreme *ducks incoming rotten bananas*
  6. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Uber should focus on offline, period. And as part of that, proper mod support
    sierra159 and meir22344 like this.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I'd like it if Uber would take a couple of month to focus not on putting new things into PA, but rather tunning up everything that is already or obviously missing to have what one might see as a "Complete Game". With Gas Giants and the 'armed' Metal planets PA should have enough variety to hold out while everything is "finished off" as it were.

    After that they can focus on specific elements at a time, like spending a month or two working on Naval for example.

    Remy561 and corteks like this.
  8. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    I agree with you in principle, but that's probably an incredibly inefficient way to use the staff resources that Uber has.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    True to a point, it will be a balance between "fixing" the old stuff and making new stuff, but the priority should always go towards the old stuff in this scenario. I mean, it's not like PA was going to keep the full development team throughout it's life anyways, the team will need to remain flexible going forwards depending on what the task(s) at hand happen to be.

  10. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    well I can't play a 700M map unless if its a metal one!
    but if you compare size, range PA will fell smaller...
    in SupCom a T-1 tank have 24 range while the 5x5 map range 256 =10,6* for a 5x5 map
    in PA a T-1 tank have 100 range while a map have 700-100M then we have a 7-10 size
  11. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Planet size in PA is measured in Radius, not absolute width. You need to work out the circumference of the planet to compare the two games this way.

    A 5x5 Sup Com map is 5000 m "wide", meaning 10.7 tank shots across (256 squares, tank shoots 24 squares)

    10.7 tank shots in PA is 10.7 x 100 = 1070 circumference.
    Radius = C / (2 * pi), or 1070 / (2 * pi) = 170 m.

    So a tiny planet, just size 170, has the same circumference as the width of a supcom 5x5 map.
    websterx01 and galaxyisos like this.
  12. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    *Hits the planet with a shaped nuke for a deep crater*
    I totally agree with focus on offline mode *ducks into the newly created crater for cover*

    Maxim 44: "If it will blow a hole in the ground, it will double as an entrenching tool"
  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    disagree with OP entirely ...

    i dont neccesarily like uber to tell what to do
    but what they should focus on imho is
    1. bringing the needed offlinecapabilities because apperantly a LOT of people have problems with the servers
    2. make gameplay more fluid/flexible mainly orbital transportation and interplanetary invasions ...
    Last edited: September 18, 2014
  14. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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    We should get at least an overview on what they are working on. Things are TOO quiet after the release.
  15. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    well I think that you don't understand what I said...
    I said that you have a x range for a unit and a X wide map in supcom
    and you have a y range for a unit and a Y wide map in PA
    so if you compare the diference between both you will see that a 1000m map in PA give a similar experience to a 5x5km map in SupCom... of course I am wrong because 1000m is the radius, but this is my train of thought.
    EDIT- this way one of the most stressful maps is the "same" of a 5x5 map in supcom
  16. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    I did understand, and that is what I calculated. Ranges in sup com are measured in squares, not meters; 1 square = ~19.53m (5000m / 256 squares in a sup com map).

    So a T1 tank in sup com has a range of 24 squares x 19.53 = 468.72m.
    A tank in PA has a range of 100m.

    So a map in Sup com that is 4.68 times bigger than PA will feel the same size, going off those differences.

    That means a planet with the circumference equal to 1066.73m will "feel" the same size as a 5km map in Sup Com.

    A planet with circumference of 1066.73 m has a radius of 169.86m (or 170m rounded, which is what I said in the previous post).

    Here's a comparison between various size Sup Com and PA maps:

    Sup Com 5x5 = PA 170 radius
    Sup Com 10x10 = PA 340 radius
    Sup Com 20x20 = PA 680 radius
    Sup Com 40x40 = PA 1360 radius
    Sup Com 81x81 = PA 2754 radius

    Keep in mind you can have multiple planets in PA, up to 16.
    galaxyisos and MrTBSC like this.
  17. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    but this way, in terms of gameplay the T-1 tank in PA (is the same size of the 5x5 analog planet) have a giant range... its is not about the radius, but the diference between the range of a unit and the size of the map...
    so to a T-1 tank in PA get at least 10% of the size of the planet the same would have to be a ~1000m radius, that is a very stressful map to computers handle
    I expressed myself poorly last time... the question is like I said the diference between(n) range and size of the map(N)
    Last edited: September 18, 2014
  18. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You mean apart from Varrak giving us some in depth insight into his (very effective) memory saving work, or several of the team working on the issues with the launcher... I mean there's been several patches since the launch version and there is now a new PTE...

    Uber are firing on all cylinders from where I'm sitting...
  19. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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    I didnt say they aren't working, I said that they aren't as active here as they used to be. Also, only 1 patch and only 2 PTE after release (and I think this is a lot, but this is not several patchs as you said). I mean, there aren't many talks about what they are working on, we can just guess.. We don't really know why they decided to rush release, are the asteroids belts really been worked on? And about offline play, is it near or not? Things like that.
  20. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Uber should focus on Offline, Bug fixes, and optimizations. Once those are done, and the game is pretty stable, They can work on additional stuff XD

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