I seem to have very bad fps drops in the menu and ingame. Roamed the forums and google and tried most fixes. Made a vid of me starting the game and couple of the first laggy seconds ingame. twitch.tv/ryusand/b/567881202 Tried changing all to Low, all to Uber. Changed my nvidea control panel options and turned on the Threaded Optimization Disabled steam overlayer in the hopes. I am using the PA launcher not steam. I got an i7-3770 CPU 16GB Memory GTX 660 Ti tbh I shouldn't have any problems with this game? Ty in advance
Have you tried updating your graphics drivers? PA needs the absolute newest drivers to run properly so this is my generic suggestion when someone first reports a problem. It also looked like steam was downloading something while you were playing. Could that have been contributing? What kind of internet connection do you have?
After installing this Lightweigted menu mod the game seems to work fine. Thank you for the fast responses