[Known Issues] OS X (OSX, Mac)

Discussion in 'Mac and Linux' started by wondible, June 16, 2014.

  1. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Major OS X-specific issues listed here, but some issues might be not included here for number of reasons and in this case check the community bug tracker (This is public bug database and it's might contain outdated information.)

    Troubleshooting Steps
    1. Disable all mods if you've ever used or tried to use them. Use mod manager, and to be really sure run the game with --nomods or remove/rename the mods/client_mods/server_mods directories.
    2. Reset to default settings; to be really sure delete (or temporarily rename) localstorage
    3. Check known issues (below) and bugtracker for similar reports
    4. See below for reporting a bug
    Common Issues in Stable


    (Minor issues listed in later post)

    Reporting a Bug

    Please do not report issues in this thread.

    If you unable to resolve problem on your own, please create a bug report.
    • Stable stream (If you don't know about streams, you're on stable) Community bug tracker.
    • PTE stream - Uber doesn't want PTE bugs in bugtracker, so please add information to the Uber forum thread for that PTE release. These threads usually appear in the Support forum and have a title like "PTE Stream: xxxxx", posted by @garat. The thread for the current PTE release is usually pinned.
    Gathering System Information
    • Steam - Steam client window -> Top menu bar -> Help -> System Information
    • Non-steam - At least OS version (e.g. 10.9.3) and video chipset.
      • If you have Steam installed that should be good even if you aren't playing PA with it.
      • Apple menu (upper left) -> About this Mac -> More Info... -> System Report. Copy-paste information from "Hardware Overview" (default view), "Graphics/Displays", and "System Software Overview" ("Software" in the tree list)
      • (Suggestions for automated solutions welcome)
    • Crash (steam or not) Click "Report" and select the bug report text in the text field of the next dialog. You may want to save this in a text file and attach it to your bug report rather than pasting a large amount of text.
    If you aren't getting the application crashed dialog, see the following post for how to get a game log file.

    How to report issues where the game is running slow

    Reminder: Minimum Requirements
    • Mac OS/X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9
    • Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2 or better
    • 4GB RAM
    • Nvidia GeForce GTS 250, AMD Radeon HD 4850, Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better (512 MB VRAM, OpenGL 3.2 or better)
    • 512 Kbps or faster broadband connection
    Last edited: May 31, 2015
    lokiCML and SXX like this.
  2. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Common Issues in PTE
    No current PTE.
    Last edited: July 26, 2014
    SXX likes this.
  3. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Minor Issues

    Copy, paste and possibly other command-key based events do not work.



    Does appear for buildings and commanders. Intentional?

    Relatively minor, and possibly unsolvable issue but a constant source of frustration nonetheless. Some remediation is possible in Settings -> Camera -> Zoom Speed.

    Hardware related rather than OS
    Last edited: December 18, 2014
  4. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Bugtracker now has distinct items in the OS field for OS X 10.7-10.10 Update your tasks if you can.
  5. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Retrieving Game Logs

    Open Finder, In the menu bar choose Go, Go To Folder. Copy-paste:

    ~/Library/Application Support/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log
    The files have pretty arbitrary names. You can go by the last file created time, or delete all the .txt files in the logs folder, and then run the game again. If a file shows up afterwards, this should represent your last run.

    Alternate, with live updates:

    Gathering Console Output

    (Non-Steam only; Steam version forces a restart via Steam that loses the console connection)

    Open Applications, find the Utilities folder, and then run Terminal.app Copy-paste the following command:

    ~/Library/Application\ Support/Uber\ Entertainment/Planetary\ Annihilation/data/streams/stable/PA.app/Contents/MacOS/PA
    Last edited: June 26, 2014
  6. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Verifying a CoherentUI Crash (#2392)

    Open Applications, go the Utilities subfolder, and run Activity Monitor.app

    In the search box, type CoherentUI (first few letters are usually enough). When playing the game there are around 14 of these processes, or around 8 out of game, such as the main menu. When the Coherent Crash occurs, there are no CoherentUI_host processes running.

    Note: Other applications, notably the UberLauncher, might also use CoherentUI_host. Check with the game not running to see what your base case is.

    Activity Monitor has several windows, any of which can be closed. If you don't see the process list or search box, go to the menu Window, and choose Activity Monitor to open the main interface.

    (I'm running 10.9, the Activity Monitor interface may be different in other releases)
    Last edited: July 2, 2014
  7. weckolol44

    weckolol44 New Member

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    I do encounter a problem with my Mac version of PA, all goes well until I encounter the enemy commander, then after secs of fight, crash, I can post the .txt file that comes out if it helps !

  8. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Please post your system information and crash reports in a new forum topic, and we'll see if looks like an existing bug.

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