Hello im having some issues with the armory. My alpha badge isent there anymore and im just wondering why its not there and how do i get it back?
Hello, I bought one of the kick starter packages when the game was first announced, I know playing the alpha/beta I had my commands and at one point I had converted the key over to a steam key and still had them all, I am missing the Progenitor, Alpha, and Delta commanders now for sure. What can I do to get those commanders and goodies back or are they gone now for some reason? Thanks!
This is a qoute from another of my posts that was re-directed here. "I have not received any rewards from my PA alpha purchase of $90 USD. I believe there were several commanders seeing as it would include the ones of lower tiers ( Beta, etc.) The commanders I have at the moment are the Theta, Invictus, Centurion, Rallus, Aeson, Osiris and Nemicus commanders. There were others such as the progenitor commander I believe it was called and another one or two? I also have the "PA Alpha Participant" badge."
I'm looking at your alvinali account and it looks like the game was purchased Feb 1st 2014. Was this when the game was purchased in Steam? Do you have a Beta badge on your account?
I can still see all of your Commanders on your fluffyninjarobatech account, but I do not see a Steam account linked. To play the Commanders on Steam, please go here to link your Steam account to your fluffyninjarobatech account: https://uberent.com/user/linkedsteamaccount
Where did you purchase the game? If purchased from Steam, @stuart98 is correct - Theta is the Early Access Commander. This was due to how we were able to list the game on Steam Early Access as we could only post one "bundle" of goodies whereas in Kickstarter and at the Uber Store we were able to offer differing "bundles" at various price levels. Here is our FAQ about Commanders http://support.uberent.com/kb/faq.php?id=60
Hello, I bought the game back before alpha off the Uber Store. When I moved my game to Steam I lost the Delta Commander , and I'm hoping someone can help me get it back. I got the game for $250, Cosmic Edition.
@drmetal2 It looks like your Cosmic purchase wasn't made on your "drmetal2" account. Do you remember what account that purchase was made on? To play with the Commanders, including your Delta, you'll need to link your Steam account to the account that made the purchase. To link accounts, please go here: https://uberent.com/user/linkedsteamaccount If you're unable to link your accounts, please let us know.
Linking the accounts didnt work as I already have done that, I did find out that I have two forum accounts for some reason though. I can log in with robatech info into the PA launcher and have the same commanders as on steam but cannot login with fluffyninjarobatech, new pass and everything.
Ok, let's try removing your Steam account from the robatech account so you can re-link it to your fluffyninjarobatech account instead. To link accounts, please follow these instructions: 1) Restart your browser. It's important that you don't have any stale cookies. 2) Go to https://uberent.com/user/linkedsteamaccount 3) Log in with your UberNet credentials 4) Enter your Steam account information to link your UberNet account to your Steam account.
I submitted an email, and a ticket was open 9 days ago to resolve an issue with a missing commander. I have heard no correspondence on this. Is there anything you can do to help? Planetary annihilation Ticket #791963 Contents of my ticket: "Hello, I backed the game at $50 during the Kickstarter, however the "Progenitor" commander is not listed on my armory page." I may have accidentally created or used a different uber account. Is there anyway to link these?" The ticket lists the specific accounts I mention. Any help is appreciated!
@silfarionblade I can see your Commanders on your silfarionblade account, but it looks like you may have converted your key into a Steam key and currently playing through Steam linked to a different Uber account. Do you know what the other account name is? What is your 17-digit Steam ID?
Yeah, it seems you're right. The other uber account name is Atreyonbound My steam ID is STEAM_0:0:19412106
Awesome, I was able to remove your Steam account from account "atreyonbound". To link your Steam account to your "silfarionblade" account, please go here: https://uberent.com/user/linkedsteamaccount
i have both the alpha and beta badges is there any more because i don't seem to have any more i bought pa on steam early access when it was 70 on Sep 12, 2013