Some in-game policies that need debate :

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tatsujb, July 7, 2014.

  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    anyone want some points cleared up or debated?
  2. monte93

    monte93 Active Member

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    meee!!!! does anyone know if the current biome size will be the final one? i kinda imagined tanks passing through the huge trees of alaris prime and placing a fortress on top of a mountain……with a flaming skull!!
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    ...errrr aaaanyone ...else?
  4. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    about the Commander Health, its not low, the other units just make a lot of damage.
    Infernos do the damage of a FA T-3(Percy) unit... of course only in close range, but yet they can close very fast, and cost and have a cost of a FA T-1,5 unit!

    Also would be cool if you don't lose intel, like in SupCom
    tatsujb likes this.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yes to this.
  7. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Always bumping your old threads...
    squishypon3 likes this.
  8. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    A lot of these thing seem to be personal preference, and you can build halleys on every planet, including metal ones, as long as you enable it.
  9. scifi99

    scifi99 New Member

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    custom/line formations ;(
  10. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    I think air should be able to go through..

    Imagine them going through and doing a barrel roll when they come out
  11. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I already gave away the Necro of the Month for September. New Award:

    Most Likely Necro to be Flamed for September
  12. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    the hell is a necro
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    1) That is a thing? If so, I agree. I NEVER had that happen though.

    2) That actually is a thing. It doesn't matter too much, if it is mostly built then it still needs killed. It also still needs identified. What if they are building a nuke silo, wouldn't you like the notification of nukes detected even thought they aren't finished yet?

    3) The icons stem from a history of issues with the old way. Now, they clutter, but at least you can tell certain things, despite the giant sizes.

    4) A lot of people seem to expect mouse wheel camera control. Wait, doesn't it already? You scroll it to zoom, and hold click it to pan the camera. If I use it, I use my thinkingness with 3d logic to know if I need a rotation I just rotate it via down-left-up-right-down-left-up-right until it pivots 25 degrees or so at a time.

    5) I am not sold on air, but naval getting their own teleporter would be an extreme win, but that also requires naval getting a competitive roster and strength. NavalRedux and balance mods is all I can say.

    6) It would be nice for units to be scripted to load-and-move if it detects a unit moving to another planet, or for a unit moving to another planet to 1) detect teleporter on target planet 2) detect it's link 3) try to "use" teleporter 4) try to move to selection after teleportation. That is a LOT of scripting, imagine what that costs in programming time

    7) Should be done eventually, where radar remembers it's scouted and retained identifications for units?

    8) Should definitely not be allowed, orbital-terrestial fabrication being assisted by units from the other.

    9) Infernos are entirely designed to bring down goliaths with a ton of downsides to them. That is their niche. But, t1 and t2 structure health is pretty unbelievably high. Could use reduction to structure health, and even a little nerf to dps of inferno-vanguard based on that. At least then a commander can take the same amount of shots, while surviving a melting from a snipe unit a little more gracefully.

    10) You can smash larger with smaller. Halleyable should retain it's function as a map editor specific thing. What you suggest is forcing it onto every other of your fellow player. I believe forcing onto someone else, there is a word for that, begins with an R. Anywho, definitely should be personal choice. If you want, you can make every planet of your own systems and games halleyable, add a higher limit to higher planets and lower limit to lower planets. Albeit, that also means anyone can be a douche and make a huge planet 1-halleyable and tiny asteroids un-halleyable which is retarded.
    What he is saying, is how did you find this post? It had to have been on page 12 of the general discussion or something. How did you, find a post to reply to, on page 12, of the general discussion? Did you randomly click a page number and randomly pick a topic to reply?
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    they're in the game. use the mod to unlock it.

    sorry the original OP had much more points I remove them progressively as Uber implement them.

    check the first responces you'll see some things I said have since been fixed. I didn't have the time to check last night but if that has been fixed then horray!!!

    you know that's nowhere near enough. before the unified system and planet view was implemented (when we had two view "modes" for each) we could rotate around the planet 360 by simply placing the cursor out in space and scrolling.

    now all you have is edge pan which
    1. requires you to go further
    2. is fixed speed and imprecise and rather clunky
    3. isn't compatible with dual (or more) screening

    PS: yeah bengeocth! damn you you damn necro! x'D
    Last edited: September 12, 2014
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    just tested it still in the game. it' still there.
    Last edited: September 12, 2014
  16. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    When you go to a dead topic and "ressurect" it, like necromancy, bringing the dead to life once more.
  17. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    So we need two different Gares. I don't think it should works if we connect one Gate on the ground to another on in the sea.

    Also, I don't think this will help a lot(I will help something definitely), as we can't build naval in most of planets(they don't have water or not enough water).

    So the only reason I can see is to make the naval battles more variable(maybe because the ships are too slow).
  18. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Air able to use a teleporter would make invading planets covered in bombers a little fairer, it would also make keeping a standing army of tanks relatively unimportant.
    bengeocth likes this.
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  20. piecwm

    piecwm New Member

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    ok i just ordered pa on steam and it won't let me play it

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