Last Activity:
May 4, 2020
January 10, 2011
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May 1, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home page:
Kiel, Germany
programming all day, all night

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Moderator Alumni, Male, 32, from Kiel, Germany

Moderator Alumni

cookies! :D November 8, 2013

cola_colin was last seen:
May 4, 2020
    1. wpmarshall
      You about? Please reply to the big old convo with your availability/confirm or not etc.
    2. cptbuttocks
      Is there a way for me to get the statistics from you PA stats mod into my own personal database?

      That is exclusively my games, not of other players.
      1. cola_colin
        August 16, 2016
    3. flubbateios
      do you know if jabberToken changes for the uber XMPP?
      1. cola_colin
        It has been month since I dealt with that, but my memory says:
        potentially yes? Not quite sure.
        August 3, 2016
    4. judicatorofgenocide
      take a break and revisit star craft 2 as skill is rewarded and balance is valued for both cheese and eco minded players, then when the world gets tiresome come back to PA. Its a nice refresher to realize ever expanding and multi pronged pushes are possible in 1v1 rts
    5. judicatorofgenocide
      hum, without pa mods, i don't mod.............returning from long hiatus (once again bored of masters sc2) how do we get this to work colin? P.S. Have you regained your former glory in the 1v1 scene or has the state of the game economy wise left you dormant for all this time? If it has, Im sorry, cuz your a meaningful actions per minute player, and I suggest you
    6. samrrr
      "animations":{"closed":"/pa/units/air/fighter_adv/fighter_adv_anim_closed.papa","deploy":"/pa/units/air/fighter_adv/fighter_adv_anim_deploy.papa" mb you not convert this
      1. cola_colin
        possible, write about it in the thread of the mod.
        July 14, 2015
    7. samrrr
      Re scale mod bug
      1. cola_colin
        July 14, 2015
    8. lulamae
      Have you pulled your mods from PAMM? Can't seem to locate PA Stats Online, Reconnect Button, Faster Browser(?) etc.
      1. cola_colin
        June 24, 2015
      2. lulamae
        Must be the PAMM. I only get "PA Stats Server" when I filter. Thanks
        June 25, 2015
      3. cola_colin
        that indicates you are searching server mods and not client side mods
        June 25, 2015
    9. reptarking
      1. totalannihilation and proeleert like this.
    10. bbh1400
      Hey I was wondering if you could go into more detail on how to increase the max number of players. I read that new_game.js needs to be edited. I tried to do so with no luck. Also browsing around I have not found a topic that helps with this, but if it's here I can't seem to find it. Thanks for any help what so ever.
      1. optimi likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bbh1400
        Ok, I got the Lobby to allow 20 players, however whenever I add more than 11 bots the game does not start, it just hangs at the loading screen. I noticed there aren't enough colors to apply to every player, could this be a issue? Thanks.
        October 16, 2014
      4. cola_colin
        Probably yes, read a little into the thread I linked, it has solutions to that.
        October 16, 2014
      5. bbh1400
        I changed "team_color_table" and got everything running. thanks for the help I really appreciate it :)
        October 16, 2014
    11. dukyduke
      1) One of us have changed his displayed name. In the game id 156699, the player Gas is correctly displayed in teams whereas he's displayed "madgas" in winners list.

      2) The game id 176069, indicates "l4guich vs AI" and the winners are "Gas, Duky Duke" which is strange...

      1. cola_colin
        Thanks for the feedback!. That is indeed a known bug. The player name listed as winner is kept as the name the player had that the moment he won. The game 176069 is another bug, which is less understood, but also already known. If a game shows a wrong winner and is rated wrong on the ladder I fix that by hand. For vs AI games it doesnt matter I hope.
        October 12, 2014
    12. dukyduke
      I also using your website to fill a spreadsheet on google docs with some stats and a specific ranking between us.

      I've started to write a small perl script that do the same job for me.
      By doing this, I saw 2 minor bugs (you probably already aware of it) :

    13. dukyduke

      We are a bunch of friends playing regulary PA together.

      Your mod "pastat" is VERY usefull for us so we can comment of each game.
      So first of all, a big thank you for your amazing work !
    14. cptconundrum
      cptconundrum likes your post in [THREAD]
      1. Geers
        Wait what is that the secret thread? How'd you get in there?
        October 8, 2014
    15. cwarner7264
      cwarner7264 likes your post in [THREAD]
    16. KrisWeb
      Hi Colin
      Quick question. I have been making a support ticket and no one has answear it yeat for over ~10 days. How long do you think it takes for your support to answear?
      1. cola_colin
        September 21, 2014
      2. KrisWeb
        Ah, okey. Thanks for taking time :)
        Have a good day.
        September 21, 2014
    17. gazabuckfast
      hello again i have read that and i have still no response from my tickets or emails i think 48 hours is more than enough time to wait?
      i was also wondering do you need to have a steam account to play PA or is that a choice sorry for bothering you again just getting a wee bit annoyed as i cannot play my game
      1. cola_colin
        You don't need steam, you can purchase directly from uber at
        For the long wait time I am sorry, but I can't help you. I am not an employee of Uber, so I have no insight into the support process.
        September 7, 2014
    18. gazabuckfast
      i cannot verify my account i have opened two support tickets and sent 2 emails is there anyway you could hlep me as i cannot play the game without doing so
      1. cola_colin
        September 6, 2014
    19. squishypon3
    20. dreuffek
      Hello, i contact you here because messaging was removed on github (wtf).
      I'm a full stack web apps developer and i am willing to help out on improving PAStats on my spare time. I also have some decent experience with handling huge amount of data, ranking, matchmaking and other esport related stuff, having worked a couple of years as the technical lead for a french concurrent of VirginGaming.
      Where could we talk ?
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  • About

    May 1, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home page:
    Kiel, Germany
    programming all day, all night


    Disclaimer: I am not an employee of Uber and all my posts reflect my personal opinions only.
    Neon Made Dev Blog
    The UberMap|
    Of investments, energy, metal and reclaiming|PA Stats|UI Modding Tutorial